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词汇 buffet
释义 buffet 英bəˈfeɪ, buː-美bəˈfe, bu-AHDbə-fāʹ, b›-

vt. 反复敲打,连续猛击

strike forcefully or repeatedly


a place,especially a long table,where one can get a meal consisting usually of cold food which people serve for themselves and eat standing up or sitting down near by

a piece of furniture that stands at the side of a dining room; has shelves and drawersa meal set out on a buffet at which guests help themselvesusually inexpensive bar
strike against forcefully;

Winds buffeted the tent

strike, beat repeatedly;

The wind buffeted him

buffet, beat, hit, knock, strike



We were buffeting a storm.我们正与暴风雨搏斗。
The fall knocked me senseless.那一次摔得我失去了知觉。
The child's head struck against the door.孩子的头撞在门上。

2.buffet表示连续猛击; beat指用棍、棒等连续击打; hit指对准某一目标去“打”; strike指徒手或持物一次性地打击。例如:

The waves buffeted the shore.浪拍打着海岸。
The missile hit the carrier but only dented the hull.这枚导弹击中了航空母舰,但只是把 舰体打凹了。
His fist struck home.他一拳正中要害处。

3.hit引申为“攻击”“抨击”“受打击”,也可以指精神上或感情上的“打击”; beat可指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方,用作不及物动词时,可指心脏或脉搏的“跳动”; 而strike则可以用于时钟敲响。例如:

The reviewers hit his novel severely.评论家们对他的小说批评得很严厉。
This clock strikes on the hour.这个钟报时。来自法语,原本指摆放食物的餐台,后来表示摆放在餐台上供食客自助取用的食物,也就是所谓的“自助餐”。buffet car餐车buffet bar快餐酒吧buffet characteristic颤动特性buffet margin抖振边界buffet lunch简易午餐buffet coach轻客车buffet boundary抖振界限sideboard餐具柜
buffet about v.+adv.

把…推来推去knock or push sb/sth roughly from side to side

buffet sb/sth ⇔ aboutWe were buffeted about during the rough boat trip.船在大浪中航行,我们被颠得左右摇晃。非常记忆bu不〖拼音〗+ff两把斧头〖编码〗+et外星人〖编码〗⇒自助餐餐厅里不能拿两把斧头砍外星人GRE难词记忆buffet 音“不菲”→价值不菲的自助餐谐音记忆buffet音“不菲”⇒价值不菲的自助餐近义词 beat打pound磅bat球棒rock岩石bang巨响blow打击knock敲击clout猛击crack破裂strike罢工batter猛击pummel猛击buff浅黄色hit打击counter柜台snack bar快餐柜sideboard餐具柜snack counter快餐柜knock about粗暴地对待
S+ ~+n./pron.We were buffeted by the wind and the rain.我们遭到风雨的袭击。用作名词n.The buffet is situated in the centre of the train.餐车位于列车的中央。
Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding?你想在婚礼中摆桌宴还是搞自助餐?
用作名词We servebuffetduring lunchtime only.我们只在午餐时间供应自助餐。
We had abuffetsupper last evening.昨天晚上,我们吃了一次自助晚餐。
In the corner of the room there was a smallbuffet.在屋子角落里有一小的餐具柜。
There was a caterers'buffetstretching all around the dining room.餐厅周围有一排饮食承办者的冷餐台。
All life'sbuffetshall be met with dignity and good sense.所有人生之打击都应以尊严和理智对付之。用作及物动词Strong windsbuffetthe ship from time to time.狂风时不时地击打着航船。
The shipbuffetedthrough the big waves.这艘船在波涛中奋勇前进。
Flowers arebuffetedby the rain and wind.花朵受风吹和雨打。noun.meal set out on table for choosing
同义词 cafeteria,smorgasbordcounter,cupboard,shelf,sideboardcafé,cold table,lunch wagon,salad bar,snack barverb.hit repeatedly
同义词 batter,clobber,jolt,pummelbang,beat,blow,box,bump,cuff,flail,knock,pound,push,rap,shove,slap,smack,spank,strike,thrash,thump,wallop
batterverb strike and damage
beatverb throb
blewverb blast, rush of air, wind
departed,hit the road,split,took a hike,took a powder,went
blowverb(of airmove)
blownoun hard hit
KO,bang,bash,bat,belt,biff,blindside,bop,buffet,bump,clip,clout,clump,collision,concussion,crack,cut,ding,impact,jab,jar,jolt,kick,knock,knockout,knuckle sandwich,lick,percussion,poke,pound,punch,rap,shock,slam,slap,slug,smack,smash,sock,strike,stroke,swat,swing,swipe,thrust,thump,thwack,uppercut,wallop,whack,whomp,zap
boxverb punch competitively
buffet,clout,cuff,duke,exchange blows,hit,mix,scrap,slap,slug,sock,spar,strike,wallop,whack As I cast my eyes over the buffet, it was like“ hmm, that looks like Crayfish and chillis over there, so I think I will pass on the plain pasta”.
我浏览名单自助餐车的时候,它就像“恩,其他企业摆在那里看上去像辣椒淡水鳌虾,所以我自然会忽略掉普通面条。” yeeyan

