

单词 bundles
释义 bun·dle·s 英'bʌndl美'bʌndl COCA¹⁷⁸²¹BNC¹⁵³⁹⁸Economist⁹⁵³⁰

a number of articles tied, fastened, or held together

vt. & vi. 收集,归拢,把…塞入

put together or store hastily and untidily

a collection of things wrapped or boxed togethera package of several things tied together for carrying or storinga large sum of money especially as pay or profit;

she made a bundle selling real estate

they sank megabucks into their new house

make into a bundle;

he bundled up his few possessions

gather or cause to gather into a cluster;

She bunched her fingers into a fist

compress into a wad;

wad paper into the box

sleep fully clothed in the same bed with one's betrothed
bundle, bunch, pack, package, parcel, packet

这6个词均有“包”的意思。其区别在于:pack指背包和包装的容器,也可指任何尺寸大小的包; package可专指包装袋、包装盒,也可指中小型的包,在美国主要指小包、小袋或小盒; parcel指由一件或几件东西捆在一起,便于人们携带的“中、小型包”。在英国parcel一般指邮包,在美国则专指15磅以下的邮包; packet指包得非常整洁的小包,如信件小包,多指“小件行李,邮包”; bunch指同类的物品紧凑而有条理地扎或捆在一起,意为“束,串”; bundle指宽松地打成的“捆”或“包”。例如:

The climber carried some food in a pack on his back.登山者用背包背着一些干粮。
We need the best package for the towels.我们需要用最好的包装用品来包装这些毛巾。
Yesterday I went to the post office for my parcel.昨天我去邮局领取我的包裹。
Give this packet of letters to the students.把这捆信件拿给学生。
She received a bunch of flowers from her husband.她收到丈夫送的一束花。
On the road there was a peasant with a bundle on his back.路上一个农民扛着一个大包。pack,package,packet,parcel,bunch,bundle








用作名词 n.
动词+~make up a bundle扎成一包unite a bundle打开包裹形容词+~big bundle一大包small bundle一小包~+介词bundle of clothes一包衣物bundle of newspapers一卷报纸bundle of sticks一捆棍子用作动词 v.~+副词bundle away仓皇离开bundle off仓皇离开bundle out仓皇离开bundle up包扎好~+介词bundle into把…塞入…bundle out of愤然离开
用作名词n.a bundle of nerves

神经极度紧张 in a very nervous state

bundle away v.+adv.

使匆匆离去 (cause to leave hurriedly)

bundle awayThe woman bundled away when her husband returned.那女人的丈夫一回来,她就匆匆离去了。bundle sb ⇔ awayThe children were bundled away when the guests arrived.客人一到,孩子们赶紧离开了。
bundle into v.+prep.

胡乱把…放入put sth carelessly into a container

bundle off v.+adv.

寄走包裹等( send sth such as a parcel)

bundle sth ⇔ offCould you bundle these clothes off to my sister?把这些衣服寄给我姐姐好吗?
bundle up v.+adv.

使穿得暖暖的 (cause to be well wrapped in clothes)

bundle sth ⇔ upCould you bundle up these clothes?I'll take them to the post.把这些衣服捆起来好吗?我要带去邮寄。bundle upIn this cold wind you'd be wise to bundle up well.这么冷的风,你还是穿暖点好。近义词 tiebunchparceln. bunchparcelv. bind
用作名词n.We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.我们收集了一包旧衣服给穷人。
The books were tied up in bundles of twenty.那些书被捆成20本1捆。
He must have made a bundle out of selling that house.他出售那栋房屋一定赚了一大笔钱。


用作名词He collected abundleof sticks.他收集了一捆树枝。
I see abundleof firewood on the floor.我看见了一捆劈柴在地板上。
On the table there is abundleof flower.桌子上有一束花。
My uncle sent me a largebundleon my birthday.我生日时叔父给我寄来一个大包裹。
The heavybundlebore him down.那包东西很重,压得他直不起腰。
That car must have cost abundle.这辆汽车一定值很多钱。用作动词Can youbundleup the sheets for me?你能替我将这些单子捆起来吗?
I tried tobundleit into a bag.我试图把它收到一只袋子里。
Shebundledher son off to school.她匆匆忙忙把儿子打发到学校去了。 The way in which we put signs together is to take these bundles, these binary relationships between a concept and a sound image, and adjust them in an unfolding sequence.

