

单词 Buber
释义 Bu·ber 英ˈbuːbə美ˈbubɚAHDb›“bər COCA⁶⁶¹³⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺

Israeli religious philosopher born in Austria; as a Zionist he promoted understanding between Jews and Arabs; his writings affected Christian thinkers as well as Jews 1878-1965近义词 Martin Buber马丁·布伯…
用作名词Friedrich Nietzsche's heroic nihilism led Buber, a nonobservant Jew, to Zionism.尼采的英雄虚无主义引导不太虔诚的犹太教徒布伯走向犹太复国主义。 In accordance with the dialogical reality of human beings Martin Buber researched human moral actions and moral values from the perspectives of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of religion.
马丁·布伯从人的“对话性”入手,从哲学人类学和宗教哲学两个方面探讨了人类的道德行为和道德价值。 cnki

Martin Buber claims three ways of discourses, namely, discourse proper, technical discourse, and monologue in disguise of discourse.
马丁·布伯提出了三种对话方式:真正的对话、技术性的对话和装扮成对话的独白。 cnki

As one of the greatest educators in the20th century, Martin Buber made a fairly deep examination on and sharp criticism towards new educational thoughts.
作为20世纪最伟大的教育家之一,马丁·布伯对新教育思潮的反省和批判非常深刻。 cnki

Describes the social background of the thought of Buber and the theoretical background.
对布贝尔品格教育思想提出的社会背景以及理论背景进行了描述。 fabiao

From the point of view of ontology, this essay expounds the original thought of Martin Buber, a famous Jewish thinker of this century.
本文试图从本体论的角度来论述本世纪著名的犹太思想家马丁·布伯思想的独到之处。 cnki

Martin Buber, a famous Germane Philosopher in modern times, re explored and re elucidated oriental cultures with his unique way of“ dialogue philosophy”.
德国现代著名哲学家马丁·布伯运用其独特的“对话哲学”的方法,对东方文化进行了重新发掘和阐发。 cnki

Taking Judaism as example, Buber analysed the spiritual substance of religion.
布伯还以犹太教为例,分析了宗教的精神实质。 cnki

The article talks about Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue and his thought and practices of adult education.
本文主要论述了马丁·布伯的对话教育哲学及其成人教育思想与实践。 cnki

Buber also offered an evolutionary aspect of the divine he referred to as “ dialogical spirituality.”
布伯还提供了神圣的进化方面,他称之为“对话的精神来。” hksatir

Buber clothing by the Netherlands Philips design, very sensitive and can monitor emotional state of change.
布贝尔服由荷兰飞利浦公司设计,十分敏感,能监测人的情绪变化。 texclo.net




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