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词汇 bungling
释义 bungling 英'bʌŋglɪŋ美'bʌŋglɪŋ 高GCOCA⁶²³⁶⁶BNC⁵⁷⁶⁰⁶iWeb⁵⁰⁵⁷⁸Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

showing lack of skill or aptitude;

a bungling workman

did a clumsy job

his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf

lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands;

a bumbling mechanic

a bungling performance

ham-handed governmental interference

could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature

bungl-ing动名词⇒adj.笨拙的⁶⁸;粗制滥造的动词bungle的现在分词形式.近义词 clumsy笨拙的ungainly笨拙的handless没手的ham-fisted愚笨的bumbling常出差错的incompetent无能力的ham-handed笨手笨脚的left-handed惯用左手的heavy-handed笨手笨脚的butterfingered易滑掉的fumbling动词fumble的现在进…
A clumsy or bungled action.笨手笨脚笨拙的或拙劣的行为
The act ofbungling, especially a poor stroke in golf.笨拙的动作,不高明的一击拙劣的行为,尤其指在高尔夫球中笨拙的一击adj.clumsy
同义词 amateurish,awkward,gauche,inapt,inept,inexpert,maladroit,unskillful
反义词 expert
accident-proneadjective clumsy
all thumbs,inept,klutzy,two left feet
awkwardadjective clumsy, inelegant
all thumbs,amateurish,artless,blundering,bulky,bumbling,bungling,butterfingers,coarse,floundering,gawky,graceless,green,having two left feet,having two left hands,incompetent,inept,inexpert,klutzy,lumbering,maladroit,oafish,rude,stiff,stumbling,uncoordinated,uncouth,unfit,ungainly,ungraceful,unhandy,unpolished,unrefined,unskilled,unskillful
bumblingadjective unskillful
clumsyadjective not agile;awkward
all thumbs,blundering,blunderous,bulky,bumbling,bungling,butterfingered,clownish,crude,elephantine,gauche,gawkish,gawky,graceless,ham-handed,heavy,heavy-handed,helpless,hulking,ill-shaped,incompetent,inelegant,inept,inexperienced,inexpert,lubberly,lumbering,lumpish,maladroit,oafish,ponderous,splay,stumbling,unable,unadept,uncoordinated,uncouth,undexterous,uneasy,ungainly,unhandy,unskillful,untactful,untalented,untoward,unwieldy,weedy
fluffnoun mistake
blooper,bungling,error,false step,flub,fumble,miscalculation,miscue,miss,muddle,muff,oversight,slip,slipup,stumble
incompetentadjective unskillful, unable
amateur,amateurish,awkward,bungling,bush-league,clumsy,disqualified,floundering,helpless,inadequate,incapable,ineffectual,inefficient,ineligible,inept,inexperienced,inexpert,insufficient,maladroit,not cut out for,not equal to,not have it,out to lunch,raw,unadapted,unequipped,unfit,unfitted,unhandy,uninitiated,unproficient,unqualified,unskilled,untrained,useless Cases against several thousand people accused of such crimes as arson, rioting, looting and shooting were opened. Thanks to police bungling few have ever come to court.
涉及数千人被指控犯有纵火,暴乱、抢劫和枪击等罪行的种种案件,尽数悬而未决。这缘于警方失职,几近不曾有人被诉诸法院。 ecocn

George Bush and his defence chiefs neglected the war in Afghanistan while they devoted themselves to bungling the war in Iraq.
乔治•布什及其国防官员忽视阿富汗战争,而将他们自己致力于瞎指挥伊拉克战争。 ecocn

Here is the dogged captainJurgen Prochnow, navigating the straits of political bureaucracy and a bungling high command.
影片中有一个顽固的船长乔根·普罗斯诺饰演受困于政治官僚主义与强硬高层之间的矛盾之中。 yeeyan

So, too, was the bungling of the invasion of Afghanistan.
而搞砸入侵阿富汗的行动也反映了这一点。 ecocn

The biggest single Alt-A casualties are America’s bungling mortgage agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
房贷美和房利美,美国的两家糟糕的按揭中介,是次优按揭的最大牺牲品。 ecocn

