词汇 | 短小精悍 |
释义 | 短小精悍 辨形“悍”,不能写作“捍”。 辨析短小精悍和“简明扼要”;都可形容说话和写文章简要。但短小精悍侧重在“篇幅短小”;含有犀利的意思;“简明扼要”侧重在“内容简单明了”;含有抓住要点的意见。 辨形“悍”,不能写作“捍”。 辨析短小精悍和“简明扼要”;都可形容说话和写文章简要。但短小精悍侧重在“篇幅短小”;含有犀利的意思;“简明扼要”侧重在“内容简单明了”;含有抓住要点的意见。 法文petite taille,mais grande énergiestyle concis et ferme 俄文мал,да удáл сжáтый да содержáтельный 德文von kleinem Wuchs und unscheinbar,aber voller Energie und Vermǒgen kurz und bündig 【注意】❶注意短小精悍的悍左边是忄。❷含褒义。 The title of the newspaper drug advertising is often short and can fit in with the principle of attention, especially accompanied with noticeable letterform. Most firms have been organising their logistics to make themselves leaner. The local leader, or sheikh, was short and red- bearded, with a mobile phone jammed under his belt beside his traditional Yemeni dagger. Although brevity is recommended for alert titles, you should not create an alert title that consists of a single word because that does not convey enough information. To redress the balance— and to rescue geography for all those who didn’t pay attention in school— Mr Somerville has written a short natural history of his home country of Britain. The message is compelling, compressed, and copied at the bottom of every free e-mail message. Think about SOA not as a protracted effort, but as a series of short, winnable skirmishes that happen as change is driven through your market or organization. |
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