Link and Copeland suggest increasing the buildup by thinking of sex as a buffet, rather than a three- course meal.
凌柯和寇派兰建议,把性爱激情的集聚看成是自助餐,比看成是三道主菜的正餐更好。 yeeyan

The older Mr Lee thinks the West’s mistake has been to set up“ all you can eat” welfare states: because everything at the buffet is free, it is consumed voraciously.
老李认为西方的错误就是建立起了“让你吃到饱”的福利国家:因为自助餐上的东西都是免费的,那么人们吃起来也是贪婪的。 hxen

After the movies, he takes me to eat at a Chinese buffet called Moon River.
看完电影他带我去一家叫做月亮河中国餐馆吃自助餐。 yeeyan

At least not until they are ultra- rich like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and others who have donated to the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation.
至少在他们成为比尔·盖茨、沃伦·巴菲特、以及其他比尔-梅琳达盖茨基金会的捐赠者这样的超级富豪之前不是。 yeeyan

Before the program began, students often grabbed whatever looked good at the buffet, only to find at the table that their eyes were bigger than their stomachs, he said.
他还提到,该项目启动前,学生们常常会取走自助餐中凡是看着不错的餐品,最后坐在桌子跟前只会发现自己眼大肚子小。 yeeyan

But healthy eating guidelines apply to a wide variety of eateries, including“ fast casual” chains with full service, mall food courts, and buffet or cafeteria style restaurants.
但健康饮食指南适用于各式各样的餐馆,包括“快速偶然”链的全面服务,购物中心食品店,自助餐或咖啡餐馆。 yeeyan

Cornell researchers found that when eating at a buffet-style restaurant, obese diners were 15 percent more likely to choose seats with a clear view of the food.

Host a two hour open bar for your guests, and provide a decent buffet.
为你的宾客们主持一两个酒吧,且提供一个相当棒的自助餐。 yeeyan

Resist setting out foods buffet- or family- style, and opt instead to serve them from the kitchen.
避免自助式或者家庭式的就餐方式,而选择从厨房直接盛取的方式。 yeeyan

Should the diners, like people going to have some Chinese buffet, imagine all the foods they are going to eat to reduce the consumption of the variety of real foods?
如果人们要吃中式自助餐,难道还要在用餐之前先想象一遍吃所有食物的过程来减少对多样食物的摄入吗? yeeyan

Speaking of which, if you’re feeling peckish, a few minutes’ stroll away is the barbecue buffet at Punch, where you can tuck into a vast collection of ribs, salmon, prawns and salads.
说到这里,如果你饿了,步行几步就可以看到立在那里的自助烧烤摊,有排骨、鲑鱼、大虾和沙拉,您可以美美的大吃一顿。 yeeyan

The state is full of bland suburbs and buffet restaurants serving endless piles of food, which loveless couple use to fill the void in their hearts.
明州到处都是平淡无奇的郊区,一家家自助餐馆提供的无限量食物正好给无爱夫妻填补各自内心的无尽空虚。 yeeyan

There's a bright red British phone booth in the lobby, a fancy buffet with an ocean view, and girls running around with big electric fly- swatters shaped like tennis rackets.
在大堂摆放着一个大红色的英式电话亭,一个可以看到海景的豪华自助餐厅,侍应小姐拿着网球拍一样的电子灭蚊器在来回走动。 yeeyan

This morning I went to a restaurant famous for its brunch buffet.
今天早上我去了一个以自助早午餐而闻名的餐厅。 hjenglish

Typically, a night's rest is followed by a simple buffet breakfast on board while we chug along for an hour or so, followed by coach excursions to nearby attractions.
一般在晚间休息后,列车会开行大约一个小时,然后提供简单的自助早餐,早餐后乘坐大巴探访附近的景点。 yeeyan

Warren Buffet is probably rich because he is smart.
沃伦巴菲特可能是富有的,因为他是聪明的。 yeeyan

When sanity dictates that you stop shoving food into your face at the buffet or dinner table, but somehow you can't seem to stop, pop mint- flavoured gum into your mouth.
当理智的指示你在小卖部或者餐桌上不要狼吞虎咽,但是不之何故你们似乎没有停下来意思,把薄荷口味的口香糖取出塞进嘴里。 ebigear

Buffet will leave Coca Cola's board to spend more time at Berkshire.
巴菲特将辞去可口可乐董事,以便投注更多时间在波克夏公司。 ebigear




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