The services layer connects bundles in a dynamic way.
服务层以一种动态的方式连接捆绑包。 ibm

A software package block bundles all the resources necessary to execute the actions contained in the software package into a standard zipped format.
一个软件包块捆绑了所有执行软件包中包含的操作需要的资源,采用的是标准压缩格式。 ibm

How bundles import and export code is handled through a modules layer.
捆绑包导入和导出怎样通过一个模块层进行处理。 ibm

I thought that a good way to rid the earth of our human waste would be to rocket it into space in huge bundles.
我曾经认为消除地球上人类垃圾的一个好办法是把垃圾扎成一大捆一大捆的,然后如同火箭那样发射到太空去。 yeeyan

In general, a pre- built, open source application is called a package and bundles all the binary, data, and configuration files required to run the application.
通常,预构建的开源应用程序称为包,捆绑了运行应用程序所需的所有二进制文件、数据和配置文件。 ibm

In every village, morning and evening, we see people carrying bundles of firewood twice their size.
在每个村子,无论是早晨还是傍晚,我们都看到人们背着有他们身体两倍大的柴捆。 edu.sina.com.cn

It brings together bundles the technologies needed not only to support the application but also to allow people connected to a network to safely use the applications.
它组合捆绑了支持应用程序和允许连接到网络的用户安全地使用应用程序所需的不同技术。 ibm

Notice that they use resource bundles to grab the rendered text.
请注意它们使用资源束来获取呈现的文本。 ibm

Service registry provides a model for bundle co-operation, such as class sharing and communication between bundles.
服务注册表为捆绑包合作提供一个模型,比如,类共享和捆绑包之间的通信。 ibm

Services and resources are packaged into bundles, which are files that serve as the delivery unit for applications.
服务和资源分别被打包成束,这些束作为应用程序的传递单元的文件。 ibm

Some branches are even displaying millions of dollars—in bundles of notes piled head high— to reassure worried customers.
一些支行甚至陈列数百万的美元,一捆捆钞票堆到齐头高,以此使担忧的客户放心。 ecocn

Subscribers to multichannel television, who may get it from a cable, satellite or telecoms firm, pay for “ bundles” of channels, whether they watch them all or not. They are also shown advertisements.
对于通过有线,卫星或电信公司收看多个电视台的订购者来说,不管他们会不会全看,他们都已捆绑缴费,其中也包括广告在内。 ecocn

There is indeed evidence that customers like the discounts associated with bundles and the convenience of a single bill.
的确,有迹象表明:消费者喜欢捆绑式销售给他们带来的折扣和方便的一页式清单。 topsage

These elegant tangles of fluorescent actin bundles won the popular vote for the best microscopic photo of the year.
这些精美的发荧光的肌动蛋白束的缠结通过直接投票赢得本年度最佳显微照片称号。 yeeyan

These tactics and others, like selling things in bundles rather than individually, all exploit differences in people’s sensitivity to price.
这种策略,像是以捆来卖而不是单个卖这样,都利用了人们对价格的不同敏感程度。 ecocn

They can work with distributors to develop new bundles or solutions customized for certain markets such as low- cost ones or industries.
同时也可以与经销商根据某种顾客群的具体需求例如低成本开发新捆绑或产品。 yeeyan

They borrowed short-term and invested the proceeds at a higher yield, often in complex products linked to bundles of loans.
他们借入短期资金,将其投资高收益项目,通常那些是与贷款束相关的复杂产品。 ecocn

This is because an ESB bundles solutions to many different challenges in a single product.
这是因为一个 ESB在单个产品里捆绑了应对许多不同挑战的解决方案。 infoq

You can use the results from association rule mining to set up bundles of packages that customers tend to buy together.
您可以使用关联规则中规则进行挖掘,然后设置用户有意要一起购买的捆绑包。 ibm

Bundles have manifests with special headers that enable the sharing of classes and services at package level.
束的清单具有特殊的标题,用于在程序包级启用类和服务的共享。 ibm




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