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bu. 基本例句 bureau; abbr⁵⁰.;=bushel⁵⁰ For younger women in particular, the pill is“ safer than it used to be, but it still has some adverse effects, ” says BU's Rosenberg. 罗森伯格说,尤其是对一些年轻女性而言,口服避孕药“比起过去是要安全的多,可它仍然会带来一些不良反应”。 yeeyan Inheriting one version of APOE— APOE4— is a known risk factor for development of Alzheimer's disease, and Dr. Bu has found that APOE4 is less effective at transporting cholesterol. APOE的遗传变异—— APOE4,是导致老年痴呆症的一个已知的诱因。 Bu博士已经发现 APOE4无法很好的向大脑运送胆固醇。 yeeyan The best way to go is bu bus. 最好的饿办法是乘公共汽车去。 ebigear The reasons for the growing spread of BU remain unclear. 布鲁里溃疡日益增加传播的原因仍然不清楚。 who A cultural practice called Hara Hachi Bu— eating until 80 percent full— keeps their bodies lean and their arteries clear. 一种称为八分饱 Hara Hachi Bu的文化传统——吃到八分饱——使他们保持身体清瘦、动脉清通。 yeeyan A safe and effective vaccine that can be targeted to newly emerging endemic areas may be the most effective way to combat BU in the long term. 从长远观点来看,一种可把新出现的流行地区确定为目标的安全有效疫苗可能是与布鲁里溃疡作斗争的最有效办法。 who But Dr. Bu was surprised to find the mice suddenly gained weight. 但是 Bu博士却同时也惊讶的发现试验用的老鼠体重突然开始增加。 yeeyan Changyou’s most popular offering, “Tian Long Ba Bu”, began as a book about the travails of a prince, a monk and a beggar, with lots of martial arts. 畅游最叫座的网游《天龙八部》就以一位王子、一名僧侣和一个乞丐的诞生为开端,并加入了大量中华武术的成分。 ecocn If confirmed, BU will be the only known mycobacterial disease to be transmitted by insects. 如果得到确认,布鲁里溃疡将是唯一已知由昆虫传播的分枝杆菌病。 who In developing countries, sociocultural beliefs and practices strongly influence the health- seeking behaviours of people affected by BU. 在发展中国家,社会文化信仰和习俗有力地影响布鲁里溃疡患者的寻求卫生保健行为。 who Occasionally, travellers who have returned from endemic areas to North America or Europe develop BU, which can pose a significant diagnostic challenge for clinicians unfamiliar with the disease. 有时候从流行地区返回北美或欧洲的旅行者感染布鲁里溃疡,可对不熟悉该病的临床医师形成严重的诊断挑战。 who Particularly, if we implement services via projects in a Business Unit BU, the SOA Governance must be at the level of BU, not at the level of projects. 具体来说,如果我们在一个业务部门 BU的项目中实现服务, SOA治理必须位于部门级,而不是项目级。 infoq Police allege that he tagged locations in the Massachusetts Avenue and Newbury Street area and the railroad trestle by the BU Bridge, said department spokesman Officer James Kenneally. 部门发言人 James Kenneally警官称,警方有证据指控他在马萨诸塞大街,牛玻璃街区以及 BU大桥附近的铁道支架上涂涂画画。 yeeyan Since1998, when WHO became involved in BU control and research, considerable awareness of the disease has been created. 自1998年世卫组织参与布鲁里溃疡控制和研究以来,已引起对该病相当多的注意。 who That is the goal Bu is pursuing with his team of20 Chinese and Japanese historians, who are debating more than a dozen tough issues that dog bilateral relations. 这也是部教授与其20位中日历史学家成员组所期望的目标,他们就复杂的中日双边关系已经做了几十次焦点问题辩论。 yeeyan The alert level“ is now at a higher class” than in 2002, says Air Force Brig. Gen. Jung Jae- bu, commander of the 20th Fighter Wing. “目前的警戒水平”高于2002年,第20战斗机飞行中队指挥官,空军准将郑在卜音表示。 yeeyan The serendipitous findings were born out of Dr. Bu's primary research focus, Alzheimer's disease. 这个偶然的发现是源于 Bu博士关于老年痴呆症的治疗的研究。 yeeyan These encouraging developments are changing the strategy for BU control and treatment which until2004 focused on surgical treatment. 这些令人鼓舞的发展正在改变布鲁里溃疡病控制和治疗战略,该战略在2004年之前注重于外科治疗。 who This information is helping scientists to develop ways to block mycolactone production, which may provide a new option for treating BU. 这一信息将有助于科学家开发方法阻止细菌内酯生成,可能为治疗布鲁里溃疡提供一种新的选择。 who This meeting provides a forum at which important policy decisions are made to guide BU control and research activities. 这一会议提供一个作出重要政策决定的论坛以指导布鲁里溃疡控制和研究活动。 who Today, a number of endemic countries, researchers, nongovernmental organizations and donors are involved in activities to understand BU. 今天,许多流行国家、研究人员、非政府组织和捐助者正在从事各项活动以了解布鲁里溃疡。 who Unlike tuberculosisTB, there is no evidence to suggest that infection with the human immunodeficiency virusHIV predisposes individuals to BU infection. 与结核不同,没有证据表明感染人类免疫缺陷病毒容易使人感染布鲁里溃疡。 who Vigilance is required in the surveillance systems of both endemic countries and countries that have not reported BU but which share borders with endemic countries. 流行国家以及未报告布鲁里溃疡但与流行国家有共同边界的国家的监测系统需要提高警惕。 who Whether it is simple or modern, it will be charged bu someone at the entrance. 无论是纯朴还是现代,入口处都会有人在收取费用。 kekenet Bu says “ they should reach agreement on the nature of the war and the evaluation of major wartime events” in a report to be published next June. 在一篇将于明年六月发表的论文中,部教授提到:“我们应该为战争的性质以及战时事件的评估达成一致”。 yeeyan Bu many of us let fear control our mind, body, and soul instead of being conscious about the emotion occurring. 但是许多人任凭畏惧感控制自身的神智、肉体和灵魂,却没有察觉这种情绪的降临。 yeeyan BU not being a notifiable disease in many countries. 在许多国家布鲁里溃疡不是一种法定报告疾病。 who |