

单词 burglaries
释义 bur·gla·ry 英'bɜːɡləri美'bɜːrɡləri COCA³⁸⁶³⁸BNC¹⁹²⁰¹
entering a building unlawfully with intent to commit a felony or to steal valuable propertyburglary insurance盗窃保险
近义词 theft偷窃crime犯罪entry进入robbery抢劫stealing偷窃thievery偷窃forced被迫的larceny盗窃罪break-in非法闯入housebreak训练(犬forced entry强行进入housebreaking侵入家宅looting动词loot的现在进行式…plundering动词plunder的现在…raiding动词raid的现在进行式…breaking and entering强行入侵他人住宅…

用作名词If one enters a private house without asking for permission,he is likely to be accused of trespassing or evenburglary.假如某人未经许可擅入私宅,他就会因侵入甚或盗窃行为而受到控告。 So they backed away and instead reconnoitered their next mission, which was the Watergate burglaries.
因此,他们就放手,转而侦查下一个任务,就是“水门事件”。 yeeyan

The AA said that despite reports of a recession- related rise in the number of burglaries, there is little evidence of this from the industry.
AA公司表示,尽管据说与经济衰退有关的盗窃案有所增加,但从保险行业看不出有这种迹象的存在。 yeeyan

There have been numerous burglaries in this district recently.
近来在这个区发生了很多盗窃案。 chinafanyi.com

There have been many more burglaries this year.
今年盗窃案比过去多好些。 yygrammar

There were burglaries in both Frost Land and Museum Row on the dates you've noted here.
在你提到的日子里,弗罗斯特巷和博物馆街确实发生过盗窃案。 zftrans

We had a rash of burglaries across northwest Arkansas that summer.
那年夏天,在阿肯色州的西北部,发生了一连串的入室盗窃案。 yeeyan

And more mundane crimes have fallen too: burglaries and car theft are about half as common now as they were15 years ago.
而且普通犯罪也降低了:入室盗窃和偷车比15年前少了大约一半。 ecocn

As companies further seek to cut costs, reduce shrinkage, eliminate burglaries, and otherwise secure their operations, security system sales are likely to grow.
随着公司进一步寻求降低成本,减少收缩,消灭偷盗的发生,或是寻求安全运营,安全管理系统销售可能会出现增长。 yeeyan

But in fact, the majority of copycat crimes are non- violent offenses such as burglaries, Surette said.
但事实上,多数模仿性的犯罪行为是非暴力的犯罪,如盗窃行为,瑟特说。 yeeyan

Despite everything, a lot of burglaries are still carried out via the front door.
不管怎样,许多入室盗窃行为都是经由前门进行的。 chinafanyi.com

Every day, around50 murders,100 rapes,700 burglaries and500-plus violent assaults are officially recorded in a population of50m.
每天每五千万人口就有大约50起故意杀人,100起强奸,700起盗窃和500起其它暴力袭击犯罪被官方记录在案。 ecocn

For example, home burglaries are relatively predictable.
比如说,入室盗窃相对来说是可以预测的。 yeeyan

However lots of high- value robberies or burglaries have been attempted in recent times, and many criminals do get away with it.
然而近年来数起涉案价值极高的抢劫、盗窃案件中,却真的有不少罪犯得以逍遥法外。 yeeyan

If you live in an area prone to burglaries, consider acquiring a burglar alarm.
如果你住在盗窃高发地区,可以考虑安装防盗器。 www.52kouyi.com

It is suggestive that during the last three years there have been four considerable burglaries in the West Country, for none of which was any criminal ever arrested.
据说在过去三年里,西部曾发生过四次大盗窃案,可是没有一件捉到了罪犯。 www.for68.com

Over the course of their crime spree together, Bonnie and Clyde were believed to have committed13 murders and several robberies and burglaries.
在他们的一起肆意的犯罪中,健美和克莱德应该犯了13次谋杀和几盗案和抢劫。 www.300cforums.com

Since then, he is suspected of having committed nearly100 burglaries in Washington, Idaho and Canada.
其后,警方怀疑他涉嫌制造华盛顿州,爱达荷州以及加拿大境内发生的近100起入室盗窃案。 edu.sina.com.cn

There are many different products and services that allow you to make your house secure and protected from various threats like burglaries and vandalism.
如果您是房主,您很可能知道各种各样的危险到您的不同的住家安全系统的家和重要性。 www.reportsn.com




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