释义 |
磨碎 MòSuì 基本例句 grindgrindinggrind uptrituratesize degradationsquashingtriturationconfricationmillingmilling pulverizationpulverizing 印花粉撒于镂花模板上以便在其表面上印出图案的细粉末,如磨碎的木炭粉A fine powder, such as pulverized charcoal, dusted over a stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface. 磨碎麦子制成面粉。Grind up the wheat to make flour. 肉豆蔻种子这种树硬而带香味的种子,磨碎或碾碎后作香料用The hard, aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice when grated or ground. 糖炒玉米粉,炒粉用磨碎的玉米或大麦和软豆做成的食品Meal made of ground corn or wheat and mesquite beans. |