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词汇 bulgakov
释义 bulgakov
“ We are no longer buying cigarettes for the armed forces and are replacing them with caramel and sugar, ” Lieutenant-General Dmitry Bulgakov was quoted by news agencies as saying.
通讯社援引中将德米特里•布尔加科夫的话:“我们将不再为军队购买香烟,取而代之的将是焦糖和砂糖。” iciba

Bolshevik Russia had no need for reflective thinkers like Bulgakov.
布尔什维克统治的俄罗斯不需要布尔加科夫这样的思想家。 ecocn

Defence chiefs now planned to phase in the new uniforms over the next two to three years, Bulgakov said.
国防部的长官们现在计划在接下来的两到三年内逐步引入新制服,布尔加科夫说。 hxen

Here lie the graves of great writers such as Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Mikhail Bulgakov.
尼古拉·果戈里、安东·契诃夫、弗拉基米尔·马雅可夫斯基、米·布尔加科夫,这些伟大的作家都在此处安息。 qq

In“Vekhi”, an important self-reflecting book written in1909, Sergei Bulgakov describes the sorry state of the intelligentsia, its conceit towards its own people, its lack of discipline and decency.
在1909年的《路标》这一重要的自省之作中,布尔加科夫描述了俄罗斯知识界的可悲现状,描写了他们对祖国人民的倨傲,以及他们的涣散与低俗。 ecocn

In all of these genres it is more or less expressed the excellent and special talent of Bulgakov as a satirist.
在所有这些体裁中,都或多或少地体现了讽刺作家布尔加科夫的杰出而独特的才能。 fabiao

While it was not designed for commercial sale or flight Bulgakov has patented his creation, which he showed off at the Autoexotics motor show in Moscow.
虽然这款设计既不是出于商用目的,也不是正儿八经的飞天车,布尔加科夫仍然申请了专利,并在莫斯科的“汽车猎奇”车展上展示了这辆车。 yeeyan

Bulgakov has developed the good tradition of Russian literature and artistry which is represented by Gogol and Shchedrin, besides he has created his own special satirical artistry.
布尔加科夫继承并发扬了以果戈理和谢德林为代表的俄罗斯讽刺艺术的优良传统,并形成了与众不同的讽刺艺术世界。 fabiao

Bulgakov has great talent for novel and drama.
布尔加科夫在小说和戏剧方面颇具天赋。 fabiao

Bulgakov is an author of importance in the literary history of the Soviet Union, and his masterpiece Master and Margareta is regarded as a classic in its“ returning literature”.
布尔加科夫是苏联文学史上的重要作家,他的代表作《大师和玛格丽特》更是苏联“回归文学”中的经典之作。 cnki




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