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buffer 英ˈbʌfə美ˈbʌfɚAHDbŭfʹər ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMS宝八COCA¹²³⁵²BNC⁹⁰⁴²iWeb⁵⁰⁰⁶Economist⁸⁶⁸⁴ 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 n.缓冲⁹⁸;火车头尾或轨道末端的缓冲器;计算机缓存区;老朽¹v.缓冲;减轻¹;计缓存复数buffers过去分词buffered现在分词buffering三单buffers 化学生命活动的调节缓和减少,减轻
n.名词 C起缓冲作用的人或物a person or thing that protects sb or sth or lessens a shock C〈机〉缓冲器,减震器a spring put on the front and back of a railway engine or carriage to take the shock when it is connected to another carriage or hits the end of the track v.动词 vt. 缓冲,减轻act as a buffer to Noun: chemistry an ionic compound that resists changes in its pHa neutral zone between two rival powers that is created in order to diminish the danger of conflictan inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the trackcomputer science a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device; used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data between components of a computer systema power tool used to buff surfacesa cushion-like device that reduces shock due to an impactan implement consisting of soft material mounted on a block; used for polishing as in manicuring Verb: add a buffer a solution;buffered saline solution for the eyes protect from impact;cushion the blow 拟声词,模仿物体撞击护垫的声音。buffer state缓冲国buffer zone缓冲带,防护带,缓冲…buffer management缓冲区管理oil buffer油缓冲器,油压减震器…buffer solution缓冲液intermediate buffer中间缓冲器buffer capacity缓冲能,缓冲病菌,缓…buffer circuit缓冲电路rubber buffer橡胶缓冲装置,缓冲橡…buffer strip缓冲带buffer stock缓冲寄存,调节性库存…buffer computer缓冲型计算机…air buffer空气缓冲器buffer tank备用水箱,缓冲罐,缓…buffer bag缓冲袋buffer action减震作用,缓冲酌,缓…hydraulic buffer液压缓冲器,液力缓冲…buffer pool缓冲存储器buffer stop止冲器buffer memory缓冲存储器 非常记忆bu布〖拼音〗+ff两尊佛〖编码〗+er儿〖拼音〗⇒穿布衣的两尊佛把儿子撞到缓冲区词根记忆buff软皮+ er ⇒为…充当缓冲器近义词 shield盾defend防守buff浅黄色cushion垫子barrier栅栏defense防卫defence防御bulwark壁垒protect保护pilot飞行员bumper保险杠abrasive磨料fender挡泥板protection保护safeguard保卫者cowcatcher排障器soften使变柔和polisher磨亮的人shock absorber减震器buffer zone缓冲带,防护带,缓冲区…buffer store缓冲存储器,缓冲积蓄器…buffer storage缓冲存储器,缓冲存储装置… 用作名词n.Friends are excellent buffers in times of crisis.朋友是最好的缓解危机的人。 Buffers absorbed most of the shock.缓冲器使振动减少了许多。 A little money can be a useful buffer in time of need.在急需时,很少一点钱就能解燃眉之急。用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.It is foolish to believe that romantic love will buffer you against life's hardships.认为浪漫的爱情可以使你躲开生活的艰辛是一种愚蠢的想法。 名词98%,动词2% 用作名词The world's natural ecosystems act as abuffer.地球上的自然生态系统起着一种缓冲的作用。 Support from family and friends acts as abufferagainst stress.家庭和朋友的支持有助于减缓压力。 Computers record in action in thebuffer.计算机在缓冲器中记录信息。 He is a silly oldbuffer.他是个老糊涂。noun.safeguard 同义词 bulwark,cushion,intermediarybumper,defense,fender,screen,shieldshock absorber cushionnoun pillow, pad beanbag,bolster,bumper,fender,hassock,headrest,mat,rest,seat,sham,squab,woolsack fendernoun piece protecting part of a vehicle apron,buffer,bumper,cover,curb,cushion,frame,guard,mask,mudguard,protector,screen,shield,splashboard,ward fortificationnoun reinforced position barricade,barrier,bastion,battlement,block,blockhouse,breastwork,buffer,bulwark,castle,citadel,consolidation,defense,earthwork,embattlement,entrenchment,fastness,fort,fortress,garrison,keep,outpost,parapet,preparation,presidio,protection,reinforcement,stockade,strengthening,stronghold,support,wall guardnoun defense aegis,armament,armor,buffer,bulwark,pad,protection,rampart,safeguard,screen,security,shield,ward guardsnoun defense bouncers,chaperones,chaperons,chasers,convoyers,custodians,defenders,escorts,guardians,lookouts,pickets,sentinels,sentries,shepherds,shields,wardens,wards,watches,watchpersons pad/paddingnoun protection buffer,cushion,filling,packing,stuffing,wad,wadding,waste Are my asynchronous read ratio and buffer pool hit ratio always above warning and problem thresholds in peak or normal hours? 