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词汇 Buenos
释义 Bue·nos ˈbweɪnos 高COCA¹⁶⁷³⁰BNC¹⁷⁹⁸²
Forty-three percent of Buenos Aires respondents reported having to cancel a work-related driving trip due to traffic.
百分之四十三的布利诺斯艾利斯的受访者认为他们会因为交通状况放弃工作中的驾车出行。 yeeyan

The project's annual conference in Buenos Aires this summer bustled with discussions about the numbers and how the movement can attract a wider class of participants.
今夏在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的年度会议上,大家激烈讨论了成员构成以及用什么方法吸引更广泛的参与者的问题。 yeeyan

The wealthy city of Buenos Aires has long been hostile to her Peronist partyunlike its heavily populated working- class suburbs, which are the Peronists’ stronghold.
富裕的布京长期以来一直敌视她的裴伦党不像工人阶级群聚的郊区,向来是裴伦党的铁票区。 ecocn

When presidential hopeful John Kerry lost to George W. Bush in 2004, Evans bought a one-way ticket to Buenos Aires.
2004年,约翰·克里和乔治· W·布什争夺大位,约翰·克里败北后,迈克尔买了一张去布宜诺斯艾利斯的单程机票。 yeeyan

As soon as I checked in to a Buenos Aires youth hostel a few weeks ago, I went straight to the wall outlet to charge up my waning laptop and cellphone.
几周前,当我住进不宜诺斯艾利斯的一家青年旅馆时,我径直走到墙边的插座那给我的手提和手机充电。 yeeyan

But I bought my husband a video camera before we left, because electronics cost quite a bit more in Buenos Aires than they do in Boston.
不过,我为我丈夫在出发前购买了摄像机,因为在布宜诺斯艾利斯比电子产品非常贵。 yeeyan

Dozens of fans smashed windows and spraypainted the walls of the association's headquarters in Buenos Aires after the announcement.
声明作出后,数十名球迷在布宜诺斯艾利斯将足协总部的窗户砸了个粉碎,并在墙上喷漆。 yeeyan

Even the Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires, located more than1,400 kilometers east of Santiago, shifted more than two centimeters to the west.

He set up a website in2008 to track supermarket prices in Buenos Aires and found that inflation in Argentina was three times official estimates.
他于2008年成立了一家网站,跟踪布宜诺斯艾利斯超市的价格,发现在阿根廷通货膨胀率是官方估计的三倍。 ecocn

In 1812 he switched to fighting against Spain, and sailed to Buenos Aires.
1812年,他转而对抗西班牙,并于同年坐船回到布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires。 ecocn

Like Liverpool, Cape Town and Buenos Aires, New York is one of the world's great cities whose history is closely linked to the Atlantic.
像利特浦,开普敦和布宜诺斯艾利斯一样,纽约是世界上自始便与大西洋息息相关的大城市之一。 yeeyan

Officials in Buenos Aires seized equipment from a United States military cargo plane that the Americans said had been authorised for use in training local police.
布宜诺斯艾利斯官员从美国军用运输机上查获了一些装备,对此美国辩称这些装备是经过授权用来培训当地警察的。 ecocn

On this momentous day, Argentina gained its independence, and in commemoration of this big event the Argentines named this main street in downtown Buenos Aires,9 de Julio.
在这个重要的日子,阿根廷获得独立,为纪念这一重大事件,阿根廷人把布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心的这主要街道命名为胡里奥9号。 yeeyan

Rio is only the second South American city to be a candidate, after Buenos Aires had three unsuccessful attempts.
在布宜诺斯艾利斯三次铩羽之后,里约仅是南美第二个参加申奥城市。 ecocn

The Buenos Aires writ risks making it into even more of one.
布宜诺斯艾利斯命令状冒险使其成为不仅仅一个人在战斗。 ecocn

To help attendees get the most out of their trip to Buenos Aires, a schedule of tours is also being offered.
为了帮助与会者充分利用他们的旅途中最出到布宜诺斯艾利斯的时间,旅游的时间表也已经提供。 yeeyan

Buenos Aires province is the Argentine region that produces the most grains, and some farmers say attacks by the voracious birds can cause crop losses of up to 60 percent.
布宜诺斯艾利斯省事阿根廷粮食产量最高的地区,据一些农户所说,由于这些贪婪的鸟群的袭击,粮食最高可能会减产60%。 yeeyan

Buenos Aires, Argentina's capital, and the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul also allow same-sex unions.
阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯以及巴西南部 Rio Grande do Sul州也将允许同性联盟。 ecocn




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