

单词 bung
释义 bung 英bʌŋ美bʌŋAHDbŭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹³⁴⁴⁰⁵BNC⁴⁶⁷⁸¹iWeb³¹⁹⁴⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a plug used to close a hole in a barrel or flask
give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on;

Remember to tip the waiter

fee the steward

close with a cork or stopper来自词根pung, 击,打,刺,见puncture, 刺。代指塞子,瓶塞。bung starter开桶塞用的木槌…bung off走开bung up塞满打伤go bung失败fermentation bung发酵塞rubber bung橡胶塞bung gut肛门,直肠,牛盲肠的…bung skin直肠膜bung fat直肠脂肪bung dropper挖除肛门的操作者,桶…beef bung skin牛皮袋用纸bung stave带排放孔的桶板…bung hole桶侧孔
近义词 stem柄throw扔fling投tip小费fee费用plug塞子toss投掷pass通过bribe贿赂spile木栓cork软木塞payoff收益closure关闭stopper瓶塞lob网挑高球backhander贿赂sweetener甜味剂kickback 强烈的反应…

用作名词When cleaning, open liquid receiver, add clean water, and screw upbung.进行清洗作业时,打开贮液桶,加入清洁水,拧紧桶盖。用作动词Don't throw tea leaves down the sink, or you'llbungit up.别把茶叶倒在洗涤槽里,那会把它塞住的。
Bung me a cigarette.扔一支香烟给我。
Justbungit in the machine and see what happens.就把它扔进机器里,看看会发生什么。as in.(closure
同义词 blockadebolt,cap,cork,fastener,latch,lid,obstruction,occlusion,padlock,stop,stopper,stopple,tampon,tapoccludent
反义词 keybeginning,introduction,opening,startas in.plug
同义词 connection,cork,filling,fitting,occlusion,river,spigot,stopple,tampon,wedge
反义词 mouth,openingas in.stopper
同义词 cork,fill,lid,stopple,wadas in.toss
同义词 cast,chuck,chunk,fire,fling,flip,heave,hurl,launch,lob,peg,pitch,sling,twirl,wingas in.cast
同义词 dropboot,chuck,drive,fire,fling,heave,hurl,impel,launch,lob,peg,pitch,project,shed,shy,sling,thrust,toss
反义词 dissuade,keep,repress,stopcatch,gather,receive,takeas in.hurl
同义词 fire,fling,heave,lob,slingcast,chuck,chunk,gun,launch,peg,pitch,project,propel,send,tosslet fly
反义词 hold,keep,receiveas in.launch
同义词 barrage,blast off,bombard,cast,catapult,discharge,dispatch,drive,eject,fling,heave,hurl,lance,pitch,project,propel,shoot,sling,lift off,throw,tossfire,send forth,set afloat,set in motion
反义词 catch,hold,keep,receivecease,end,finish,stopas in.pitch
同义词 cast,chuck,fire,fling,gun,heave,launch,lob,peg,sling,toss,unseat
反义词 keepas in.plug
同义词 clog,fill,pack,sealblock,choke,close,congest,cork,cover,obstruct,occlude,ram,secure,stop,stopper,stopple,stuffdrive in
反义词 open,allow,begin,continue,help,let go,release,start,unblockconceal,hide,uncork,unplug,unstopper,withholdas in.sling
同义词 dangle,fling,heave,hoist,hurl,lobcast,catapult,chuck,fire,launch,peg,pitch,raise,send,shoot,suspend,swing,toss,weight
反义词 destroy,finish,keep,raze,receive,stop
castverb throw aside
closurenoun plug, seal
hurlverb throw forcefully
bung,cast,chuck,chunk,fire,fling,gun,heave,launch,let fly,lob,peg,pitch,project,propel,send,sling,toss
launchverb send off
barrage,blast off,bombard,bung,cast,catapult,discharge,dispatch,drive,eject,fire,fling,heave,hurl,lance,lift off,pitch,project,propel,send forth,set afloat,set in motion,shoot,sling,throw,toss
pitchverb throw, hurl
plugnoun stopper
bung,connection,cork,filling,fitting,occlusion,river,spigot,stopple,tampon,wedge Can I bung in a word yet?

Reis used an animal membrane stretched over a small cone inserted into a bung hole of a barrel. To the membrane was fixed a platinum wire.
莱斯将一种动物薄膜覆盖在一个锥状物上,薄膜上固定了一根铂丝,再将锥状物插入一个木桶的桶孔。 blog.sina.com.cn

The vacation time bung heavy on Tom's hands because all his friends were away at camp.
假期对汤姆来说真是难熬,因为他的朋友都野营去了。 iciba

“ We would also like to show our technique to the opponents and soccer fans at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, ” he said, as reported by Antara news service.
“我们希望把我们的技术展示给在 Gelora Bung Karno球场的对手和球迷,”他说---Antara新闻报道。 yeeyan

After a week, clean and sanitize the carboy, the bung, the airlock and the plastic tubing.
一周后,洗净并消毒大玻璃瓶、塞子、气阀和塑料管。 blog.sina.com.cn

Attach the bung and the airlock, making sure to fill the airlock halfway with water.
用水填装气密室以保证空气流通。 blog.sina.com.cn

But, as so often with Thatcherism, behind the private sector promise lay a public sector bung.
然而就像撒切尔主义通常会有的表现,私营经济的背后有公有经济的身影。 yeeyan

Don't throw tea leaves down the sink; you'll bung it up.
别把茶叶倒在洗涤槽里;你会把它弄塞住的。 iciba

Graham was unfortunately sacked in 1995, after having been found guilty of taking bung payments from agent Rune Hauge in exchange for signing certain players.
不过,格拉汉姆被发现在一系列球员交易中从经纪人茹恩-豪格处非法获利,于1995年被解职。 blog.sina.com.cn

I managed to bung up the hole in the ceiling with some paper.

It's about time Harry made some new women friends, but I'm afraid he's still bung up on his ex-wife.
哈利该交些新的女朋友了,但我怕他仍然迷恋着他的前妻。 websaru

Just bung in some old bricks to fill up the hole.

Just bung it in the machine and see what happens.

Meanwhile, the story of overnight singing star Choi Sung- bung making his debut on “ Korea's Got Talent” has gotten far more attention outside of South Korea.
与此同时,韩国选秀明星崔成奉音译初登《韩国达人秀》的舞台便让人眼前一亮,在海外赢得了比国内更高的关注度。 mpaper366

Remove the bung and airlock and add whatever you are using to stop fermentation and to encourage settling.
移去塞子和气阀,加入使其停止发酵的材料。 blog.sina.com.cn

Tell him to bung upwards.

Bung your coat anywhere.




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