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词汇 BSO
释义 BSO b'səʊ Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
=bilateral sagittal osteotomy双侧矢状切骨术;=bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy双侧输卵管/卵巢切除术;=bile salt output胆汁酸盐排出量;医双侧输卵管、卵巢切除术=bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
However, due to presence of optical activity, the electrooptic, piezoelectric and photoelastic effects in BSO, it is difficult to get the analytical results.
考虑 BSO晶体的旋光性,电光效应、压电效应、弹光效应时,要求解耦合方程得到解析解是不可能的。 dictall

Now, people are trying to use various methods, including the electro-optics effect of BSO, to modulate the wavefront of light or modulate its phase.
人们正在尝试着利用 BSO晶体的电光效应以各种方式进行光波的波前调制和相位调制。 cnki

The applications of BSO- PROM for OSS optical symbolic substitution, MOPC matrix outer product calculation and NI network interconnection are also implemented.
还将这种 PROM成功地用于光学符号代换、矩阵外积及互连网络之中。 cnki

The character of the two- beam coupling and the four- wave coupling in BSO is investigated in this thesis.
本文就 BSO晶体的二波耦合、四波耦耦合合特性进行了研究。 dictall

The effects of readout beam on the diffraction efficiency of moving hologram with crystal BSO- type are investigated.
研究了读出光对 BSO类晶体中运动全息图衍射率的影响。 dictall

The crystal of BSO was grown at a spacecraft for the first time.
BSO晶体首次在飞船上进行了空间晶体生长。 cnki

The relationships among the darkened cores in the BSO crystals, growth direction, interface shape and growth of facets were revealed by methods of shadow graph and microscopy.
用阴影法和光学显微镜观察等方法揭示了 BSO晶体中深色核芯与生长取向、界面形状及小面生长之间的关系。 dictall

Thirdly, the functions of BSO are marrow, lack of vitality;
组织职能褊狭,缺乏活力; cnki

We optimize the signal gain of the optically active crystal and apply the results to a BSO and BTO crystal.
对旋光材料优化增益,并把处理结果应用于 BSO和 BTO晶体。 cnki

A multifunctional sensor utilizing EO and MO effects of BSO crystal is proposed. Experimental principle and method used for measuring the electric current, voltage and power are discussed.
本文提出一种利用 BSO晶体电光和磁光效应的多功能传感嚣,并讨论了用于测量电流、电压和电功率的实验原理和方法。 cnki

Some results of the studies on the properties of BSO crystals are reported, including excitation spectrum and fluorescent spectrum, light yield, decay time and radiation hardness.
报道对 BSO晶体闪烁性能研究的若干结果。包括晶体的激发光谱和荧光光谱、光产额、发光衰减时间和抗辐照能力等特性。 chemyq

Studying two- beam coupling, we get the gain curve of the signal beam in three cut planes in BSO when the polarization of signal and reference beams are parallel or not parallel.
对二波耦合,分别讨论了在三种 BSO晶体切面上,信号光和参考光的偏振态互相平行和存在夹角时信号光增益特性; cnki

The diffraction efficiency of hologram in photorefractive BSO crystal has been analyzed in theory and researched through experiments in alternating electric field.
对交流表面电场中 BSO晶体全息图的衍射率进行了理论分析和实验研究。 dictall

The mechanism may be BSO or NAC pretreatment causing the changes of intracellular GSH level.
推测其机理与 BSO或 NAC预处理后使机体细胞内 GSH含量改变有关。 cnki

The space-grown and terrestrially-grown BSO crystals were measured by X- ray rocking curves and dislocation etchings as well as transmission spectra.
本文对空间和地面生长的 BSO晶体进行了 X射线摇摆曲线、位错腐蚀和透过率的测试。 cnki

We study beam- coupling in this paper considering the optical activity, the electrooptic, piezoelectric and photoelastic effects in BSO. By programming, we solve coupled-wave equations.
本文在研究光波耦合时,考虑了 BSO晶体的旋光性、电光效应、压电效应、弹光效应,通过编写程序,运用数值解法求解了耦合方程。 cnki

BSO crystal is the core of the sensor and the sensor is characterized by using both electro-optic and photoconductive properties of BSO crystal.
此传感器以 BSO晶体为核心器件,巧妙地利用了其显著的电光效应和光电导效应。 ilib




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