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词汇 Bundestag
释义 bun·des·tag AHD-dəˌstäk,-tääk COCA⁷⁴⁴⁶⁹BNC¹⁷⁷⁷²
Norbert Lammert, the Bundestag’s president and a member of the CDU, called for raising taxes on top earners.
德国联邦议院的主席和基民盟的成员诺伯特·拉美尔呼吁对高收入者提高税收。 ecocn

That Mrs Merkel has a thicker skin than hermostly forgotten predecessor was evident recently in her Bundestag office, just steps away from the upholstered parliamentary chamber.
默克尔的联邦议院办公室离联邦议会厅只有数步之遥,而她最近在办公室的表现证明了她要比她的前任沉着冷静的多。 yeeyan

The CDU president of the Bundestag questions the legality of the moratorium.
联邦议院的基民盟党主席对暂停的合法性提出质疑。 ecocn

The coalition parties are backed by little more than a third of the electorate; the FDP might not even get over the 5% threshold for the Bundestag if an election were held now.
联盟党派只获得了三分之一多一点的选票;如果现在举行选举,自由民主党甚至可能得不到联邦议院超过5%的选票门槛。 ecocn

This would have to be authorised by the Bundestag and perhaps other legislatures as well.
共同财政部必须得到德国联邦议院和可能其他一些立法机关的授权。 pinggu

“The Bundestag did not deplete its right to adopt the budget and control its implementation by the government,” the judges wrote.
“议会没有削‘权’权利适‘预’预算方案,也无权阻止政府对援助计划的实施,”法官一致表示。 ecocn

“There are not that many countries where a party in government is stable at35-37% nationwide,” says Peter Altmaier, a CDU leader in the Bundestag.
联邦议院的一位基民盟领导人彼得•奥特梅尔说:“一个政党可以在国家35-37%范围内保持稳定执政,这在其他国家并不多见。” ecocn

A few blocks away, in the government district surrounding the Bundestag, the absence of leadership by Ms Merkel is less of a laughing matter.
而在距剧院仅几个街区的政府行政区,默克尔领导的缺失就不是什么笑料了。 这里,是德国联邦议院所在地。 ecocn

But it also reduced the autonomy of the German chancellor, who now has to seek prior approval by the Bundestag's budget committee before negotiating in Brussels.
但它同时削弱了德国总理的自主权,如今,德国总理在布鲁塞尔谈判之前,必须事先获得联邦议院预算委员会的批准。 baidu

In Germany, a third of the Bundestag’s members are lawyers.
在德国,联邦议院三分之一的议员是律师。 ecocn

Left Bundestag members and a rising 69 percent of citizens now say they want German soldiers to withdraw from Afghanistan, fast.
如今,德国议会左翼成员和69%的公民都要求德军士兵尽快从阿富汗撤离。 yeeyan

Of the109 new members who entered the Bundestag, Germany's parliament, at last year's election, only one admitted to an interest in foreign policy.
在德国议会 Bundestag的109位新议员中,只有一位承认对外交政策有兴趣。 ecocn

Politicians have had little to say about this in their quest for Bundestag seats.
政客争取西德联邦议会席位时对此几乎无言以陈。 ecocn

She should be able to get it through the Bundestag without the need for opposition support.
她应该能够不需要在野党的支持而获得德国联邦议院通过这项计划。 ecocn

She won a seat in the Bundestag during the first post-reunification general election, in December1990, and Chancellor Helmut Kohl appointed her as a Cabinet minister just one year later.
在1990年12月第一次重建后的大选期间她便获得西德议会的一席之地。 当时的总理 Helmut Kohl一年后便指定她作为内阁总理。 yeeyan

Standing“on the side of despotism”, thundered Jürgen Trittin, co- leader of the Greens in the Bundestag.
德国联邦议院绿党的共同领导于尔根•特里廷怒喝:站在“专制的一面”。 ecocn

That has looked to be the likeliest outcome for most of the year: polls have consistently forecast a small majority for a “ black- yellow” coalition in the Bundestag.
这看来是大多数时候最有可能的结果:民意始终预测黑黄联盟基督教民主联盟-自由民主党在联邦议会占微弱优势。 yeeyan

The crisis in the euro zone forced Mrs Merkel to push colossal bail-outs through a reluctant Bundestag.
欧元区的危机迫使默克尔推动德国联邦议院勉强通过一项资金庞大的紧急财政救援。 ecocn

The rise of the Left Party makes it more difficult for traditional coalitions such as CDU- FDP to build majorities in the Bundestag.
左翼政党的崛起,使诸如基民盟-基社盟这种传统联盟在上议院中越发难以占据多数地位。 ecocn

The Bundestag’s summer break, which starts later this month, will offer a welcome respite from turmoil.
联邦参议院夏季的休会在这个月底开始,这是危难中难得的喘息之机。 ecocn

The Bundestag will have to weigh in again, on further bail- outs for Greece assuming it does not default and on the European Stability Mechanism ESM, a permanent successor to the EFSF.
联邦议院必然会就将来的希腊援助前提是它还没债务违约以及 EFSF的永久后继措施-欧洲稳定机制 ESM再次投票。 ecocn

To what must be Merkel's consternation, it now appears that the entire German Bundestag will vote yea or nay on the rescue package.
使默克尔大为吃惊的是,现在看来整个德国联邦议院将对一揽子救援计划投票。 yeeyan

Under this system the Bundestag is meant both to link voters to a local representative and to reflect their overall political preferences.
如此体制之下,联邦议院就不仅加强了选民与当地代表的关系,还反映了选民总体的政治倾向。 ecocn

What happens this year and next will be decisive, says Rainer Arnold, an SPD member of the Bundestag.
社会民主党的联邦议会议员莱纳.阿诺德说,今明两年发生的事情将是决定性的。 ecocn




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