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词汇 Bulgaria
释义 Bul·gar·i·a 英bʌlˈgeəriːə, bʊl-美bʌlˈgɛriə, bʊl-AHDbŭl-gârʹē-ə, b‹l- Economist⁶⁴⁹⁷

a republic in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe保加利亚的国名Bulgarian来自其主体民族Bulgar保加尔人。保加尔人可归属为匈奴人或西突厥人的一支,曾经在南俄草原的伏尔加Volga河畔长期生活,其名称Bulgar的含义很可能就是“来自伏尔加的人”,开头的辅音b-v相通。公元七世纪中叶保加尔人由于被其他部落击败,在其首领库尔特(Kurt的率领下迁徙至多瑙河下游南岸。公元679年库尔特率领保加尔人联合当地七个南斯拉夫人部落,共同打败东罗马帝国皇帝君士坦丁四世的进攻,迫使其言和,夺取了东罗马帝国的多瑙河下游南岸一带土地,从而建立了保加利亚王国。建国后,保加尔人与当地斯拉夫人通婚融合,诞生了后来的保加利亚人Bulgarian,其文化已经大部分斯拉夫化。
用作名词I had a bad cold when I first came toBulgaria.我第一次到保加利亚的时候得了重感冒。
His brother, Asen, also used to play inBulgaria.他的兄弟阿森也曾在保加利亚踢球。 A friend who knows Bulgaria well described it as a bit of a dump: an industrial port with not much going for it.
一位熟悉保加利亚的朋友把瓦尔纳说成乱糟糟的地方,一个工业和港口城市,值得看的东西不多。 yeeyan

In Bulgaria, as in Egypt, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly were viewed as criminal activities instigated by foreign elements.
保加利亚和埃及一样,将言论自由和集会自由看作是由外国势力唆使的犯罪行为。 yeeyan

The fate of EU funds has become a big political issue in Bulgaria, which will hold a general election in July, a month after the election of a new European Parliament.
六月份欧洲议会将进行选举,而在一个月之后,保加利亚大选也将举行,欧盟援助资金的去向已经成为了一个严重的政治问题。 ecocn

There is also a belief that, to quote a diplomat, “ Romania and Bulgaria came in too soon”, and have been sliding away from reforms ever since.
也有这样的看法,这里引用一位外交人员的话说:“罗马尼亚和保加利亚进得太快了”,自从他们加入后,就远离了改革的方向。 ecocn

“ The answer was that the policeman had bought a flat for his mother in Bulgaria and he now needed money to do it up,” the businessmen said.
“那是因为这个警察刚刚在保加利亚为他母亲买了一套房子,现在需要钱来装修。”这位商人解释说。 ecocn

Amid the mild panic, most voters blame the government, which had promised that Bulgaria had enough gas reserves for two months.
在这和缓的恐慌中,很多选民开始责备政府,因为它承诺保加利亚有足够两个月的燃气储备。 ecocn

First, it must be said that Bulgaria itself is kind of a dirty place.
首先,必须指出,保加利亚本身是那么一种肮脏的地方。 yeeyan

I told him I was going much the same way, although I would leave the river at some stage before its end in order to cut south through Bulgaria towards Istanbul.
我告诉他,我差不多和他同路,只是在多瑙河到达终点以前的某个地方分开,然后朝南经过保加利亚向伊斯坦布尔方向骑行。 yeeyan

I was also proud of the young people who came to our service academies from all over the world. This class included graduates from our Cold War adversaries Russia and Bulgaria.
我也为到此学习的来自全世界的年轻人感到自豪,这次的班级包括有来自冷战时期我们的对手俄罗斯和保加利亚的毕业生。 yeeyan

In short, Poland, Estonia and Bulgaria are as different in their way as are France, Finland and Greece.
总之,波兰,爱沙尼亚和保加利亚与与法国,芬兰和希腊拥有不同的方式。 ecocn

In Bulgaria, I would go for the medieval monasteries and Black Sea resorts.
在保加利亚,我推荐到中世纪修道院和黑海度假地。 yeeyan

It lies on a main drug-trafficking route, for instance; but so do some EU members, such as Bulgaria and even Austria.
例如科索沃是一个重要的毒品通道,但一些欧盟成员国,如保加利亚,甚至奥地利也都如此。 ecocn

Labour markets will be fully opened to Romania and Bulgaria within seven years; travel restrictions will go sooner.
劳动力市场将会在七年内向罗马尼亚和保加利亚完全开放,旅行限制也将很快解除。 ecocn

Southern Europe now constitutes a zone of lassitude that extends from Portugal and Spain through the south of France, Italy, the former Yugoslavia, Greece, and Bulgaria.
现在南欧成了毫无活力的地区,该地区从葡萄牙和西班牙延伸至法国南部、意大利、前南斯拉夫、希腊和保加利亚。 yeeyan

Then it was diverted to Romania and Bulgaria.
然后货物再转运到罗马尼亚和保加利亚。 ecocn

There are grounds for concern over organised crime and corruption, especially in Bulgaria.
还是有理由去关注有组织的犯罪和腐败的,特别是保加利亚。 ecocn

Traditionally the left wing party provided scholarships for its members to study in Eastern Europe, such as Bulgaria and Hungary, which are still popular destinations.
传统上,左翼政党为其成员提供奖学金到东欧国家学习,如保加利亚和匈牙利。这些国家还是相当受欢迎。 ebigear

Yet the farmer does not quarrel with the logic of the decision to freeze Bulgaria’s aid, which is the toughest sanction ever imposed on any EU member.
虽然这次冻结款项是欧盟有史以来对其成员国最严重的制裁,这位农场主并没有质疑欧盟冻结对保加利亚援助这一决定。 ecocn

Bulgaria’s leaders, meanwhile, hope the discovery will lead to a miracle in the polls.
期间,保加利亚的领导者们希望这一发现能带来选举上的奇迹。 ecocn

Bulgaria is a republic in the southeast of Europe.
保加利亚是欧洲东南部的一个共和国。 ebigear




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