异步读取比率和缓冲池命中率在高峰或正常时间是否总是超过警告和问题阈值? ibm The accounting reports show the number of GETPAGES and synchronous reads per buffer pool. 会计报表显示对应于每个缓冲池的 GETPAGES和同步读的数量。 ibm The number of users, size and number of views, and number of databases all affect how you should set the buffer pool specification. 用户数量、视图的大小和数量,以及数据库数量都会影响到您设置缓冲池规格的方式。 ibm Database records are read and updated in the buffer pool area of memory. 数据库记录是在内存的缓冲池区域里被读取和更新的。 ibm Each database requires at least one buffer pool. 每个数据库都至少需要一个缓冲池。 ibm However it does not mean that you should always create large buffer pools. 然而,这并不意味着您总是需要创建较大的缓冲池。 ibm If the database is not started, you cannot connect to the database and change the buffer pool sizes. 如果数据库没有启动,那么就不能连接到数据库,也就不能更改缓冲池的大小。 ibm If the performance of sorts is important in your environment, then create a separate buffer pool for work files. 如果排序的性能在您的环境中很重要,那么需要为工作文件创建一个单独的缓冲池。 ibm If there are table spaces with different page sizes, there must be at least one buffer pool per page size. 如果有一些具有不同页大小的表空间,那么每种页大小必须至少有一个缓冲池。 ibm In my experience, customers usually have same configuration on all the nodes, except for buffer pools, which is a very important setting. 以我的经验,客户的所有节点通常具有相同的配置,除了缓冲池这个极其重要的设置之外。 ibm In other cases it offers a buffer against rejection. 在一些情况下,它为拒绝提供了缓冲。 yeeyan It then fills the area with a mapping, which is an image buffer used to color up the painting area of each stroke. 然后,它使用一个映射填充该区域,这个映射是用于对每个笔触的绘图区域着色的图像缓冲区。 ibm That defines an interface with a method for writing a buffer of bytes. 这里定义了一个接口和一个写字节缓冲的方法。 infoq That means DB2 cannot start the database, because a database must have at least one buffer pool. 这意味着 DB2无法启动数据库,因为一个数据库至少必须有一个缓冲池。 ibm The script can send the code to the server, have the server evaluate it, then return the results to a new buffer with an execution- time stamp. 这个脚本可以将代码发送到服务器,让服务器评估代码,然后将结果返回到一个带有执行时间戳的新缓冲区。 ibm Then repeat with the next buffer size in the next iteration of Step3. 然后在步骤3的下一个迭代中重复下一个缓冲区大小。 ibm These types of columns are unique in that they are not cached in the buffer pool. 这些类型的列是惟一的,它们不会缓存在缓冲池中。 ibm This copy occurs when the disk is copied to the buffer cache and then again from the file. 将磁盘的数据复制到缓冲区缓存,然后再复制文件数据时会出现多余的副本。 ibm This improves performance for these LOBs because you can access them through the buffer pool. 这提高了这些 LOB的性能,因为可以通过缓冲区池对其进行访问。 ibm This is why our next four columns will deal with buffer overflow. 这就是下面四个专栏将讨论缓冲区溢位的原因。 ibm This makes it easier to update and report the buffer pool size along with other DB2 database configuration parameters. 这使得更新和报告缓冲池大小以及其它 DB2数据库配置参数变得更加方便。 ibm This parameter determines the size of the buffer used for passing parameters between the routine and the calling application. 这个参数确定缓冲区的大小,用于在例程和发出调用的应用程序之间传递参数。 ibm To test your hypothesis, you need to monitor buffer pool activity before, during, and after the query executes. 要证实您的假设,您需要在执行查询之前、期间和之后监控缓冲池活动。 ibm Use one buffer pool, but increase its size until the index hit ratio stops increasing. 使用一个缓冲池,但是增加其大小直至索引命中率停止增长。 ibm When this approach is in use, hashed rows destined for a given partition are placed in a buffer and sent to that partition as a group instead of one at a time. 如果使用了这种方法,定向于某个给定分区的散列行首先会进入一个缓冲区中,然后成组地发送到那个分区,而不是一次发送一行。 ibm Why not allocate a bigger buffer pool instead? 为什么不分配一个更大的缓冲池呢? ibm You can write trace data to a file continuously as an extension to the in- storage trace, but instead of one buffer per thread, at least two buffers per thread are allocated. 可以连续地将跟踪数据写到文件中,作为存储内跟踪的扩展;但是在这种情况下不是为每个线程分配一个缓冲区,而是至少分配两个。 ibm You really want to bump this up from the default, because if its limit is reached, the sending application suspends data transfer until TCP sends the data to the buffer. 您可能希望使其超过缺省值,因为如果达到了限制值,发送应用程序则将挂起数据传输,直到 TCP将数据发送到缓冲区为止。 ibm |