释义 |
老调重弹 lǎo diào zhòng dàn 常用成语 基本辨析辨析谜语歇后语其它语言例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句例句 harp on the same old tuneharp on the same stringharp on one string繁体老調重彈近义故技重演;旧病复发;故态复萌;故伎重演反义推陈出新;焕然一新;破旧立新正音“调”,不能读作“tiáo”;“重”,不能读作“zhòng”;“弹”,不能读作“dàn”。正音“调”,不能读作“tiáo”;“重”,不能读作“zhòng”;“弹”,不能读作“dàn”。谜语古典演奏 歇后语寿星老儿练琵琶法文rabǎcher toujours la même choserépéter même chanson 俄文повторять стáрую песенку 德文die alte Leier wieder anstimmen邹韬奋《无政府与民主政治》:“如今不过是略搬花样,实际是老调重弹罢了。主谓式:作谓语;宾语;指没有新意;含贬义。邹韬奋《无政府与民主政治》:“如今不过是略换花样,实际是老调重弹罢了。”解释: 老调:旧的调子。重:再。比喻把旧的理论;主张又重新提出来。多含贬义。王火《战争和人》二卷一:“童霜威听他老调重弹,心想:你自己反正已经同盛老三与日本人勾结在一起,办‘宏济善堂’做毒品生意了!你比汉奸还要汉奸!” 王士美《对人生意义的探寻》:“乍看各章节的标题,仿佛难有惊人之语,必定只是一番家常话;大道理,老调重弹,难得新意。” 朱自清《回来杂记》:“北平早被称为‘大学城’和‘文化城’,这原是旧调重弹,不过似乎弹得更响了。”【注意】❶也说旧调重弹。❷含贬义。——来自《商务馆小学生成语词典》 近义词 三翻四复老生常谈故伎重演重蹈覆辙故态复萌 反义词 不破不立花样翻新 这嘛,恕我直言,将不外是老调重弹罢了。It would, so to speak, be beating over the old ground. 反对派揶揄政府的建议,说成是老调重弹。The opposition ridiculed the government's proposals, saying they offered nothing new.此次抢盐潮唯一不同之处在于它是因国际上一场核灾难而起,而大蒜、生姜涨价几乎每年都在老调重弹。 The only new spin on this is the international nuclear disaster angle — runs on garlic and ginger happen on an almost yearly basis. yeeyan 华为目前面对的问题不单只这个老调重弹的担忧。 A renewal of those worries isn't the only problem currently facing Huawei. yeeyan 有的广告商老调重弹:有本新书讲述如何找到绝佳配偶,请作者做个访谈怎么样? Some suggest traditional topics: How about interviewing the author of a new book on how to find the perfect mate? ryedu 在使尤先科上台的乌克兰“天鹅绒革命”中,过去与德国占领者合作的乌克兰民族主义者又开始老调重弹。 In the Ukrainian Velvet Revolution that brought Viktor Yushchenko to power, the same songs were sung that used to be sung by Ukrainian nationalists who collaborated with the German occupation. ptext 老李以顾问大臣的身份,在做了一次老调重弹和直白的演讲后,留下他的党内同僚来灭火。 Too often, his party colleagues were left to do the political fire-fighting after another round of old fashioned plain- speaking from MM. yeeyan |