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bump·er-to-bump·er 英ˈbʌmpətəˈbʌmpə美ˈbʌmpətəˈbʌmpɚAHDbŭmʹpər-tə-bŭmʹpər COCA⁶³⁷⁸¹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁴⁴⁸⁰⁶ 基本英英例句例句 一辆接一辆的¹⁰⁰
Adjective: used of traffic;bumper-to-bumper traffic 形容词100% We satbumper-to-bumperin the traffic jam.我们遇到交通阻塞,汽车一辆辆首尾相接动弹不得。 But bumper-to-bumper tailbacks are so common that drivers have dubbed it the nation's biggest car park. 即便如此,这条路上还经常发生汽车连环追尾,以至于司机们都调侃它是英国最大的停车场。 ecocn The younger volunteers also didn't seem to be affected when the scientists sped up the time at which the cars approached the intersection by shortening the bumper-to-bumper distance between cars. 另外,当科学家通过缩短车距,加速汽车到路口的时间时,年轻的志愿者似乎没有收到影响。 yeeyan Bumper-to-bumper traffic delayed Lilliam and Gerardo Miranda's trip to Jackson Memorial Hospital on Wednesday morning. 周三早上,拥堵的交通耽误了莉莉娅姆和吉拉尔多·米兰达前往杰克逊纪念医院的就诊时间。 cri |