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词汇 bumbling
释义 bumbling 英'bʌmbəlɪŋ ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁵⁰⁷⁸⁷BNC⁷¹⁰⁰⁸iWeb³⁴³⁹⁰Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
adj.常出差错的¹⁴;笨手笨脚的³⁸;装模作样的³³;妄自尊大的n.犯错动词bumble的现在分词形式.原型bumble 的现在分词
lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands;

a bumbling mechanic

a bungling performance

ham-handed governmental interference

could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature

bumbl-ing动名词⇒adj.常出差错的¹⁴;笨手笨脚的³⁸;装模作样的³³;妄自尊大的n.犯错动词bumble的现在分词形式.近义词 clumsy笨拙的awkward尴尬的inept不适当的ungainly笨拙的handless没手的bungling笨拙的blundering浮躁的ham-fisted愚笨的ham-handed笨手笨脚的left-handed惯用左手的butterfingered易滑掉的heavy-handed笨手笨脚的lumbering动作迟缓笨拙的…

用作形容词Thebumblingwaiter spilled water on a customer.那位笨手笨脚的服务生把水泼在客人的身上了。
If I were a banker,I would be laughing discreetly at thebumblingefforts of governments to change my behaviour.我要是银行家,肯定会对各国政府为促使我改变行为而采取的装模装样的努力而窃笑不已。用作名词Thebumblingof our salesman cost us the account.推销员所犯的错误使我们失去了那位客户。adj.unskillful
同义词 ineptblundering,bunglingawkward,butterfingered,clumsy,gauche,graceless,maladroit,unpolished
awkwardadjective clumsy, inelegant
all thumbs,amateurish,artless,blundering,bulky,bungling,butterfingers,coarse,floundering,gawky,graceless,green,having two left feet,having two left hands,incompetent,inept,inexpert,klutzy,lumbering,maladroit,oafish,rude,stiff,stumbling,uncoordinated,uncouth,unfit,ungainly,ungraceful,unhandy,unpolished,unrefined,unskilled,unskillful
clumsyadjective not agile;awkward
all thumbs,blundering,blunderous,bulky,bumbling,bungling,butterfingered,clownish,crude,elephantine,gauche,gawkish,gawky,graceless,ham-handed,heavy,heavy-handed,helpless,hulking,ill-shaped,incompetent,inelegant,inept,inexperienced,inexpert,lubberly,lumbering,lumpish,maladroit,oafish,ponderous,splay,stumbling,unable,unadept,uncoordinated,uncouth,undexterous,uneasy,ungainly,unhandy,unskillful,untactful,untalented,untoward,unwieldy,weedy
gaucheadjective tactless, unsophisticated
gawkyadjective clumsy
haltingadjective hesitant
heavy-handedadjective awkward
bumbling,clumsy,graceless,inept,unskillful Colin Powell, Mr Bush’s first secretary of state, is portrayed as a sulking saboteur; Condoleezza Rice, his successor, as a bumbling appeaser.
他在书中把小布什的第一任国务卿科林·鲍威尔描绘为一个愠怒的肆意破坏者; 而下任国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯则是个虚伪的和事佬; ecocn

Favourable comparisons have rightly been made with the bumbling response by an earlier government to the1995 earthquake in Kobe, which killed 6,400.
1995年的神户地震夺去了6400人的生命,当时的日本政府反应相当笨拙,现在是时候把两届政府做一比较了。 ecocn

Has the military really ceased to be the big, bumbling bureaucracy it was always taken to be?
比如我们的军队是否摒弃了其一贯的装模作样的官僚主义作风? yeeyan

I’m a father who makes bumbling attempts at motherly things.
我是一个在笨拙地尝试一个母亲角色的父亲。 yeeyan

The supposed resemblance of the bumbling slapstick character to Spain's Prime Minister Zapatero has been a running joke in Spain for years.

What are you bumbling about?

