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BSMCOCA¹³⁷¹⁶⁴BNC⁵⁶⁴³⁷ 基本例句 Body Surface Isopotential Map As we discussed earlier, a vending machine will be used to illustrate the BSM function throughout these articles. 前面我们已经讲过,在本文章系列中,我们将使用自动售货机来阐述 BSM的功能。 ibm The correlation property has to be assigned for every operation defined in the BSM's interfaces to ensure that the operation is applied to the correct process instance. 需要为 BSM的接口中定义的每个操作分配关联属性,以确保将操作应用于正确的进程实例。 ibm The transitions in this example are caused by operations that are on the WSDL interface or interfaces associated with the BSM. 本例中的转换是由与 BSM关联的 WSDL接口或多个接口上的操作所导致的。 ibm UDTT marketed its productions including the company's bioterrorism detection kits, BSM-2000 real-time anthrax detector, and radiological detection systems. 通用检测技术公司销售的产品包括生物恐怖行动检测套件、 BSM-2000实时炭疽热检测仪和辐射检测系统。 www.etiri.com.cn And, all of the operations defined in these WSDLs must be used in the BSM. 而且,在这些 WSDL中定义的所有操作都必须在 BSM中使用。 ibm Any number of WSDLs can be predefined and associated with the BSM as it is developed. 可以预定义任何数量的 WSDL,并且可以将它们与开发出来的 BSM相关联。 ibm At this point the BSM is destroyed, which means that the serial number can now be reused. 这时 BSM 失效,这意味着现在可以重新使用序列号。 ibm Because BSM generates a BPEL process, this leads to the question of when one approach should be used over the other when designing business applications. 由于 BSM生成 BPEL进程,因此,这会导致在设计业务应用程序时碰到何时应使用此方法而不使用彼方法的问题。 ibm Conclusion This study indicates that can BSM inhibited MC proliferation and intervene secretion of inflammatory medium of activated MC. 结论保肾冲剂血清能抑制 MC增殖并能干预活化 MC分泌细胞因子。 iciba If we return to the Started By Me view, the BSM instance is no longer shown. 如果返回 Started By Me视图,则不再显示 BSM实例。 ibm In the light of BSM pricing model, information can be obtained of risk- neutral default probability, actual default probability and the default risk spread. 通过 BSM定价模型可获得债券的风险中性违约概率、真实世界违约概率和违约风险价差。 iciba In database terms, this is the BSM's primary key. 用数据库术语说,就是 BSM的主键。 ibm Invoke the order operation event on our BSM instance. 对 BSM实例调用订单操作事件。 ibm Notice that all operations are shown, whether they are valid in the current state of the BSM or not. 注意,这里显示了所有操作,无论它们在 BSM的当前状态中是否有效。 ibm Once this operation is accepted, the BSM ends. 在接受此操作之后, BSM将结束。 ibm The fact that a process is generated does not impact the development, debugging, or monitoring of a BSM. 事实上,生成进程不会影响 BSM的开发、调试或监视。 ibm This can be especially useful when trying to install another version of the BSM. 这在尝试安装其他版本的 BSM时会特别有用。 ibm This screen Figure8 is where you specify the parameters to use to create the BSM. 在此屏幕中图8,您可以指定用于创建 BSM的参数。 ibm This serial number must be the same as what we used earlier to create the BSM instance. 该序列号必须与我们先前创建 BSM实例使用的序列号相同。 ibm This will show you all of the operations that you can call on the BSM. 这将显示可以对 BSM调用的所有操作。 ibm To find the vending machine BSM, click on the top left item, My Process Templates, as shown in Figure7. 要找到自动售货机 BSM,请单击左上部的条目 My Process Templates,如图7所示。 ibm We must also be able to execute other operations on the BSM. 我们还必须能够对 BSM执行其他操作。 ibm We will also look at other ways to test and debug the BSM. 我们还将寻求其他方法来测试和调试 BSM。 ibm While in our example there is only the BSM, this view will show all of the process templates for all BPEL and BSM applications on the system. 尽管在我们的示例中只有 BSM,但该视图中显示了系统中所有 BPEL和 BSM应用程序的所有进程模板。 ibm BSM like BPEL provides the ability to create a property alias, by specifying the parameter and part to use for the correlation value. 通过指定用于关联值的参数和参数部分, BSM如 BPEL提供了创建属性别名的功能。 ibm BSM provides a way of developing, debugging, and monitoring these nouns as a state machine. BSM作为一种状态机,提供了一种开发、调试和监视这些“名词”的方法。 ibm BSM provides support for business items that have a life cycle. BSM提供对具有生命周期的业务项目的支持。 ibm BSM uses the same terminology as BPEL by calling this the correlation information. BSM使用与 BPEL相同的技术来调用此关联信息。 ibm The BSM is an audit API and file format that supports generalized audit- trail processing. BSM是一个审计 API和文件格式,它支持普通的审计跟踪处理。 ibm |