释义 |
buf·foon 英bəˈfuːn美bəˈfunAHDbə-f›nʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA⁴²²⁹⁵BNC⁴⁷⁵³⁴iWeb³⁰⁵¹⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本英英词源记法近义反义派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.丑角⁸¹;缺乏教养之人¹⁹复数buffoons名词buffoonery 人物演员粗人与细人蠢笨傻舞蹈,戏剧
Noun: a rude or vulgar foola person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior源自意大利语buffone小丑,弄臣。前半截buff来自拟声词,模拟鼓着腮帮子使劲吹气的动作,类似的拟声词还有puff吹,喷;泡芙。钱博士buff膨胀,喷,吹+oon指大名词后缀→鼓着腮帮子吹来吹去→夸张滑稽的表演的人→丑角,滑稽剧演员⇒比喻滑稽可笑的人 词源解释源自意大利语buffone小丑,弄臣。前半截buff来自拟声词,模拟鼓着腮帮子使劲吹气的动作,类似的拟声词还有puff吹,喷;泡芙。 近义辨析buffoon和clown都可以表示“小丑”,含义上没啥区别,用法不同:clown是个通俗用语,常用来表示实际的小丑;而buffoon比较古雅和书面化,常用来比喻像小丑那样的人,或用作戏剧领域的专业术语,表示古代戏剧中的“丑角”。 应用实例意大利著名守门员布冯的姓氏Buffon就和buffoon同源,都来自意大利语buffone,字面意思就是“小丑”。GRE红宝书读: 把风. 粗俗而愚蠢的人想当坏蛋都困难, 只能干这种把风的工作. 读: 布冯-曾经是意大利国家队最年轻的守门员, 虽然不像小丑, 但是为了我们的前途, 从现在开始, 布冯就是小丑了. 音:暴富, 暴富的是粗俗的人;buffalo水牛 + on 坐在水牛上的小丑buff膨胀,喷,吹+oon指大名词后缀→鼓着腮帮子吹来吹去→夸张滑稽的表演的人→丑角,滑稽剧演员⇒比喻滑稽可笑的人。联想记忆buf看作but+ foon看作fool→ but a fool → 只是个笨蛋 ⇒粗俗而愚蠢的人词根记忆buff,拉丁文癞蛤蟆之意近义词 fool傻瓜clown小丑joker诙谐者goof愚蠢的人comic连环图画goofball 镇静剂comedian喜剧演员wag狗摇摆尾巴… Pbuffooneryn.打诨滑稽
名词100% 用作名词The man painted his hair into blue,looking like abuffoon.那人的头发染成了艳绿色,看上去像个小丑。 The crowd laugh an guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of thebuffoon.大家一见小丑那种滑稽样子,立刻哄堂大笑。 He is far more than the blusteringbuffoonwho was on the stage on Monday.本周一他在记者会上的表现犹如一个口无遮拦的跳梁小丑,但是赖特绝不止这么简单。noun.clownlike person 同义词 clownantic,bozo,comedian,comic,fool,harlequin,jester,joker,wag,zanydroll,merry-andrew Philistinenoun boor barbarian,bear,boob,brute,cad,chuff,churl,dork,goon,lout,oaf,peasant,rube,vulgarian,yahoo boorsnoun clod barbarians,bears,boobs,brutes,buffoons,cads,churls,dorks,goons,louts,oafs,peasants,philistines,rubes,vulgarians clownnoun stupid, ignorant person blockhead,buffoon,bumpkin,chuff,churl,clodhopper,derision,hayseed,hick,hind,lout,mucker,oaf,peasant,rube,rustic,swain,yahoo,yokel comicnoun funny person, often professional banana,buffoon,card,clown,comedian,funnyman,humorist,jester,joker,jokester,life of the party,million laughs,quipster,stand-up comic,stooge,top banana,wag,wit duncenoun stupid person ass,birdbrain,blockhead,bonehead,buffoon,clodpoll,dimwit,dolt,donkey,dope,dork,dullard,dunderhead,fool,goof,goof ball,half-wit,idiot,ignoramus,imbecile,jerk,knucklehead,lame-brain,lightweight,moron,nerd,nincompoop,ninny,nitwit,numskull,oaf,pinhead,scatterbrain,schnook,simpleton,twit foolnoun stupid or ridiculous person ass,birdbrain,blockhead,bonehead,boob,buffoon,clod,clodpoll,clown,cretin,derision,dimwit,dolt,dope,dumb ox,dunce,dunderhead,easy mark,fathead,goose,half-wit,idiot,ignoramus,imbecile,innocent,jerk,lamebrain,lightweight,loon,moron,nincompoop,ninny,nitwit,numskull,oaf,pilgarlic,sap,schlemiel,simpleton,stooge,sucker,turkey,twerp,twit,victim A buffoon? Should you bring the pepper spray? 