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词汇 紧锣密鼓
释义 紧锣密鼓 jǐn luó mì gǔ 常用成语
a din of drums and gongs锣鼓点敲得很密。比喻公开活动前的紧张气氛和舆论准备。繁体緊鑼密皷近义密锣紧鼓;呼之欲出正音“锣”,不能读作“luō”。
辨形“密”,不能写作“蜜”。俄文громкие звуки гонгов и барабáнов在一阵紧锣密鼓之后,一项新的计划终于出台了。联合式:作宾语;定语;状语;用于大事开始前;中性词。刘绍棠《狼烟》四:“绿树葱茏的太子镇里,传出一阵阵紧锣密鼓的喧响。”解释: 锣鼓点敲得很密。戏曲开场前敲锣击鼓以烘托气氛。蒋子龙《乔厂长上任记》:“你设想吧,当舞台的大幕拉开,紧锣密鼓,音乐骤起,主角威风凛凛地走出台来,却一声不吭,既不说,也不唱,剧场里会是一种什么局面呢?”
贾平凹《腊月·正月》一〇:“在紧锣密鼓声中,两厢忽上忽下,互绞互缠,翻,旋,腾,套。”解释: 比喻事前的紧张准备。肖复兴《生日的翅膀》:“儿子的这次生日,早在半月前就开始和同学们紧锣密鼓地筹备了。”
郭沫若《天地玄黄·关于非正式五人小组》:“在政府未还都以前,也曾密锣紧鼓地酝酿过一番改组的声浪,然而不幸的是就在国府委员的名额分配上,便碰上了暗礁。”白宫透露美国总统奥巴马日前正紧锣密鼓的与国会一同千方百计阻止发放 AIG奖金或收回这些钱。
The White House says President Barack Obama is working closely with Congress to find ways to block the bonuses at AIG or recoup that money. putclub

AS COPENHAGEN gears up to host the UN climate- change jamboree in December, Denmark is keen to parade its green credentials. ecocn

A second movie is now in production, which the producers are desperately trying to complete before child actor Daniel Radcliffe's voice breaks. xinhuanet

调查病人的病情和随后的死因正在紧锣密鼓的进行之中。 FDA说。
“The investigation into the cause of the patient's illness and subsequent death is intensive and ongoing, ” an FDA statement said. dxy

China's cities and provinces are gearing up for the country's first national tourism day. huanqiu

Across the developed world the hunt for more taxes from the wealthy is on. ecocn

尽管 XO膝上型电脑尚在紧锣密鼓的开发之中,但相应的操作系统和 Sugar界面已经可用且相当稳定。
Although the XO laptop is still in active development, the operating system and Sugar interface are stable and usable. ibm

Recently, we have company in full swing for the130 anniversary of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra to create hand- silk gift, but also future cooperation between the two sides opened a good start. miracleisure

Similar developments are now underway in Canada and South Africa. yeeyan

Faced with six months' notice, we switched into high gear and began collecting data about premises in various buildings in selected districts we were considering for our relocation. fortunechina

Just as Serbia’s government has agreed to them, Kosovo’s has collapsed, and elections are now in the offing. ecocn

软件开发者和美国国防部正在紧锣密鼓地开发 iPod军用软件,以便向士兵提供更多实用功能。
Software developers and the U.S. Department of Defense are busy developing military software for iPods in an attempt to gives soldiers even more functionality. yeeyan

Following the good news, travel agencies in Hefei are busy planning their top- quality tourist routes to Singapore. hf365

States, too, have been busy tightening up. ecocn

The Ministry of Health has been working intensively to implement a comprehensive epidemic surveillance and containment system in disaster areas right across Sichuan. hjenglish

All five remaining tiger subspecies are endangered, and many protection programs are in place. yeeyan

Next year, after opening their Las vegas show, Tucker joined their West Coast tour.

A high- priority search for7-year-old Julian King went underway after the young boy went missing following a double homicide that left Hudson's mother and brother dead on Friday. hjenglish

This intense series of concerts has been so festooned in critics' stars, so garlanded in superlatives, that late joiners may have been beguiled into expecting pianistic perfection. yeeyan

Cheng wedding preparations are in full swing, Mr Edward Cheng Ma County can do anything they want is the land the emperor. xunbin

China has been most aggressive in the South China Sea, where it claims a number of disputed territories. yeeyan

The stepped-up drive to secure a polio-free world continues to intensify in those countries where the disease threatens most. iciba

After a survey of the area,37 volunteers from Chicago, Minnesota, and Wisconsin immediately teamed up to prepare for aid distribution. newdaai




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