词汇 | 绰绰有余 |
释义 | 绰绰有余 辨形“余”,不能写作“鱼”。 辨析绰绰有余和“绰有余力”;都有“宽裕;有余”的意思。但绰绰有余偏重在“绰绰”;强调很宽裕充足;“绰有余力”偏重在“有余”;强调有很多剩余力量。 辨形“余”,不能写作“鱼”。 辨析绰绰有余和“绰有余力”;都有“宽裕;有余”的意思。但绰绰有余偏重在“绰绰”;强调很宽裕充足;“绰有余力”偏重在“有余”;强调有很多剩余力量。 歇后语老虎逮驴;袍子改汗衫 法文jouir de ressources surabondantesavec une extrême aisance 俄文с избытком 德文mehr als genug in Hülle und Fülle 拉丁文satis superque 裕:富足。 【注意】一般用来形容人力;物力;财力;能力或时间;地方的宽裕;足够。 反义词 If the basic issue is productivity like Web browsing, word processing and e- mail, you don't need all that much. A dual-core processor is good enough. Besides, News Corporation has plenty of money- making TV networks in America which are more than capable of supporting its newspapers. For a sales meeting, two or three people are more than enough. But other countries, with less financial nous and more debt, face red. Conversely, don't use a suitcase that is too large for its contents, as this can cause clothing to move every which way during travel and become wrinkled. You've probably worked with someone who had all the skills necessary for a given job but lacked motivation to excel or even quit after a few months. Even a Shuttle enthusiast like Cabana has to admit— and does, reluctantly— that the venerable craft has proven with more than sufficient repetition that man can achieve low earth orbit. The army's existing tanks are more than a match for the second-order powers Britain is likely to face. An older man's erection may not be as rigid, but still is hard enough for sex. American visitors to Europe complain about how expensive everything is; travellers in the other direction are delighted by how far their budget stretches. The reservoir can more than make up for the shortage of rainfall. The text tool is a bit clunky, but it's more than adequate for quick jobs. With these tweaks, the PS3 becomes a viable, and even sort of roomy, development environment. Often times a single column is enough for a great mobile design layout. One ski pass costs100 rubles3 dollars. Bikers are offered seven tours for500 rubles17 dollars which is more than enough for a day. It is odd that this was regarded as a clinching argument, as there are more than enough jets in Afghanistan. In the past, a nomadic family could live on a few cows which would provide more than enough milk and food. This open source PHP framework is full of features and can do it all, but it’s main downfall is that it is a bit slower than other frameworks. Bikers are offered seven tours for500 rubles17 dollars which is more than enough for a day. I prefer autumn to spring. What we lose in flowers we mom than gain in fruits. Along with those sceptical working- class whites, and the traditional Democratic bases on the east and west coasts, Mr Obama constructed a comfortable winning coalition. With debts of only18% of GDP, the government has plenty more room to boost spending. |
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