

单词 bubbled up
释义 bubbled up短语⁴¹⁷⁸⁸
The big idea that bubbled up through the chain of command was a long-haul counter- insurgency campaign.
通过连锁指挥产生的大想法是一场旷日持久的镇压叛乱的斗争。 ecocn

Ancient scientists and philosophers attributed the oracle’s power to vapors that bubbled up through a chasm and spring running through the oracle’s chamber inside the temple.
古代的科学家和哲学家称,神谕的力量来自从深坑冒出的袅袅蒸气以及神庙内殿神龛喷出的泉水。 putclub

Ancient scientists and philosophers attributed the oracle's power to vapors that bubbled up through a chasm and spring running through the oracle's chamber inside the temple.
古代科学家和哲学家把神谕的力量都归功于那些从深坑中沸腾的水汽和从神庙内神谕处流出来的泉水。 putclub

Guilt bubbled up every now and then when we took a moment to inventory our collection and reminisce about the time we bought a particular piece.
每当我们花些时间盘点我们收藏的东西,回忆买下每件特别物品的那些时光时,内疚感就会不时地涌上心头。 joyen

Homework wars have bubbled up before.
家庭作业问题的论战以前也出现过。 edu6.teacher.com.cn

Marxism bubbled up in China in 40s.
四十年代,马克思主义在中国得到兴起。 blog.sina.com.cn

That put China roughly on par with Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Bahrain, countries where the discontent bubbled up in the form of popular uprisings.
这样的结果将导致中国和埃及、利比亚、也门以及巴林岛,这些由于人民对生活不满,而时常引发武装冲突的国家相提并论。 yeeyan

They tried to be more verbose in the logging and to capture information at the lowest level rather than logging a bubbled up cryptic message.
他们尽力使记录更为详细,并在最低级别捕获信息,而不是记录大量含义不清的消息。 ibm




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