词汇 | 盲人摸象 |
释义 | 盲人摸象 辨形“盲”,不能写作“肓”。 辨析盲人摸象与“管中窥豹”有别:盲人摸象含贬义;不作自谦之词;管中窥豹常作自谦之词;是中性成语。 辨形“盲”,不能写作“肓”。 辨析盲人摸象与“管中窥豹”有别:盲人摸象含贬义;不作自谦之词;管中窥豹常作自谦之词;是中性成语。 使者走进宫殿向镜面王禀报说:“大王,您吩咐找的盲人现已带到殿前。”镜面王说:“你明天一早带领盲人们到象苑去,让他们每人只能触摸大象身体的一个部位,然后马上带他们来王宫前广场。” 第二天上午,镜面王召集所有的大臣和数万平民聚集在王宫前的广场上,沸沸扬扬的人们交头接耳,谁也不知道国王将要宣布什么重大的事情。不一会,使者领着盲人们来到了镜面王的高座前,广场上的人们顿时安静了下来。镜面王向盲人们问道:“你们都摸到大象了吗?”盲人们齐声回答说:“我摸到大象了!”镜面王又说:“你们每个人都讲述一下大象是什么模样的!”摸到大象腿的盲人首先站出来说:“禀告圣明的国君,大象就像一只盛漆的大圆桶。”摸到大象尾巴的盲人说:“大王,大象应该像一把扫帚。”摸到大象腹部的盲人说:“大王,大象确实像大鼓。”随后,摸到大象头部的说大象像大勺子,摸到大象牙的说大象像牛角,摸到大象尾巴后部的说大象像棍杖,摸到大象耳朵的则说大象犹如簸箕。最后,摸到大象鼻子的盲人说:“圣明的大王,大象实在像一根粗绳索。”一群盲人分成了几伙,吵吵嚷嚷,争论不休,都说自己正确而别人说的不对。他们又纷纷到镜面王前争辩说:“大王!大象的模样确实像我说的那样!”这时,在场的臣民见此都大笑不止,镜面王也意味深长地看着众人笑了起来。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 “ I think we're dealing with a case of three blind men and an elephant, ” says James Greenwood, a planetary scientist at Wesleyan University in Connecticut who has worked on apatite studies. Without finding cause and effect for something and always guessing is like the blind feeling an elephant, and will not solve the problem. The Buddha once told the story of the blind men and the elephant. When you don’t know past trends, predicting the future is a wide-open game. The study of Buddhism over the past century or so has resembled the encounter of the blind men and the elephant in many ways. Because we all are a little part of the whole construction, the work we each person does sometimes like taking a part for the whole as well. Perhaps we only can say part of feelings. We are still, to a large extent, flying blind in conceptual terms. It's like examining, a lot of blind people looking at an elephant. When conducting investigation, to only investigate one aspect is like the blind feeling an elephant; one will never be able to grasp the whole picture. |
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