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词汇 building up
释义 building up ˈbildiŋʌp 短语¹⁰⁸⁹⁵

动词 build up:
enlarge, develop, or increase by degrees or in stagesform or accumulate steadilyprepare oneself for a military confrontationbolster or strengthenchange the use of and make available or usable There is an Afghan police force now and an Afghan army that are building up to be able to protect the people of Afghanistan internally like we all want them to.
现在,阿富汗正在组建一支警察部队和一支由军人组成的队伍,这样才会有能力保护阿富汗国内的人民,这是我们一直希望他们做的。 kekenet

A commission report said the dam could lose up to 60 percent of its operating capacity in30 years, though, because of sediment building up in the reservoir.
但是湄公河委员会的一份报告说,由于水库泥沙堆积,沙耶武里水电站有可能在30年的时间里失去60%的发电能力。 kekenet

Avoid inactivity; some exercise at any level of intensity is better than none while you’re building up your endurance.
避免不活动;当你想提高你的耐力时,任何水平强度的运动都比不运动要好。 yeeyan

If events are building up in the transport queue in front of the listener, increase the size of the thread pool for both the listener and the source adapter controller.
如果事件在传输队列位于侦听器前中堆积,则请同时增大侦听器和源适配器控制器的线程池的大小。 ibm

If events are building up in this queue, increase the number of collaboration threads and target application threads.
如果事件在此队列中堆积,则请增加协作线程和目标应用程序线程的数量。 ibm

The MIT group of researchers are now working on improvements to the recognition and tracking algorithms with the aim of building up an expanded command library.
这个 MIT的研究小组现在正在研究如何改善识别与跟踪的算法,目的是为了建立一个扩大的鼠标操作命令库。 yeeyan

This saves a lot of time when building up your collection of test cases.
这就在构建您的测试用例的集合过程中节省了大量的时间。 ibm

US corporations operate very profitably but instead of investing their profits they are building up their liquidity— accumulating money, not investing it.
美国公司非常赚钱,但他们则是在增强他们的流动性——积累资金,而不是用来投资。 yeeyan

We have a fundamental interest in building up the legitimacy of the Karzai government.
里德尔说:“对建立卡尔扎伊的合法性,我们有根本性的利益。” yeeyan

We need to develop the strategy I call Afghanization — building up the Afghan Army, police and civic institutions and handing power to the Afghan people.
我们需要酝酿一个战略,我称之为“阿富汗化”——建立阿富汗的军队、警察和市政机构,把权力交到阿富汗人民的手中。 yeeyan

We will be building up the methods of this class as the article proceeds.
随着本文的继续展开,我们将构建这个类的方法。 ibm

Workers spend years building up contacts at software resellers around the globe, offering them discounted versions of software.
工人花费数年与世界各地的经销商建立联系,为他们提供软件的优惠版本。 yeeyan

You're building up a simple dialog for the user, so you also set a few standard labels and titles.
我们要为用户构建一个简单的对话框,所以还要设置几个标准的标签和标题。 ibm

Building up the elements needed for life this way takes billions of years.
构成这些生命所必需的元素需要几十亿年的时间。 yeeyan




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