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词汇 bureaucrats
释义 bureaucrats 英b'juərəkræts美b'juərəkræts COCA¹¹⁹⁰⁰BNC¹⁰²⁷³Economist³⁶³⁶
名词 bureaucrat:
an official of a bureaucracySome of thebureaucratsbefooled the masses.某些官僚把群众当阿斗。
Bureaucrats with little investment nous are in charge.在其位的,是那些缺乏投资常识的官僚。 The cabinet will be responsible for the planning and execution of policy. Bureaucrats will be made accountable to their minister, and discipline enforced by putting more politicians into ministries.
内阁将负责政策的规划与执行,而官僚则对他们的大臣负责,同时通过在各省安插更多的政务官来强制执行该项方针。 ecocn

A long list of cabinet members, bureaucrats, former chief ministers and leading military folk have also been exposed in the property scam.
长长的名单上,有内阁成员、官僚、前首席部长以及军队领袖,无一不在这个房产诈骗案中曝光。 ecocn

And who could compete with immigration officials— bureaucrats—when it came to laziness and inefficiency?
而且说道懒惰和效率低,谁又比得过移民局官员——那些官僚呢? yeeyan

But his ultimate ambition may be to claw back influence from corrupt bureaucrats and security- service agents who turn their official positions to their own advantage.
但他的最终目的也许是从腐败的官僚和安全机构的人员手中夺回影响力,他们利用自己的职位谋取利益。 ecocn

But this income is largely at the mercy of State bureaucrats and Party officials.
但是这样的收入在政府官僚和纳粹党官员的操纵下毫无保障。 yeeyan

Curbing the influence of bureaucrats, and putting policy in the hands of politicians, is a primary goal for the party.
抑制官僚的影响力、将政策决定权掌控在政治家手中,这是日本民主党的一个主要目标。 iciba

EVEN the most hawkish proponents of small government tend to agree that a few sensitive areas of life, such as financial regulation, are best entrusted to bureaucrats.
像金融监管这样生活中比较敏感的部分最好交托给官僚,就连小国家里最坚定的主战派拥护者都同意这一点。 ecocn

He commands far more sympathy and respect than bureaucrats and politicians.
相比官僚和政客而言,他更值得同情和尊重。 ecocn

He also has solid experience both of grappling with bureaucrats and of running something big: the entire navy and marine corps.
在应对官僚以及运营大事务方面整个海军和海军陆战队他也有坚实的经验。 ecocn

I actually think China is on the edge of making a big mistake, which is to believe government bureaucrats can decide innovation.
实际上,我认为中国已经出于出大事的边缘了,因为人们相信政府官僚能进行一系列改革。 yeeyan

Intellectuals and bureaucrats might pose as champions of the people against the powerful. But in reality they were empire builders who were motivated by a noxious mixture of envy and greed.
知识分子和官僚也许能在不畏强权的人民面前耀武扬威,但事实上他们只是一群利欲熏心的小人,一心为了构建其利益帝国。 ecocn

Let us not forget those goals are not abstract targets dreamed up by international bureaucrats.
我们不能忘记那些目标并不是国际官僚凭空虚构的抽象目标。 yeeyan

Managing the relationship with bureaucrats will be another big challenge.
处理与官僚的关系会是另一个重大挑战。 iciba

Norway squandered much of its oil wealth investing in new businesses that were founded by the relatives of politicians and bureaucrats.
挪威把他们从石油赚到的大笔财富投资到由政治家和官僚亲戚创建的新商业中。 ecocn

Organisations have to get the approval of a ministry related to their area of activity, giving bureaucrats a virtual power of veto over their operations.
非营利组织必须得到与管理当地活动的部门的允许,而这个部门的官僚对这些活动有着一票否决的权利。 ecocn

She even describes battles with bureaucrats as an exercise in seduction, thanks to the promise of pleasure in resolution.
她甚至把官僚之间的争斗描述成诱惑的练习,多亏还有在娱乐之余的分辨能力。 ecocn

Some of the bureaucrats befooled the masses.

The party promises“ rule by politicians not by bureaucrats”, something that did not happen during the LDP’s decades in office.
民主党承诺“由政客而非官僚治理国家”,这是在自民党数十年执政期间从没发生过的。 ecocn

The very idea that a group of legislators and bureaucrats in D. C. can design a curriculum capable of meeting the needs of every American schoolchild is ludicrous.
这个想法即一些在华府的立法者和官僚有能力制定出一个能够满足每个美国孩子需要的课程计划是滑稽可笑的。 yeeyan

This would be far wiser than leaving it to government bureaucrats, who might simply seek to sell as many assets as quickly as possible and close the files.
这会比将他们交给政府的官僚主义者们明智得多。 这些政府官僚可能只会草草将资产快速售出来尽快完成任务。 yeeyan

This is largely because we have become a nation of bureaucrats.
这里主要的原因是我们国家已经变成了一个官僚的国家。 yeeyan

This policy led to Sanjay Gandhi’s sycophants, and bureaucrats, to set targets for family planning and ensure that the targets are indeed fulfilled.
这个政策让桑贾伊甘地的谄媚者、官僚主义者制订了计划生育目标并保证了这些目标的确实履行。 yeeyan

Yet it has made little headway on its promise to reduce the power of bureaucrats, especially in ministries such as agriculture, health, education and justice.
然而在曾经承诺的削弱官僚权力方面,尤其是农业省、卫生省、教育省和法务省的权力,民主党却一筹莫展。 ecocn




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