词汇 | 破镜重圆 |
释义 | 破镜重圆 辨形“镜”,不能写作“境”;“圆”,不能写作“园”。 辨析破镜重圆与“言归于好”有别:“言归于好”适用于朋友;同学;夫妻之间等;语气较轻;破镜重圆适用于描写夫妻之间。 辨形“镜”,不能写作“境”;“圆”,不能写作“园”。 辨析破镜重圆与“言归于好”有别:“言归于好”适用于朋友;同学;夫妻之间等;语气较轻;破镜重圆适用于描写夫妻之间。 歇后语徐德言买半镜 俄文встреча супругов после разлуки 一对恩爱夫妻,在国家山河破碎之时,虽然劫后余生,却受尽了离散之苦。盼到第二年正月十五,徐德言颠沛流离,赶到长安大街,果然看见有人叫卖半片铜镜,而且价钱昂贵,令人不敢问津。徐德言一看半片铜镜,知妻子已有下落,禁不住涕泪俱下。他不敢怠慢,忙按老者要的价给了钱,又立即把老者领到自己的住处。吃喝已罢,徐德言拿出自己珍藏的另一半铜镜。两半铜镜符合为一,并且打探到妻子的下落。两人暗中联系。后来这件事情被杨素知道,这个人并不是像评书《隋唐演义》中说的那样是个色鬼,而是一个笃礼重义的人物,他被他二人的真情深深打动。立即派人将徐德言召入府中,让他夫妻二人团聚。夫妻二人携手同归江南故里。 【注意】❶注意破镜重圆的圆中间是员。❷含褒义。 反义词 Unrestrained passions flow at month end allowing you to create reconciliations and negotiating workable, profitable agreements. He forgot that he had severed himself from the past as by a sword, and that if he did manage to in some way reunite himself with it, the jagged line of separation and reunion would always show. Her family still hope some day the divorced couple will start mending their fences. My survey of3000 men and women worldwide who tried reunions with lost loves asked, “ How long did it take for you to get over your lost love?” I would highly suggest that you commit The Clean Slate Method to memory. Our destinies are separate, let's not try to unite them, for them you might despise me, whereas now you have no choice but hate. It will take a long time to repair a broken marriage. In a brilliant summer, I prayed for reunion of me and someone whom I regarded as my partner for all my life. |
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