

单词 bulldog
释义 bull·dog 英ˈbʊlˌdɔːg, -ˌdɒg美ˈbʊlˌdɔg, -ˌdɑgAHDb‹lʹdôg', -dŏg' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁴³⁰³BNC²⁷⁰⁴⁷iWeb⁸²¹⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; developed originally in England for bull baiting
attack viciously and ferociouslythrow a steer by seizing the horns and twisting the neck, as in a rodeobulldog calf斗犬牛病,软骨发育不…bulldog plate鳄形板bulldog ant犬蚁bulldog clamp动脉夹bulldog jaw医 犬颌bulldog wrench鳄形扳手bulldog clip大铁夹子bulldog edition晨版
用作名词Though there is a bravebulldogprotect the house, but I feel like I can't even close my eyes!就算有一只牛头狗在保护着房子,我还是觉得我好像连眼睛都不敢闭上!as in.newspaper
同义词 community,daily,journal,magazine,paper,periodical,press,tabloid,weeklybiweekly,extra,gazette,metropolitan,organ,rag,record,review,sheet,tradescandal sheet
newspapernoun regular, continuous publication containing information
biweekly,community,daily,extra,gazette,journal,magazine,metropolitan,organ,paper,periodical,press,rag,record,review,scandal sheet,sheet,tabloid,trade,weekly
newspapersnoun regular, continuous publication containing information
biweeklies,bulldogs,communities,dailies,extras,gazettes,journals,magazines,metropolitans,organs,papers,periodicals,presses,rags,records,reviews,scandal sheets,sheets,tabloids,trades,weeklies A left- brain thinker may lack motivation when starting a new project, but once started, they are like a persistent bulldog working to complete the project.
当一个项目启动的时候,左脑型的思想者也许缺乏动机,不过一旦项目开始,他们就会像一头永不停歇的斗牛犬,项目不已,工作不止。 yeeyan

And so did Cole Porter, one of America’s most popular composers, who wrote a football song celebrating Yale’s mascot, “ Handsome Dan the Bulldog.”
波特曾经为学校的吉祥物--斗牛犬帅气丹创作过一首歌曲。 tingvoa

In cartoons he was soon depicted as a bulldog, hardly the most affable of creatures.
动画片中,他被迅速描写为一条牛头犬,非常的不友好。 yeeyan

That training is in addition to work, school and caring for two dogs, a boxer and a bulldog mix.
训练以外,里色尔还要工作、上学并且照顾两只狗,一只斗拳狗,一只杂种斗牛犬。 hxen

The nicknames for this breed are German Boxer, German Bulldog and they are large-sized, short- haired dogs.
拳师犬又叫做德国拳师犬、德国斗牛犬,这种狗体型较大,毛短。 hjenglish

The commanding officer, Brigadier General James Bulldog Drummond, was an impressive man with a sterling combat record.
州军事指挥官“牛头犬”詹姆斯.德拉蒙德准将是个使人印象深刻的人,有着优秀的作战记录。 yeeyan

The Bulldog is moving up the list with a 69 percent increase over the past decade, jumping two spots this year to number eight.
牛头犬上升两个榜位,名列第八,在过去十年中该犬种的登记数量增加了69%。 ebigear

“He's the most beautiful bulldog with his attitude and his demeanor.” said his owner, Cordell Miller. “ He's very excited.”
格斯的主人考德尔·米勒说:“它以自己的举止和风度获得最靓牛头犬称号。它很开心。” cri

“The playful Lab may still reign supreme, but the docile and adaptive nature of the Bulldog is gaining ground as a family favorite, ” said American Kennel Club spokeswoman Lisa Peterson.
养犬俱乐部的女发言人利莎•彼得森说:“淘气的拉布拉多犬可能仍是宠物犬之王,但温顺好养的牛头犬也越来越受到家庭的青睐。” ebigear

DURING the general- election campaign of1997 Peter Mandelson made a public appearance with a bulldog.
1997年普选期间,彼得•曼德尔森参加竞选活动时带着条英国斗牛犬在公众面前亮相。 ecocn

He was wide- awake Monday, though, when he was crowned winner of a“ Beautiful Bulldog” contest.
但周一那天他很清醒,因为他夺得了“最靓斗牛犬选美大赛”的冠军。 ebigear

Her jaws are like a bulldog.
她的嘴向恶犬一般。 xici

Hold on with a bulldog grip, and chew and choke as much as possible.
紧紧抓住斗牛犬,尽可能多的去塞咀嚼和吞咽。 yeeyan

I like bulldog.

ON APRIL21st1,000 high- school students will flock to Yale's Old Campus to be greeted by a three-storey, inflated statue of the university's bulldog mascot, Handsome Dan.
四月二十一日,一千名高中生将齐聚耶鲁老校区,欢迎他们的将是三层楼高的充气塑像:耶鲁的吉祥物牛头狗“帅哥丹”。 ecocn




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