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词汇 bulimia
释义 bu·lim·i·a 英bjuːˈlɪmiːə, -ˈliːmiːə, buː-美bjuˈlɪmiə, -ˈlimiə, bu-AHDby›-lĭmʹē-ə, -lēʹmē-ə, b›- ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁹³¹⁸BNC²⁵²⁶¹iWeb²²⁷⁵⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a disorder of eating seen among young women who go on eating binges and then feel guilt and depression and self-condemnationpathologically insatiable hunger especially when caused by brain lesionsbu, 牛,此处表强调,词源同bovine. -lim, 饥饿。anorexia nervosa & bulimia神经性厌食与贪食症…
用作名词Alcohol andbulimiahave no part of our lives today.酗酒的恶习和暴食症与我们再也没有任何关系了。
You could potentially become a victim to horrible eating disorders like anorexia andbulimia.你可能会成为可怕的饮食失调的受害者,如厌食和食欲过盛。as in.binge-purge syndrome
同义词 binge-vomit syndrome,bingeing,bulimarexia,bulimia nervosa,hyperphagia,polyphagiaas in.eating disorder
同义词 anorexia nervosa,bingeing,bulimarexia,compulsive eating,hypheragia,pica,psychological disorder,purgingas in.malnutrition
同义词 hunger,starvationmalnourishment,undernourishmentanorexia nervosa,dietary deficiency
binge-purge syndromenoun eating disorder
binge-vomit syndrome,bingeing,bulimarexia,bulimia nervosa,hyperphagia,polyphagia
eating disordernoun unhealthy disturbance in eating behavior
anorexia nervosa,bingeing,bulimarexia,bulimia,compulsive eating,hypheragia,pica,psychological disorder,purging
malnutritionnoun poor nutrition
anorexia nervosa,bulimia,dietary deficiency,hunger,malnourishment,starvation,undernourishment The mouth was more emphasized by women with anorexia or bulimia.
有厌食症或暴食症的女性更倾向于描绘嘴部。 yeeyan

The study will find out which sizes are used by fashion chains in their advertising and try to discover if the industry is helping to drive girls to anorexia or bulimia.
西班牙政府将查清时装品牌在广告中所使用衣服的尺寸,调查这些广告是否对年轻女性罹患厌食症或食欲过度起到推波助澜的作用。 cri

“ Circuits that play a key role in reward or pleasure in the brain may be where the pathology in anorexia and bulimia, and in obesity, ultimately lies, ” Kaye speculated.
“大脑中对奖励机制或快乐情绪扮演着核心作用的回路可能是导致神经性厌食,贪食,肥胖和撒谎的病理关键所在,” Kaye推测。 yeeyan

A dentist may be the first to notice signs of an eating disorder such as bulimia.
牙医也许是最早注意到进食紊乱症如暴食症的表现的。 yeeyan

A study has credited eating together with lower rates of bulimia and anorexia.
一项研究已经证实,和全家一起吃饭的人患暴食症或厌食症的几率会较低,而且通常会按时进餐。 cri

A study led by Professor Treasure on150 women with acute anorexia or bulimia suggests that up to60 per cent also develop the psychological signs of autism.
由 Treasure教授领导的一个对150个有严重厌食症或者贪食症的女人的研究表明,高达60%的病例发展出孤独症的精神征兆。 yeeyan

Anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders can also cause serious nutritional shortfalls that can affect the health of your teeth.
厌食症、暴食症和其他进食紊乱症都可导致严重的营养不足从而影响你的牙齿健康。 yeeyan

Anorexia and bulimia become normal in a society that is striving to be slender.
社会上,为了变苗条厌食症和贪食症越来越普遍。 yeeyan

Anorexia and bulimia are very rare and complex psychological disorders with a strong genetic component.
厌食症和易饿病是少见和复杂的心理疾病,并且带有很强的遗传因素的。 yeeyan

But studies also show that self- starvation in girls can be triggered by media images, including Internet sites promoting anorexia and bulimia as lifestyle choices.
但是不少研究也显示,媒体形像包括提倡将厌食和贪食作为生活方式选择的网站可能是引发女孩们禁食的原因。 iciba

During their union, Diana struggled with depression and bulimia.
在他们的婚姻中,戴安娜一直与抑郁症和暴食症痛苦斗争。 yeeyan

Further, an estimated6-8 percent of women experience an eating disorder, with binge eating and bulimia nervosa being the most common, followed by anorexia and other disorders.
而且估计有6%-8%的女人有过饮食失调经历,尤其是狂吃和暴饮暴食最为常见,接下来则是厌食症和其他不正常症状。 yeeyan

Incidences of bulimia have tripled since the 1980s and anorexia incidences have also risen, according to studies collected by the National Eating Disorders Association.
根据美国饮食失调协会 National Eating Disorders Association汇集的研究,20世纪80年代以来,贪食症的发生率上升了两倍,厌食症的发生率也在上升。 iciba

It will lead to bulimia later destabilizing relations in a group.
这样会导致暴食症影响将来它们将来在族群中的关系。 yeeyan

More women than men, however, report psychiatric symptoms like the“purging” associated with bulimia, according to Striegel.
据斯特里格尔说,报告称女人比男人更容易患上“赎罪”的心理症状,这是与暴食症相关的症状。 yeeyan

No one has precise statistics on who is affected by eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia, often marked by severe weight loss, or binge eating, which can lead to obesity.
并没有确切的数据显示有多少人患有神经性厌食症和暴食症。 罹患这两种疾病最明显的症状分别是急剧消瘦,以及无节制的暴食以致肥胖。 yeeyan

People who have anorexia or bulimia are at risk of bone loss.
患有厌食症和食欲过盛的人处于骨质流失的风险中。 yeeyan

Researchers found depression and alexithymia,the inability to identify and describe one’s feelings, directly influenced a women’s risk for developing the eating disorders anorexia or bulimia.
调查者们发现,沮丧和述情障碍后者指没有能力识别和表达一个人得情感会直接影响一个女人是否回换上厌食症或食欲过盛。 yeeyan

That moment also marks the positive turning point in my battle with Bulimia.
那一刻也是我真正开始对抗厌食症的起点。 yeeyan

The first step in the eating disorder treatment process is to find a therapist or doctor who specializes in helping people with anorexia, bulimia and compulsive eating disorders.
第一,寻医。寻找专门帮助罹患厌食症、贪食症和强迫性进食障碍的病患康复的治疗师、医生或者专家。 yeeyan

The impetus for its inclusion comes in part from a2007 study which suggests that it is as common in the US as anorexia and bulimia combined.
为将其列入议程的动力部分来自于2007年的一项研究,它表明此症在美国很普遍,与厌食症和贪食症合并起来一样多。 yeeyan

They found that women with anorexia or bulimia draw themselves with different characteristics than women without eating disorders.
研究人员发现,有厌食症或暴食症的女性自画像中有不同于正常人的特征。 yeeyan

This digital plastic surgery has been criticised as having a deleterious effect on readers' mental health, leading to anorexia, bulimia, suicide and other ills.
数字整形手术历来受到批评,其罪名包括影响读者心理健康,导致厌食症,暴食症和其它疾病。 ecocn

Women with anorexia or bulimia tended to draw pictures without feet or with disconnected feet.
而且,她们更倾向于不画脚或者画出不连贯的脚。 yeeyan

Women with anorexia or bulimia tended to portray themselves with a larger neck, a disconnected neck or no neck.
有厌食症或暴食症的女性画脖子的时候更倾向于画成粗脖子、没脖子或不连贯脖子。 yeeyan




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