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词汇 buck
释义 buck 英bʌk美bʌkAHDbŭk


US dollar


male deer, hare or rabbit

vt. & vi. 马等猛然弓背跃起

jump high with the back arched

a gymnastic horse without pommels and with one end elongated; used lengthwise for vaultinga piece of paper money worth one dollarUnited States author whose novels drew on her experiences as a missionary in China 1892-1973a framework for holding wood that is being sawedmature male of various mammals especially deer or antelope
to strive with determination;

John is bucking for a promotion


buck the trend

move quickly and violently;

The car tore down the street

He came charging into my office

jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched;

the yung filly bucked

欧洲殖民者刚来到北美大陆时,与当地印第安人进行交易时往往采取以物易物的方式。当时,鹿皮buck skin是北美人最常见的商品,因此人们就用鹿皮作为衡量商品价值的基本单位。在描述一件商品值多少钱时,往往会说它值几张鹿皮。因此,buck skin一词就成了货币的基本单位。后来,该词被缩略为buck。美元开始流通后,美国人在口语中继续使用buck作为货币单位,等同于美元。
用作名词 n.
动词+~hunt for bucks猎雄兔make a buck赚钱用作动词 v.~+副词buck wildly狂暴跃起buck up赶快,振作起来
buck up v.+adv.

try harder 加把劲

buck upIf you don't buck up we'll be late.如果你不快些,我们就会迟到了。buck upBuck up!Lots of people fail their driving test first time.别灰心,许多人首次参加驾驶考试都没通过。buck sth ⇔ upYou'd better buck up your ideas if you want to pass the exam.如果你想通过考试,就得加把劲。GRE红宝书读: 罢课. 一种竭力反对上课的行为.
bark 狗吠叫,狗生气了,边叫边弓背反对,低头顶着,反抗,向前冲;
美国口语一美圆叫 one buck.
联想记忆美国口语中一美元叫one buck和luckn. 好运一起记近义词 kick踢clam蛤vault窖horse马jump跳跃leap跳跃cash现金jerk急动tear撕掉blame责备money财产hitch猛拉shoot发射spring春天dollar美元rear后面的resist抵制oppose反对charge责任lowest最低的lowly地位低的liability责任shoot down驳倒sawbuck 锯木架sawhorse锯木架go against违反low-grade低劣的dollar bill美钞long horse纵跳马responsibility责任male animal雄性动物Pearl Buck赛珍珠1892-197…fly in the face of敢于违抗(侮辱…vaulting horse练习跳跃用的鞍马…反义词 hind后部的
用作名词n.They are hunting forbucks.他们正在猎雄兔。
He is more interested in making a mark than in making a buck.他对出名比赚钱更感兴趣。用作动词v.
S+~+AWhen he tried to ride the horse, it bucked wildly.当他试图骑上这匹马时,它突然狂暴地跃了起来。
S+~+ n./pron.It's no use trying to buck the system.企图反抗这种制度是徒劳的。Proebuckn.雄狍Pbuckhornn.鹿角Pbuckskinn.鹿皮Pbucktoothn.龅牙Pbushbuckn.南非羚羊Pbuckboardn.平板马车Pbuckstickn.吹牛的人Pmegabuckn.一百万美金Pmegabucksn.一百万美金Pbuck-passingn.推诿责任Pbuck-jumpn.猛然弓背跃起Pbuckisha.爱时髦的浮华的Pbuckern.突然腾跃使骑者摔下的马Pbuck-passer推卸责任者诿过于人者

用作名词People want to make a quickbuck.人人都想赚容易钱。
Thebuckshook his antlers ferociously.那雄鹿猛烈地摇动他的鹿角。
Thebuckjumped into the woods before the hunter raised his gun.还没等猎人举起枪来那只雄鹿就跳进了树林。
Bothbuckand doe have a little gait and both their eyelids palpitate.雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离。用作动词The horse may stillbuck, but now the peeler can start topping it off.虽然那匹马还会猛然弯背跃起,但现在驯马者可以结束对它的驯服工作了。
It's no use trying tobuckthe system.企图反抗这种制度是徒劳的。
This news willbuckher up a lot.这个消息将使她大大振作起来。
Buck up! Things aren't as bad as you think.振作起来!事情不像你想象的那么糟。noun.male animal
同义词 bullstagverb.resist, oppose
同义词 oppose,withstandcombat,contest,dispute,duel,fight,traverse,tripverb.move with jerking motion
同义词 bound,jerk,vault,jump,leap,prance,startverb.throw off, dislodge
同义词 unseat,throw,throw off,dislodge,repel
argueverb verbally fight
altercate,bandy,battle,bicker,break with,bump heads,contend,cross,cross swords,disagree,dispute,face down,face off,feud,gang up on,get in one's face,go one-on-one,hammer,hammer away,hash,hash over,hassle,have at each other,have at it,jump,jump on,knock around,lock horns,mix it up,pettifog,pick an argument,put up a fight,put up a struggle,quarrel,quibble,rehash,row,sass,set to,sock it to,squabble,stick it to,talk back,wrangle
arguesverb verbally fight
altercates,bandies,battles,bickers,breaks with,bucks,bumps heads,contends,crosses,crosses swords,disagrees,disputes,faces down,faces off,feuds,gangs up on,gets in one's face,goes one on one,hammers,hammers away,has at each other,has at it,hash over,hashes,hassles,jumps,jumps on,knocks around,locks horns,mixes it up,pettifos,picks an argument,puts up a fight,puts up a struggle,quarrels,quibbles,rehashes,rows,sasses,sets to,socks it to,squabbles,sticks it to,talks back,wrangles
arguingverb verbally fight
altercating,bandying,battling,bickering,breaking with,bucking,bumping heads,contending,crossing,crossing swords,disagreeing,disputing,facing down,facing off,feuding,ganging up on,getting in one's face,going one on one,hammering,hammering away,hash over,hashing,hassling,having at each other,having at it,jumping,jumping on,knocking around,locking horns,mixing it up,pettifoing,picking an argument,putting up a fight,putting up a struggle,quarrelling,quibbling,rehashing,rowing,sassing,setting to,socking it to,squabbling,sticking it to,talking back,wrangling
bearverb bring
billnoun piece of paper money
bank note,buck,certificate,currency,dollar,greenback,long green,skin
bounceverb spring up;rebound
bob,boomerang,bound,buck,bump,carom,fly back,glance off,hop,hurdle,jerk up and down,jounce,jump,leap,rebound,recoil,resile,ricochet,saltate,snap back,spring back,thump,vault In the afternoon, they go back out, hoping for that buck.
下午,他们又回去了,渴望着那只雄鹿。 yeeyan

