

单词 bunched
释义 bunched 英bʌntʃɪd美bʌntʃɪd 高COCA²⁹⁰¹⁰BNC³³¹⁴⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
动词 bunch:
form into a bunchgather or cause to gather into a cluster
I received abunchof flowers this morning.今天早晨我收到一束花。
I gave her abunchof lilac.我送她一束丁香花。
He presented her with abunchof flowers.他献给她一束花。
He cut off abunchof grapes to entertain us.他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。 After the game the students bunched together and made a cheer for their victorious team.
赛后学生挤成一堆为他们得胜的球队欢呼。 iciba

His arm muscles bunched out when he lifted the big stone.

One of the gravest problems is the way a number of very large procurement programmes are bunched together over the next few years.
最严重的问题之一就一系列非常大的采购案都在未来几年中被捆绑在一起。 ecocn

The cavern was as big as two or three rooms bunched together, and Jim could stand up straight in it.
山洞里边有两三间房子合起来那么大,杰姆能直起了身子走动。 putclub

The monkeys bunched together in their cage.

The toes of the chameleon's feet are bunched into inside and outside groups of two or three to enable this reptile to grasp tree branches tightly.
变色龙的脚趾卷曲成里外两组各两只或三只,使这种爬虫类能够紧抓住树枝; iciba

To keep warm, the sheep bunched up in the shed .
羊在羊舍中挤在一起取暖。 iciba

Bunched up text in long paragraphs will frustrate anyone who has to review hundreds of resumes and cover letters a week.
段落要简短,长篇的内容让浏览者失去看的耐心,因为他们一周要看上百份简历。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Cars will be bunched into groups of ten to twelve vehicles, only six feet apart, traveling in unison, and controlled by computer.
车辆会以10辆或12辆为一组,车间距仅6英尺,在计算机的控制下一起行驶。 ebigear

Groups of workmen bunched around the other tables in the candlelit gloom. Wrapped in woollen blankets and wearing baggy shalwar kameez trousers, they were drinking rounds of sweet tea and shivering.
另一张桌上,昏暗的烛光下有一群工人,他们身上披着羊毛毡,穿着破烂的巴基斯坦长裙,边喝甜茶边打着寒颤。 yeeyan

Her skirt had bunched up round her waist.

I want all the celebration into a cream, all the blessings bunched up into chocolate pound cake is always made you happy! And then to say Merry Christmas!
我要把一切喜庆变成奶油,所有祝福揉成巧克力,永远快乐做成蛋糕砸向你!然后说声圣诞快乐! blog.sina.com.cn

Instead, I sat on the chair inside the booth, the soles of my shoes against the seat, my knees bunched up in front of me with my arms around them.
然而,我只是在亭子里的椅子上坐下来,鞋底抵着座位,两手环抱着屈在胸前的双膝。 yeeyan

Jack bunched his girlfriend a bunch of flowers.

Kepler-11's tightly bunched planets may have deepened the mystery, but researchers see a ray of hope in them as well.
开普勒-11系统中紧密环绕的行星使行星形成之谜更加深奥了,但是研究人员通过这些行星也看到了一线希望。 bbs.mytimes.net.cn

More plausible is that Asian centres, where Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo are bunched closely together, will take market share from both New York and London.
更有可能的是,亚洲的金融中心——香港、新加坡与东京的集合体——将夺走纽约与伦敦的市场份额。 blog.sina.com.cn

Note that repository commits are bunched around meal time and prior to leaving for the day.
请注意库提交放在晚餐时间前后,在下班时间之前。 ibm

Prototypes don't need this level of separation, so our earlier examples all bunched together.
原型并不需要这种层次的分离,因此早先的例子全都绑在了一起。 wiki.woodpecker.org.cn

Their clothes were all bunched up after being in suitcases for so long.

They bunched straw into sheaves.

They bunched around the fire for warmth.

This usually looks like a lot of tall bars“ bunched” up at either end of the horizontal axis.
这通常看起来就像柱型图案沿着横向坐标在某一端“捆”成一束。 chinadiver

Today's news that the Kepler spacecraft has turned up an alien solar system with five of its six known planets bunched tightly around their star had a familiar ring.
今天的一条新闻报道说:开普勒太空望远镜发现了一个系外恒星系统,六颗已知行星中的五颗紧紧地环绕在恒星周围。 bbs.mytimes.net.cn

Under the skirts, some had kangas bunched between their legs to absorb urine.
在裙底,有些人把裙边束在腿间以吸收渗出的尿液。 yeeyan

We are all bunched together in the crowded elevator.

When constrained within the laser trap, the atoms are bunched close together, mimicking the neutron degenerate pressure of a neutron star.
当它们被激光阱束缚时,原子被捆绑并相互靠近,模拟出中子星内的中子简并压。 yeeyan




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