But while Americans were able to find solace in the heroism of New York fire fighters, the people of Hong Kong were instead shocked by the bumbling rescue operation.
然而,如果说美国人能够在纽约消防员的英勇行为中找到慰藉,香港人却只能对笨拙的救援行动感到震惊。 fengxietouzi

CRITICS of Argentina’s government have two main explanations for the behaviour of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s administration: cunning conspiracy or bumbling incompetence.
阿根廷政府的批评家们指责克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯•基什内尔当局行为的矛头有二:阴险奸诈以及糟糕无能. ecocn

Escalate the conflict with each turn. For example, a bumbling handyman's attempt at a minor repair results in an entire house collapsing.
并把冲突升级为转折,比如一个笨手笨脚的杂务工做的小型维修把整栋别墅给弄塌了。 yeeyan

He instead blamed his bumbling and at times incomprehensible performance on an overdose of cold medicine.
相反,他将自己讲话含糊、不时做出匪夷所思举动的表现归咎于过量服用感冒药。 yeeyan

He was the embodiment of pure intellect, the bumbling professor with the German accent, a comic cliche in a thousand films.
他是纯粹知识分子的化身,是带着德国腔的心不在焉的教授,是众多电影中的喜剧元素。 yeeyan

His bumbling caused many a headache to city officials in Otoh Gunga, especially Captain Tarpals.
他的笨手笨脚让奥托冈加的许多官员都感到头疼,特别是塔帕尔斯队长。 starwarsfans

If adolescence is essentially a collection of them— angst, idiocy, and haste; impulsiveness, selfishness, and reckless bumbling— then how did those traits survive selection?
如果青少年本质上是这种集合体——焦虑、愚蠢、轻率,冲动、自私和不计后果、笨手笨脚——那么这些特性是如何经过选择而存在的呢? yeeyan

Its foreign and defence ministries displayed a bumbling incompetence that actively encouraged the Argentine folly.
外交部和国防部长的无能有力的怂恿了阿根廷的愚蠢。 ecocn

La Mancha’s windmills were famously captured in Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote, when the bumbling knight of the title rushes the windmills, thinking they’re giants.
加那利拉曼查风车是米格尔·塞万提斯的《唐吉柯德》书中著名的俘虏,当时,那位爱管闲事的骑士唐吉柯德认为风车是巨人,因而向它发起冲击。 yeeyan

Like bumbling burglars who leave fingerprints at a crime scene, cooking oils leave their own clues.
就像笨贼们会在犯罪现场留下指纹一样,烹饪用油也会在食物中留下痕迹。 hjenglish

Now bumbling nuclear plant worker Homer Simpson, Blinky, the radiation- mutated, three- eyed fish, and evil nuclear power plant owner Montgomery Burns make us giggle and wince.
笨拙的核电厂工人荷马·辛普森、布灵奇、经过核辐射后变异的三只眼的鱼、邪恶的核电厂老板蒙哥马利·伯恩斯让我们莞尔一笑而又面部抽搐。 yeeyan

Parts are even dryly humorous in describing the absurdities of war: There was no lack of greed, racist stereotyping, bureaucratic bumbling, infighting and aggression on both sides.
有些地方甚至用冷幽默描写战争的荒谬:两方面都不缺贪婪、种族成见、装模作样的官僚、内讧和敌对心理。 yeeyan

So I read him unchallenging things, like the misadventures of the bumbling Mullah Nasruddin and his donkey.
所以我念些不那么有挑战性的东西,比如装腔作势的纳斯鲁丁毛拉和他那头驴子出洋相的故事。 kekenet

The next day the city’s beloved football team, the Saints—famous mostly for bumbling—won the Super Bowl for the first time in their 43- year existence.
次日,该城备受宠爱的橄榄球队——“圣徒”——主要靠掉链子闻名于世——建队43年以来首次赢得了超级碗冠军。 ecocn

The upshot, as ever: Apple’s Mac types are elegantly effective; Microsoft’s PC folks are bumbling plodders.
广告巩固了苹果的形象:苹果的 Mac的购买者雅致而富有活力,用微软电脑的人则是一群装模作样的工作狂。 ecocn




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