是不是该带上胡椒喷剂? yeeyan And when he had said this, the buffoon vanished; Zarathustra, however, went on through the dark streets. 小丑说完了这段话,就消失了;查拉图斯特拉于是继续走过昏暗的街道。 yeeyan That he is a buffoon with bathroom fixtures of gold? 他是个小丑,家里的卫生间都镀着金? yeeyan The crowd laugh and guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of the buffoon. 大家一见小丑那种滑稽样子立刻哄堂大笑。 blog.sina.com.cn This is because you are so loyal. Once someone has won your affection you continue to bestow it even when they behave like a buffoon. 因为你是那么忠诚,一旦别人获得了你的感情你就一直源源不断地供给,即使他们表现的像个小丑。 blog.sina.com.cn What help can she desire from a cursed buffoon, a misfit condemned by the color of his eyes to have false dreams, false hopes? 像我这种被诅咒的小丑,这种因为眼睛的颜色而注定只能怀有错误梦想和希望的人又能给她什麽帮助?88ee “ They are drawing their inner buffoon, ” explains the teacher. “他们在描绘自己内心的丑角,”老师解释说。 yeeyan At home he is about as popular as Richard Nixon at the depths of the Watergate scandal see chart1; abroad he is seen as a war- mongering buffoon. 在国内,他的民意支持率比深陷水门事件中的尼克松高不了多少见图1,在国外,他也就是个只知道宣扬战争论的小丑。 ecocn Had he been less of a buffoon, South Africa’s road to democracy might have been bloodier. 要不是他那么搞笑的话,南非的民主进程可能会更血腥。 ecocn In his last days Zia is portrayed as a murderous buffoon: bullied by his wife, sobbing to Allah and suffering dreadfully from worms. 在吉阿将军生命的最后的日子里,他被描述为一个凶残的小丑:受他妻子的威逼、面对真主阿拉啜泣不已,而且还痛苦地受着虫子的折磨。 ecocn Sombre is human life, and as yet without meaning: a buffoon may be fateful to it. 人生黯淡,意义安在:小丑可能就是它的宿命吧。 yeeyan The man painted his hair into blue, looking like a buffoon. 那人的头发染成了艳绿色,看上去像个小丑。 iciba The southeast buffoon still clamouring to depart from China, disregarding his own corruption and the Chinese Nation's sense of honor. 东南小丑还在叫嚣着要独立,枉顾廉耻和民族大义。 augcy The person who runs around in a velvet suit is no artist but a buffoon or merely a decorator. 今天还穿著天鹅绒外套到处走的人不是一个艺术家而是一个插科打诨的小丑或者一个油漆粉刷匠。 cosplay-japan This is probably embarrassing for the spanish cos if this buffoon thinks it, it must be wrong. 如果这个小丑这样说是错误的,而且,会让西班牙人感到尴尬。 tianya Why is this commentator, Clive Tilsly, such a buffoon? 为什么评论员克莱夫·蒂尔斯利这么像个小丑? xianguo.com You know, I wish I didn't have to do that, but I'm tired of all of our friends thinking that I'm just a buffoon! 好吧,我希望没必要那样做,但是现在朋友们的看法我已经表示厌烦了,在他们眼里我就是个小丑了! blog.sina.com.cn You don't want to be remembered as the guy or girl who ruined the party by falling off the roof like a drunken buffoon. 你不会希望自己因为像喝醉的小丑一样从屋顶上摔下来搞砸了整个聚会而被大家记住。 yeeyan |