

单词 百无聊赖
释义 百无聊赖 bǎi wú liáo lài 常用成语
bored to death繁体百無聊賴近义兴味索然;心灰意冷;万念俱灰反义兴高采烈;怡然自得正音“聊”,不能读作“liào”。
俄文ужáсная скука在百无聊赖中,随手抓过一本书来,科学也好,文学也好,横竖什么都一样。鲁迅《彷徨 伤逝》东汉末年,军阀公孙瓒盘踞蓟州,袁绍想消灭公孙瓒,故意散布谣言说易州城易守难攻,公孙瓒迁都易州城,大量修筑工事。袁绍大军围困易州,公孙瓒暗中庆幸占据了有利地形,但时间一长就百无聊赖,士气低落,被袁绍挖通地道进城占领。偏正式:作谓语;定语;状语;形容人空虚无聊;中性词。汉·蔡琰《悲愤》诗:“为复强视息,虽生何聊赖。”解释: 聊赖:依靠,依托。汉·焦赣《易林》卷一四:“交侵如乱,民无聊赖。”解释: 意为老百姓生活没有依靠。后用“百无聊赖”指精神上没有依托,无所事事。清·魏秀仁《花月痕》二回:“此番召试词科,因偕窗友万庶常,同寓圆通观中……光阴易度,忽忽秋深,乡思羁愁,百无聊赖。”
徐贵祥《历史的天空》二四章:“劳动休息的时候,陈墨涵百无聊赖,便抱着大功率收音机没完没了地折腾。”近义词 兴味索然心灰意冷穷极无聊无以自遣万念俱灰无所事事
反义词 怡然自得乐在其中兴高采烈
玛丽在等出租汽车时,百无聊赖,便随手翻翻几本旧杂志。Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.福尔摩斯简直是机不离身,不过百无聊赖之下,他可不是摆弄手机来消磨时间,对他来说,朝墙开火是更好的消遣方式。
Sherlock rarely lets go of his, but has been known to fire a gun at the walls out of sheer boredom. yeeyan

What better time to call someone to catch up, to tell them you love them, to just say hi… than when you’ve got nothing better to do. yeeyan

Hey, life is sometimes just hellish or boring— or both. yeeyan

Like any average Harvard professor, Langdon grinds coffee beans in the morning and tries to persuade bored undergrads to appreciate hidden meanings in the world around them. iciba

Last January, Michelle and the girls left for Washington a day early to prepare for the start of school, leaving the president-elect rattling around in their house in Chicago for a day. yeeyan

Indeed, most men are as miserable as sinners though they are too bored to sin- perhaps their sin is their indifference. hxen

They have no dreams, interests or ideals and have grown numb to life. www.chinadaily.com.cn

Most of them looked alert if not terribly bored at the idea of sitting in an airplane for the next two hours. yeeyan

Bored and unable to concentrate, I had picked up the airline magazine, passively imbibing information on resort hotels and airport facilities. hjenglish

While I felt very bored, I was glad to see my friends come. italki

I left the lawn and moved in the white light and silence along the road, aimless and sorrowing. yeeyan

“ Sitting in the rain getting bored is a great British tradition, and I'm proud of it, ” declared one enthusiast. hicoo

Bored to death and sometimes the face of the embarrassing moment, I will hide in one called“ soccer” the small house, loneliness and sadness will linger in the door. baihuoyw

在百无聊赖中, 随手抓过一本书来,读下去。
Out of sheer boredom I would pick up a book and read on and on.《新英汉大辞典》

In a“ nasty, dark little room” beneath British Army headquarters in Cairo, a bored Lieutenant Lawrence methodically extinguishes a match between his fingers. yeeyan

Out of sheer boredom I would pick up a book- science or literature, it was all the Same to me--and read on and on till it suddenly dawned on me that I had turned a dozen pages without taking in a word. blog.sina.com.cn

Here, bored tigers crammed four or more to a cage, pace restlessly back and forth. yeeyan

Only last Sunday, my Lady, in the desolation of Boredom and the clutch of Giant Despair, almost hated her own maid for being in spirits. jukuu

Lounge with friends, barbecue everything, watch the night sky from the dock in the pitch black, play board games while listening to the rain. yeeyan

After Byron had suggested that they each write a ghost story, Shelly claimed she struggled with writer's block. http://source.yeeyan.org

Beginning to feel like a weary foreigner at loose ends I needed to be on the move to change my scenery. yeeyan




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