

单词 bullae
释义 bul·lae 英ˈbʊliː美ˈbʊliAHDb‹lʹē COCA¹⁴³¹⁸²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
pathology an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluidthe round leaden seal affixed to a papal bullbulla a frigore医 冻伤大疱…bloody bulla血泡ethmoid bulla筛骨泡bulla ethmoidalis医 筛骨泡
近义词 bleb疮疹blister气泡

用作名词The official document issued by the pope was sealed with a bulla.由教皇颁发的官方文件是用印玺封住的。as in.blister
同义词 abscess,cyst,pimple,sore,ulcer,weltblain,bleb,boil,bubble,burn,canker,carbuncle,furuncle,pustule,sac,vesication,vesicle,wale,weal,whealas in.fever blister
同义词 blister,herpes labialis,herpes simplex lesion,oral herpes,vesicle
blisternoun swelling
fever blisternoun cold sore
blister,bulla,herpes labialis,herpes simplex lesion,oral herpes,vesicle Conclusion For the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax and emphysematous bullae, VATS or with minimally invasive incision is in the first place.
结论 VATS或辅以小切口是自发性气胸、肺大泡的首选治疗方法。 cnki

Conclusion: CT scan is helpful in diagnosis of vanishing lung, in differentiation of large bullae from pneumothorax and in finding of causative diseases in vanishing lung.
结论: CT扫描有助于消失肺的诊断,有助于巨大肺大疱与气胸的鉴别诊断,有助于引起消失肺的基础病变的发现。 cnki

Different methods for disposing bullae and complications are applied to allow full expansion of the lung.
采用不同的方法处理肺大疱并配合胸膜剥脱术使肺复张。 cnki

Even though true cavitary sarcoidosis is rare, pseudocavities representing bullae or bronchiectasis are common in patients with extensive fibrosis.
虽然结节病很少见真性空洞,但是可有肺大泡的假空洞及广泛纤维化形成的支气管扩张。 med66

In histograms of lung attenuation of central slice of bullae, double- peak distribution was10 cases, similar normal distribution was12 cases, partial distribution was2 cases;
肺大泡中心层面像素直方图中,双峰样分布10例,类正态分布12例,偏态分布2例; cnki

It can be used as the first choice for spontaneous pneumothorax and bullae of lung.
自发性气胸、肺大疱切除可列为首选治疗术式。 cnki

Methods To sum up the nursing experience in39 cases of surgical operation treating bullae of lung.
方法总结39例运用该术式治疗肺大泡手术配合的护理体会。 cnki

Objective: To summarize the curative effect and experience of Video-assisted thoracic surgical treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax caused by bullae rupture in the elderly.
目的:总结老年人肺大疱破裂致自发性气胸电视胸腔镜手术VATS治疗的疗效及体会。 studa

Objective: Evaluating the operative methods, complication, feasibility and safety of one- stage treatment by thoracoscopy for bilateral pneumothorax or pneumothorax combined with contralateral bullae.
目的:探讨胸腔镜双侧一期手术治疗自发性气胸的手术方法、并发症,评价该术式的可行性、安全性。 cnki

One of the bullae we found is blank, but two others bear impressions of Greek letters and Christian religious scenes.
之一是空白的,但其他两个压有希腊字母和基督教的宗教图景。 bab

Open the double bulla, we can see cholesteatoma grew into the right bullae, and along with the time extending, the circumscription of encroachment was gradually enlarged.
开放鼠双侧听泡,可见胆脂瘤生长进入右侧听泡内,并且随着时间延长侵犯范围逐渐扩大; pp.lunwenchina.net.cn

Relapse was defined as the occurrence of new bullae daily for several consecutive days, along with the reappearance of erythema and pruritus.
复发被定义为连续数天每天都有新水疱发生,同时出现红斑和瘙痒。 dxy

Results:8 cases of multiple bullae of lung,6 cases of single bullae of lung,4 cases of bullae of lung accompanying adhesive band were found.
结果:造影后发现多发性肺大泡8例,单发性肺大泡6例,肺大泡伴粘连带4例。 cnki

Spontaneous pneumothorax with pleura adhesion can be treated by pneumonolysis and bullae of lung excision under thoracoscopy assisted small incision operation.
自发性气胸并胸膜粘连可用胸腔镜辅助小切口行粘连松解肺大泡切除术; cnki

Bullae are rounded or irregularly shaped blisters containing serous or seropurulent fluid. They differ from vesicles only in size, being larger than 1 cm.
大疱为圆形或不规则形的大水疱,含浆液性浆液脓性液体,大于1cm,与水疱仅是大小之别。 blog.sina.com.cn

Bullae may be located superficially in the epidermis, so that their walls are flaccid and thin and subject to rupture spontaneously or from slight injury.
大疱位于表皮的浅层,其壁松弛而薄,可自发性破裂,或因轻微外伤而破裂。 blog.sina.com.cn




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