The mixed messages and bungling of Germany's politicians plunge a bad situation into outright peril.
坏消息和笨拙的德国政客混杂在一起将坏的形势彻底的抛进了危险。 ecocn

To be fair to Mr Musharraf, some of the bungling described in the report is unremarkable in Pakistan.
有些的拙劣描述,在巴基斯坦并不起眼,对穆沙拉夫是公平的。 ecocn

Transport minister Seiji Maehara said he was against frequent leadership change even though Hatoyama should take responsibility for his recent political bungling by staying on to do a better job.
通商大臣前原诚司表示,即使鸠山由纪夫应该为最近的政治漏子承担责任也不该频繁更换领导人,还是该留下来把工作做到更好。 yeeyan

And that means corporate directors and executives are starting to worry about being sued under the Sarbanes- Oxley Act for bungling the job.
这意味这企业董事和执行官们开始担心在萨班斯—奥克斯里法案下由于工作不力而遭受起诉。 yeeyan

Because of damaged roads, petrol shortages and bungling bureaucrats, many lack essentials such as food, water, toilet paper, nappies and kerosene for heating.
由于道路损毁,石油短缺,政府人员工作拖沓.许多人无法得到如食物,水,手纸,尿布和取暖用的煤油等必须日用品。 ecocn

Goldman has hardly helped itself, bungling its public relations by insisting it would have survived without government support and continuing, like most other banks, to pay its“talent” unseemly sums.
像其他多数银行一样,高盛无力自救,然而其公关部门此地无银的扬言说没有政府救助依旧能熬过金融危机,并坚持给其高管发放天价年薪。 ecocn

He was a bungling workman.
他是个拙劣的工匠。 putclub

He weaves their words with his clear- eyed reporting of events into a compelling narrative about the end of the cruel but bungling East German regime.
他将他们的描述与自己犀利的事件报道方式融合起来,令人信服地描述了残酷但笨拙的东德政权的末日。 ecocn

He's a bungling or evil or bad god.

Ignorance and bungling with love are better than wisdom and skill without love.
具备爱的无知和笨拙胜过缺乏爱的智慧和技巧。 ebigear

It wants to shed its reputation for bungling and heavy-handedness.
它想要摆脱其办事效率低下和墨守成规的名声。 ecocn

No tourists were hurt when the ship sank because of mechanical problems, but the company tripled the original coral damage area by bungling salvage efforts.
虽然这艘船因机械故障沉没时没有游客受伤,但这个公司在拙劣的海上营救过程中损坏的原始珊瑚群却是平常的3倍。 yeeyan

Past Italian governments did not pay for their bungling because they usually fell before its consequences became apparent.
过去的意大利政府并没有为他们的无能付出代价,因为他们总是在结果浮出水面之前就已经下台。 ecocn

Some doubtless assume this is because Iraqis are incapable of democratic self- government, but many blame bungling by their own side.
一些人确定无疑地以为这是因为伊拉克人没有能力民主地自我治理,但许多人归咎于他们自己,是美国人把事情处理得乱糟糟。 ecocn

The mixed messages and bungling of Germany’s politicians plunge a bad situation into outright peril.
德国政客发出的复杂信息和所做的糟糕工作使不妙的情况陷入了彻底的危险境地。 yeeyan

There is a dark and rusting spaceship, a gaggle of barely glimpsed monsters and a sexy, effortlessly confident warrior woman who puts her bungling male counterparts to shame.
此外还有阴森、锈迹斑斑的太空船,一个几乎没有露过脸的怪物,一个超级自信的性感美女,和一群在她眼里蠢笨的男伴。 yeeyan

Those opponents were cheered both by Turkey’s bungling in Iran and by the Mavi Marmara incident.
这些反对者的由于土耳其在伊朗问题上的拙劣表现和马尔马拉号事件而坚定了信念。 ecocn

Yet the bungling shows that Congress’s back-room managers face a long-term problem: finding able, youthful leaders they can promote.
不过这些荒唐的闹剧显示了国大党幕后的掌控者面临着一个长期的问题:寻找他们可以提拔的年轻有为的领导者。 ecocn




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