

单词 bungee jump
释义 bungee jump ˈbʌndʒidʒʌmp 短语⁷⁵⁷⁹⁹
Canada's West Edmonton Mall, which opened in 1982, has an ice-skating rink, a pool with sea- lions and an indoor bungee jump.
1982年开业的加拿大西埃德蒙顿商场,拥有滑冰场、海狮水池和室内蹦极。 ecocn

He made his first ever bungee jump in australia in 1994.
1994年,他在澳大利亚第一次体验了蹦极。 ebigear

I bungee jump on occasion, and I would like to experience skydiving soon.
我有时候去蹦极,最近我还想试试跳伞。 www.wangchao.net.cn

If I didn't bungee jump, rock climb and sky dive, you'd find me a boring person.
如果我不会弹跳、攀岩和跳伞,你就发现我是个无趣的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

My mother is going to bungee jump on Saturday.
我妈妈周六去跳蹦极。 qkzz.net

Police said they had detained the organizer of the bungee jump after the accident.
警方表示,意外发生之后他们已经拘留这场高空弹跳的筹办人。 jukuu

Rapp was considering a bungee jump himself during an upcoming summer trip to Norway.
Rapp正考虑在即将到来的夏天去挪威蹦极呢。 yeeyan

This year was going to be the ultimate thrill. She was going to bungee jump from a bridge over 150 stories high!
今年她要向兴奋的极限挑战,因为她要去玩从150层楼高的桥往下坠落的高空弹跳! yododo

When I turned up for my first bungee jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out, but my friends persuaded me to go through with it.
当我第一次参加蹦极时,我太紧张了以致我想退出,但是我的朋友最终说服我完成这次尝试。 dangzhi




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