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词汇 的时候
释义 的时候
whenduringat the time of
当他二十岁的时候,他长了胡子。When he was twenty years old, he began to have a moustache.
当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。I felt a great sense of achievementwhenI reached the top of the mountain.
他从海滨回来的时候给我们买了一些华而不实的工艺品做礼物。He bought us some gingerbread works as presentwhenhe returned from the beach.
噪音令人讨厌,尤其当你想睡觉的时候。Noise is unpleasant, especiallywhenyou are trying to sleep.
我儿子六岁的时候开始学习乘法。My son began to study multiplicationwhenhe was six.
当有人需要救助的时候,行动胜于言语。Deeds are better than wordswhenpeople are in need of help.
他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。He showed remarkable couragewhenhe faced the danger.
现在我不会唱歌了,但我年轻的时候会。I can't sing now, but I couldwhenI was young.




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