“ I sincerely apologize for any confusion that its publication may have caused,” Dr. Buck wrote in the retraction of the Science paper.
“对于论文发表可能引起的混乱,我真诚的道歉,”巴克博士在论文的撤回声明中表示说。 yeeyan

“I’m Still Here” isn’t as merciless as “To Die For, ” which was etched in acid by the screenwriter Buck Henry.
《我仍然在这》不像《不惜一切》那样悲惨残酷,后者被编剧巴克·亨利的嘲讽风格所侵蚀。 yeeyan

Can China buck this trend?
中国能否降压这种趋势? yeeyan

Eventually those dollars will come home, they have to, as a function of math. In the meantime, passing the buck like a hot potato does not work.
从数学的功能上说,最终这些美元将必须回到美国。同时,将美元像个烫手山芋一样推出去是做不到的。 yeeyan

General“ Buck” Turgidson: We’re still trying to figure out the meaning of that last phrase, sir.
巴克·特吉德森将军: 我们仍在努力弄清最后一句话的意思,先生。 yeeyan

General“ Buck” Turgidson: Well, I'd like to hold off judgment on a thing like that, sir, until all the facts are in.
巴克·特吉德森将军:嗯,我愿意暂缓对这样的事情作出判断,先生,等获得所有的事实再说吧。 yeeyan

How Buck survived and transcended this destiny is the empowering theme of the book.
赛珍珠如何在这样的宿命中生存,并且超越宿命,是这本书的主题所在。 yeeyan

In the meantime, passing the buck like a hot potato does not work.
同时,将美元像个烫手山芋一样推出去是做不到的。 yeeyan

In her foreword, Spurling dates her fascination with Buck to her childhood reading.
在前言中,斯普林提到,她从童年起就被赛珍珠吸引。 yeeyan

In an age where spending is out of control, you'll need to prove that you are a fiscally responsible manager who knows how to get the most out of a buck.
在一个不会控制自己花钱的年龄,你需要证明在财政上你是一个理性的经历,你知道怎样利用好每一分钱使其发挥最大的作用。 yeeyan

In this crisis, as in past ones, they have shown they will do all they can to avoid“breaking the buck” allowing their net asset value to fall below par.
在这场危机中,他们一如既往表示将竭尽全力避免资产净值“跌破一元” 让其资产价值跌破面值。 ecocn

Like Buck, they were only too familiar with the realities of a world where female infanticide, domestic slavery and sexual bondage were commonplace.
同赛珍珠一样,他们非常了解现实世界,这个世界上,杀害女婴、家庭奴隶和性奴役普遍存在。 yeeyan

Mr Schultz is not trying to pass the buck. His company is in trouble, and much of it is self-inflicted.
霍华得•舒尔茨不打算推卸责任.他的公司正陷入危机,而大多数危机是其自身制造的. ecocn

Resistance training also reverses muscle aging, according to a study at the Buck Institute for Age Research in Novato, California.
根据加利福尼亚州,诺瓦托市,巴克研究所的年龄研究,阻力训练也能抵抗肌肉衰老。 yeeyan

Such technical indicators can mislead, but this suggests the buck has upward momentum, at least for the short term.
这种技术指标可能存在误导作用,但这说明美元具有了上涨动力,至少短期内如此。 iciba

That could help explain some of the slide the buck has suffered lately and — if true— it'd likely mean more downward dollar pressure to come.
这可能是美元汇率最近下跌的部分原因,如果真是这样,则可能意味着美元未来还会遭遇更多下行压力。 iciba

The retractions, which did not concern the work for which Dr. Buck won the Nobel, were published Thursday on the Web sites of the journals where the papers appeared.
论文撤回事件并没有涉及巴克博士当初获得诺贝尔奖的相关研究工作,其撤回公告已经发布在论文发表期刊的网站上。 yeeyan

There was plenty to obliterate, from the Boxer Rebellion to the years Buck lived in the same house with her feuding father and husband, as well as two small children, one of them compromised.
所以赛珍珠有意抹去了一些个人生活中的痛苦经历,如义和团运动,她父亲和她丈夫之间无休止的争吵,以及她的两个小孩,其中一个有严重的智障。 yeeyan

Those contexts supported the buck, regardless of what oil was doing.
这样的情况支撑了美元,与原油当时的状况无关。 iciba

Buck insisted that our grandparents’ world belongs also to us.
赛珍珠强调,我们祖辈的世界也属于我们。 yeeyan

Buck says the tougher rules will have a big impact.
巴克说,更为严格的制度会有大的影响。 kekenet




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