

单词 知己知彼
释义 知己知彼 zhī jǐ zhī bǐ 常用成语
estimate correctly one's own strength as well as that of one's opponent近义了如指掌;明察秋毫;自知之明;反义心中无数;不得要领;雾里看花;变体知彼知己辨形“己”,不能写作“已”。
俄文знáй противника и знáй себя对付敌人,一定要知己知彼,才能百战百胜。曲波《林海雪原》十一春秋时期,军事家孙武著书《兵法》,认为使敌人举国完整的屈服就是上策,出兵打破那个国家就要差一些。要善于运用计谋不战而屈人之兵,同时做到知己知彼;百战不殆。百战百胜还不是最高明的,只有不通过战斗而使敌人屈服才高明。联合式:作谓语;宾语;用于军事;商业等;含褒义。元 高文秀《渑池会》第三折:“但上阵要知己知彼,若相持千战千赢。”


近义词 了如指掌明察秋毫一目了然心中有数知彼知己自知之明反义词 不得要领心中无数雾里看花
知己知彼,百战不殆。A general will be ever-victorious if he knows both his adversaries and his own troops.知己知彼,百战百胜,只有这样,我们才能真正有效地打好“消灭”肥胖的战斗——也许我们还能避免一场无谓的战争。
Only then can we really know how to effectively wage the war on obesity— or if such a war even needs to be waged. yeeyan

Knowing each other, reaching mutual understanding and rational positioning are its foundation; magsci

Knowing oneself and each other is an important prerequisite for cooperation. blog.sina.com.cn

Know what you are up against. blog.sina.com.cn

Know thyself principles. Determined not to fight unprepared, uncertain and unclear circumstances passive battle. emuch.net

And in that failure they learned an important lesson: One is far more effective in debate and discourse when one has thought through both sides of an argument. yeeyan

When your rival is your enemy, you should first of all get to understand him. ebigear

Otherwise, you’ll stay a step behind. You won’t find your own breakthrough if you don’t know how your predecessors or competition! had theirs. yeeyan

International competition is like war, only to know ourselves and give full play to their strengths, can never be defeated. baidusb

The only way to beat them is to know them well and provide a product or service enhancements that are presently unavailable to their customers in that potential market niche. yeeyan

Know what your competitors' strengths are so you will have some race awareness. pujia

First, to master the ritual, custom and products prefer of correspondent customers, enterprises should do research on audience before advertising. fabiao

While there will be more cross- browser issues than ever, web developers have a distinct advantage over other kinds of developers, because they already have this in their pocket. yeeyan

The use of honey net techniques will unable being passive in defense to active in offensive, thus making our network safety more effective and reliable. cnki

Getting to know the “who is who” is not always easy, but we have some tools to help you on this task. zzbaike

If you want to do well for public relation in crisis, it must know each other.591-lw

I would suggest here that we learn from banks in developed countries and produce a generation of Chinese managers that know themselves and their competitors equally well. ebigear

Only through learning advanced foreign management experience from the enemy, ever victorious, to cope with the challenge of global integration. nciku

As Chinese strategist Sun Tzu said, “ Know yourself and know your enemy, you will win every war.” yeeyan

The General Manager of a hotel is responsible for the cultivation of the service spirit and the formulation of business strategies in face of all kinds of challenges. www.grandhotels.com.cn

With that in mind, the question of whether a man of Vieira's stature would be present is moot. bbs.arsenal.com.cn

In fact, “know your enemy, know yourself” is probably the most well- known phrase in Sun Tzu's Art of War. It is also the most cited phrase. jukuu

If you don't know yourself and know your opponent, then this kind of confidence scares me. topsage

In order to step into the strong teams of basketball world, CBA has to contrast themselves with the strong teams and find out the gap. cnki




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