

单词 bumpkin
释义 bumpkin 英ˈbʌmpkɪn, ˈbʌm-美ˈbʌmpkɪn, ˈbʌm-AHDbŭmpʹkĭn, bŭmʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆GCOCA⁵⁵⁷⁷⁸BNC⁷³⁵⁴¹iWeb⁴⁴⁵⁵⁹
a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culturebump, 同beam, 树干。-kin, 小词后缀。country bumpkin乡巴佬
谐音记忆bumpkin音“扒墓肯”→肯扒墓⇒肯扒墓的乡下人GRE难词记忆bumpkin 音“扒墓肯”→肯扒墓→肯扒墓的乡下人近义词 yahoo粗人hick乡巴佬yokel乡下佬hayseed干草种子chawbacon乡下人rube不谙世事的农村人…

用作名词Beneath the polished veneer,he is a countrybumpkin.尽管有着优雅的外表,他不过是个乡巴佬。noun.unsophisticated person
同义词 country bumpkin,rubeboor,clodhopper,hayseed,hick,lummox,oaf,yokel
反义词 sophisticate
boornoun country bumpkin;peasant
clodhoppernoun lummox
clownnoun stupid, ignorant person
hicknoun rustic
backwoodsman,backwoodswoman,boor,bumpkin,clodhopper,country boy/girl,country cousin,countryman/woman,farmer,hayseed,hillbilly,local yokel,redneck,rube,yokel
backwoodsman,backwoodswoman,boor,bumpkin,clodhopper,country boy/girl,country bumpkin,country cousin,hick,rube,rustic,yokel
loutnoun boor
barbarian,bear,boob,brute,buffoon,bumpkin,cad,churl,clod,clodhopper,dolt,dork,goon,lummox,oaf,philistine,rube,slob,vulgarian A nutty country bumpkin came to the big city for a better living and landed with a sales clerk job at a department store.
神经六乡下仔出城,来到大城市找工作,结果在百货公司做了个小售货员。 frwonline

An arrogant woman with amnesia and a cheeky bumpkin have brought out a hectic love comedy!
失忆的傲慢女人和厚脸皮的男人,演绎了一 齣热闹的爱情喜剧! vcddvd88

A COUNTRY bumpkin【 from Brittany, seduced by a corrupt banking system and the avarice of his bosses】, or“ a crook, a fraud and a terrorist”?
他是来自布列塔尼的乡巴佬,因为腐败的银行体系和上司的贪婪而误入歧途?还是“罪犯、骗子和恐怖分子”? ecocn

A COUNTRY bumpkin from Brittany, seduced by a corrupt banking system and the avarice of his bosses, or “a crook, a fraudster and a terrorist”?
一个来自布列塔尼法国西北部一地区的乡巴佬,被腐败的银行系统和他那充满贪念的老板做所引诱,或者说科维尔是一个“恶棍,骗子和恐怖分子”? ecocn

A bumpkin went to a big city for the first time.
有一个乡巴佬第一次到大城市。 hxen

Don't mind him. He's a harmless country bumpkin.
别理他,他只是个无害的乡巴佬。 blog.sina.com.cn

His schoolmates took him to be a country bumpkin. In fact, he's from an influential family.
他的同窗把他当成乡巴佬,其实他的家庭很有背景。 sznews

Just let you all be prepared and don't be a bumpkin!
先让您有个心理准备,不要做土包子! sfishclub.com

Look at his clothes, and listen to him speaking. He is really a country bumpkin!
你看看他的穿着,再听听他说的话,简直就是一个土老冒儿。 websaru

Of course, I’m just a small- town bumpkin, hailing as I do from a small tropical island where the capital city has only a few hundred actual residents.
当然,我只是一个小城镇的土包子,从一个小小的,首都只有几百居民的热带岛屿来到这里,禁不住欢呼。 yeeyan

Rustic, not like a bumpkin as well.
土气,不是说要像个土包子一样。 bwbd

She took the country bumpkin shopping.
她带着阿乡买东西去了。 haotushu

The policeman rubbed down the country bumpkin, but found nothing suspicious.




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