释义 |
结盟 jié méng 基本例句 allyalignmententer into alliance withalign withalliancecoalition formationalign繁体結盟这个国家同意为了共同的安全而与邻国结盟。The country agreed to confederate with the neighboring country for mutual safety. 中立的不与 …结盟的、不支持的或不援助战争、争吵或竞争中的任一方的Not aligned with, supporting, or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest. 在历史上,德国曾经与意大利结盟过。Had ever allied with Italy in history. 协约国在第一次世界大战期间与欧洲同盟国对抗的结盟国家,有俄国、法国、英国,后来又有包括美国的其它很多国家,The nations allied against the Central Powers of Europe during World War I. They were Russia, France, Great Britain, and later many others, including the United States. |