

单词 bullion
释义 bul·lion 英ˈbʊljən美ˈbʊljənAHDb‹lʹyən ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁵¹⁷⁰⁷BNC²⁵⁶⁴⁹iWeb¹⁴¹⁸⁴Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

a mass of precious metalgold or silver in bars or ingots来源于拉丁语中bulla泡,水泡派生的bullire煮沸在盎格鲁-诺曼底语中产生的bullion铸币厂。
同源词:boilbullion arbitrage金块套利bullion lead生铅bullion value条金价值copper bullion粗铜锭dore bullion金银锭molten bullion熔融粗铅, 粗铅熔体…bullion bar粗金属锭,金锭…bullion broker经 贵重金属经纪…bullion trade生金银贸易bullion market金银市场silver bullion银条lead bullion粗铅,粗铅锭…gold bullion金块base bullion粗金属锭,劣币…Bullion State密苏里州的别名…
GRE红宝书bull公牛, lion狮子, 卖公牛得银, 卖狮子得金; 或者: 想看公牛斗狮子, 拿金条来; 或者: 用公牛和狮子守住金库的门.
billion 亿万富翁
和bull公牛一起记, 卖公牛得金银sell bulls to get bullions
联想记忆bull公牛+lion狮子→ 卖公牛,狮子得金银sell bulls to get bullions⇒金条,银条GRE难词记忆bullion→billion n.十亿→价值十亿美元的金条和银条近义词 ore矿石metal金属gold金色的silver银币platinum白金precious metal贵金属

用作名词Investors world-wide are stashingbullion.全球投资者都在买进储备黄金。
In the Londonbullionmarket yesterday, the price of gold was steady.昨天伦敦金银市场黄金价格稳定。
The goldbullionwas transported under police escort.金锭在警方的护送下运走了。as in.cash
同义词 buck,currency,investment,note,payment,refund,reserve,security,stock,supplybanknote,bread,cabbage,coin,coinage,dinero,dough,funds,pledge,principal,remuneration,resources,riches,savings,scratch,skins,treasure,wampum,wherewithalchicken feed,green stuff,legal tender,mazuma,ready assets
反义词 debtas in.nugget
同义词 chunk,clod,clump,gold,hunk,ingot,mass,plum,rock,treasure,wadore asset
cashnoun money;assets
banknote,bread,buck,cabbage,chicken feed,coin,coinage,currency,dinero,dough,funds,green stuff,investment,legal tender,mazuma,note,payment,pledge,principal,ready assets,refund,remuneration,reserve,resources,riches,savings,scratch,security,skins,stock,supply,treasure,wampum,wherewithal
nuggetnoun lump, solid piece;often of metal
bullion,chunk,clod,clump,gold,hunk,ingot,mass,ore asset,plum,rock,treasure,wad At the time of publication, Bill Fleckenstein owned gold bullion and gold futures.
本文发表的时候,比尔·弗雷肯斯坦持有金砖以及黄金期货。 yeeyan

Many people see gold as the “ anti- dollar”, so if the greenback does well, they have less incentive to own bullion.
许多人认为黄金是“反美元”的,因此,如果美元表现状态良好,他们就没有拥有黄金的动机。 yeeyan

OK, should you buy bullion as well?
那么,你应该购买金块吗? forbeschina

Other clans organized around families and individuals who possessed stocks of food, bullion, guns and ammunition.
其他宗族势力围绕拥有食品、金银、枪支弹药的家族和个人建立起来。 yeeyan

Paper money, it seemed, had to be convertible into bullion on demand for it to be accepted.
纸币似乎必须能即刻兑换成金条银条才能为人接受。 yeeyan

Quesnay was one of the first to think of the economy as a system of interacting parts, to be judged by the necessities and conveniences it produces, not the bullion it amasses.
魁奈是最早把经济视为各要素互相关联的体系的学者,他认为要靠生产的必需品和便利品来判断经济,而不是储备的金银数量。 ecocn

Rather than entrust the money supply to a guru or a professor, money is limited by the quantity of bullion.
货币是根据黄金数量挂钩的而不是委托的货币供应量主管或教授制定的。 yeeyan

Some blame the rapid growth of gold ETFs for pushing the bullion price to record peaks in late 2009.
有人指责黄金 ETF的快速增长是2009年底推动黄金价格达到新高的主要原因。 ecocn

The authorities then still thought it worth expressing the shift in terms of bullion, rather than against another currency like the Japanese yen or French franc.
那时当局依旧认为把美元兑换成金条比换成像日元或者法国法郎那样的其他货币要好。 ecocn

Those, of course, were the months when bullion funds reported by far their biggest net inflows.
这段时间当然就是金块基金的资金净流入势头最为迅猛的时候。 iciba

You can thus count on the bullion price to rise as Treasury bond yields are increasing.
当长期国库券收益上升的时候,你可以期待手上的金银块价格上涨。 yeeyan




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