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词汇 BSS
释义 BSS
abbr.英国标准规范=British Standard Specificationabbr.基站系统=Base Station System
The basic thought is to apply the existing blind source separation BSS algorithm to the signal detection in MIMO- OFDM systems.
基本思想是将现有的盲信源分离算法 BSS应用到 MIMO- OFDM系统的信号检测中。 dictall

The Blind Source Separation BSS problem consists of recovery sources from the observed signals without adequate a prior knowledge.
盲源分离 BSS问题是在缺少先验知识的情况下,从接收到的观测信号中恢复统计独立的源信号。 dictall

The system is mainly to control and manage the addition, revision, update and deletion of software which are in all boards of the BSS system.
软件版本管理系统主要是对 BSS系统下所有单板运行软件的添加、修改、更新以及删除操作进行控制和管理。 cnki

An algorithm is proposed based on joint diagonalization from the statistic principles, which convert BSS to the problem of the eigenvalue decomposition.
从信号的统计规律出发,将盲源分离 BSS问题转化为普通的特征值分解问题,提出一种基于联合对角化的盲源分离算法。 cnki

Another type of section, known by the BSS designation, contains blocks started by symbol data.
另一种类型的段,称为 BSS段,它包含以符号数据开头的块。 ibm

As a new approach of blind sources separation BSS, the independent component analysis ICA is powerful tool of decomposing independent information in surveyed data.
独立分量分析 ICA作为盲源分离 BSS的一种新方法,是分解观测数据中独立信息的有力工具。 cnki

Because of the reasonable mechanical performance of BSS and the broad developmental space of the large span structure in our country, it is sure that the structure will be used more and more widely.
基于张弦梁结构合理的受力性能,以及大跨结构在我国广阔的发展空间,这种结构必将得到推广应用。 cnki

Blind Source Separation BSS technology is a new way to analyze signals, the essence of which is consistent with Independent Component Analysis ICA.
盲源分离 BSS技术是一种新兴的信号分析方法,其本质上与独立分量分析 ICA是一致的。 cnki

Conclusion As glaucoma trabeculectomy end, injection BSS and viscoelastic agent in anterior chamber, could prevent shallow anterior chamber after trabeculectomy, there was similar effect.
结论青光眼小梁切除结束时,前房注 BSS和粘弹剂,均能预防术后浅前房发生,效果相近; cnki

Conclusion: The results were credible and Delphi method was an important and effective method to ascertain the enter indices of BSS.
结论:所进行的血瘀证诊断专家调查得出的结果比较可靠,专家问卷调查是一种有效的血瘀证诊断方法之一。 iciba

Each set of wireless devices communicating directly with each other is called a basic service set BSS.
各个直接互相通信的无线设备集称基本服务集 BSS。

Firstly, according to the mechanical characteristics of BSS members, C.
首先,根据张弦梁结构各构件的受力特点,选择 C。 iciba

Fracture of the odontoid of the axis is a common injury in the cervical spine but only6 BSS cases caused by odontoid fractures have been published previously.
枢椎齿状突骨折在颈椎骨折中很常见,但此前只有6例由齿突骨折导致的 BSS被报道。 oaopdoc

If BSS paging co- ordination for CS paging is active in a cell or not, shall be indicated as system information to the MSs.
如果针对 CS寻呼的 BSS寻呼协调在这个小区是激活的,或者没有激活,都应做为系统信息指示给 MS。 gprshome

It is, however, possible to do paging co- ordination on BSS level in these cases.
这就是,有可能在这些例子中在 BSS这个级别完成寻呼的协调。 gprshome

Management of measurements and observations i. e starting and stopping measurements in BSS and NSS.
管理日常测量和观察工作。例如运行和终止基站子系统和网络交换系统的日常测量。 mscbsc

Objective To study injection BSS and viscoelastic agent in anterior chamber prevent shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy.
目的探讨前房注 BSS和粘弹剂预防青光眼小梁切除术后浅前房的临床效果。 cnki

Objects in the BSS section have only a name and a size, and no value.
BSS部分中的对象只有一个名称和大小,没有值。 ibm

The SGSN shall then send these parameters in each page request to the BSS that uses this information and the IMSI to calculate the correct paging group.
SGSN应将这些信息放到每个寻呼请求中发给 BSS,并使用这些信息和 IMSI来计算正确的寻呼组。 gprshome

The association between odontoid fractures and BSS has been rarely reported.
齿突骨折和 BSS之间的关联鲜有报道。 oaopdoc

The BSS memory area is anonymous: it does not map any file.
由于 BSS段并没有映射任何文件,所以 BSS段在内存中是以匿名形式存在的。 yeeyan

This paper addresses the single mixture BSS with a new method.
文章提出了一种单混和信号盲源分离 BSS问题的改进解法。 cnki

This is consistent with the generating conditions of the BSS Broad Symmetric Structure in the ionospheric heating experiments.
这与电离层加热实验中的宽对称结构 BSS的产生条件相一致。 cnki

Variables declared in the BSS section don't actually take space, unlike in the data segment.
与数据部分中不同, BSS部分中声明的变量并不实际占用空间。 ibm

Wind- induced dynamic behaviors of single-direction BSS relating with some important structural parameters, including rise-span ratio, span and roof load, were also discussed in detail.
此外,详细讨论了矢跨比、跨度以及屋面静荷载等参数对单向张弦梁结构风振性能的影响。 cnki




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