

单词 bucked
释义 bucked 英bʌkt美bʌkt COCA⁴⁴⁵³¹BNC⁴⁰⁸⁰⁷
adj.快乐的⁵⁰;振奋的²⁵动词buck的过去式和过去分词形式²⁵.原型buck 的过去式和过去分词
动词 buck:
to strive with determinationresistmove quickly and violentlyjump vertically, with legs stiff and back archedThe planebuckeda strong head wind.飞机顶着强烈的逆风飞行。
The good newsbuckedus all up.大家听了这个好消息都高兴起来。
She felt reallybuckedafter passing her driving test.她驾驶测验合格後,感到很高兴。as in.cheerful
同义词 animated,bright,buoyant,cheery,chipper,chirpy,effervescent,enthusiastic,good-natured,happy,jaunty,jolly,joyful,lighthearted,lively,merry,optimistic,peppy,perky,pleasant,rosy,sanguine,sunny,upbeatairy,blithe,bouncy,contented,enlivening,full of pep,gay,glad,gladsome,good-humored,hearty,high,hilarious,hopeful,in good spirits,in high spirits,jocund,roseate,snappy,sparkling,sprightly,up,vivacious,winsome,zappy,zingy,zippy
反义词 apathetic,cloudy,depressed,depressing,down,dull,gloomy,heavy-hearted,hopeless,inactive,lethargic,lifeless,not happy,pale,pessimistic,sad,serious,sorrowful,unenthusiastic,unhappy,upsetcheerless,grave,heavy,melancholy
cheerfuladjective happy
airy,animated,blithe,bouncy,bright,buoyant,cheery,chipper,chirpy,contented,effervescent,enlivening,enthusiastic,full of pep,gay,glad,gladsome,good-humored,good-natured,happy,hearty,high,hilarious,hopeful,in good spirits,in high spirits,jaunty,jocund,jolly,joyful,lighthearted,lively,merry,optimistic,peppy,perky,pleasant,roseate,rosy,sanguine,snappy,sparkling,sprightly,sunny,up,upbeat,vivacious,winsome,zappy,zingy,zippy The horse panicked. He bucked Lizette off and ran headlong back into the forest.
马儿惊慌失措,弓起背把莉莎特摔了下来,回头奔向森林。 yeeyan

“ There are so many states in the U.S. that have signed on to carbon cuts, ” says Schwarzenegger, a Republican who has bucked the White House and led the way on global warming.
这位反对白宫环保政策的共和党人,成为了美国抗击全球变暖的典范人物,“美国的大多数州都已经签署了削减碳排放的相关法案。” yeeyan

After taking a shower, he bucked up a little.
洗了个淋浴之后,他精神振作了一些。 jukuu

AFTER a string of Latin American election victories for the left, Panama has bucked the trend.
拉美大选经历了一系列的左派胜利,而巴拿马扭转了这一局势。 yeeyan

Along with other low- cost restaurant chains, Kura has bucked the dining-out slump with low prices and a dogged pursuit of efficiency.
像其他低成本的餐厅连锁店一样,库那以低价格和追求的高效率抵抗住了人们外出用餐下降的趋势。 www.kle100.cn

But one type of fee has bucked the trend.
但是有一项费用却于现在的形势相反。 ecocn

But some adoption agencies have been bucked the rules, saying it's unfair to force them to go against their religious beliefs by coordinating adoptions for gay families.
不过一些收养机构反对这些条例,称帮助同性家庭收养就是强迫他们违背自己的宗教信仰。 yeeyan

Cisco Systems bucked that trend after the bell, announcing surprisingly strong sales that bolstered hopes for a pickup in technology- equipment spending. The shares climbed after hours.
思科系统公司在宣布其惊人销售收入后逆势上升,反映了人们对高科技信息系统方面消费增加的乐观预期。 yeeyan

He shares credit with the four Republican state senators who bucked their party and threats from conservatives to do what they knew was right.
四位共和党州参议员顶住了来自保守派的压力,与他一起坚持做了他们认为是对的这件事情。 yeeyan

If many people are still scratching their heads about how the Premier League has bucked the recession, a simplistic analysis of the numbers might shed a little light on how it achieved it.
如果很多人仍在头疼英超如何才能挺过经济衰退,对下面这些数字进行一些过份简化的分析,可以把如何做到这一点搞明白。 yeeyan

It may not have been the most sustainable leadership strategy, but of course, Steve Jobs bucked much of management conventional wisdom.
也许这并不是最可持续的领导战略,但毫无疑问,乔布斯所反对的正是传统的管理智慧。 fortunechina

More than70 new small craft brewerieshave bucked the economic downturn and opened in the past year.
超过70间新的小型人工啤酒厂抵住经济衰退的浪潮并在去年建立起来。 yeeyan

Once the kids have been bucked off, the game generally dissolves into a raucous bout of wrestling and tickling.
一旦孩子们突然跳下来,游戏立刻完全变成了一场喧闹的摔跤和相互瘙痒。 yeeyan

Only Ford bucked the trend slightly with a fall of 31%— the same as Honda and less than Toyota.
只有福特稍微景气些,和本田一样销售下降了31%,但要好于丰田。 ecocn

Only the Prosperous Justice Party, or PKS, the most Islamist party, which came fourth with about 8.4%, bucked the trend.
只有最高举伊斯兰主义大旗的繁荣正义党逆潮流而动,以8.4%的得票率位居第四。 ecocn

The initial value and the sharp rise on Thursday recalled the days before Lehman Brothers collapsed, and the gains bucked another weak session for Asian stock markets.
星期四的发行价和当天股价的大幅的上升让人回想起雷曼兄弟破产之前的那段时间,收益大增的同时,亚洲股市出现又一轮的走弱。 yeeyan

They shock us now, those women who bucked convention and did things the way men have often done—just as selfishly and callously—denying maternity in a way that seems to defy nature.
她们颠覆传统,以男人的风格行事——自私而冷漠,这种克制自身母性的行为在某种程度上也违逆了女人的天性,让我们颇为震惊。 yeeyan

While the declines in both markets have forced many companies and their sponsors to scrap listing plans over the past few months, the country's infrastructure projects have bucked the trend.
尽管在过去几个月中,两地股市的下跌迫使许多企业及其保荐人取消了上市计划,但中国基础设施领域的发行项目逆势而动。 www.52zy.com




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