

单词 百思不得其解
释义 百思不得其解 bǎi sī bù dé qí jiě 常用成语
can't understand after repeated thinking百:多次;思:考虑,思考;解:理解。指经过百般思索仍旧不能理解。近义百思不解反义理所当然“我怎么就没拍些照片呢?”他百思不得其解。
“ Why didn't I shoot some pictures?” he wonders. cri

但她的最后一句话让我百思不得其解。 “祝你度过足够好的一天”。
Until her final words to me, “ You have a good enough day”. yeeyan

Don't hesitate to communicate with us if you are still confused with your problems after turning to the famous works of both home and abroad and asking for the helps of famous person or colleges. hicoo

Economists when researching it all over the place, but I feel a lot has to do with monetary policy.163

That could in theory bolster the British efforts— or it could result in obfuscation, and be used to advance old grievances. ecocn

You wonder at the miracle of this awesome display of nature. yeeyan

You are probably scratching your head and wondering, “ If they are both important yet similar, how can I expect to know when to use a business process instead of a state machine?” ibm

Sloped driveways and walkways can act as culverts, so baffling and regular drain intakes will reduce the problem. cfli

All this might have you scratching your head. kekenet

He puzzled over the matter some time, and finally decided that some witch had interfered and broken the charm. chinaorb.com

The discovery of Coefficient of Investment and PurchaseCIP and to found the Regulation Formula of Building PricesRFBP have settled these questions above-mentioned thoroughly. xslx

I didn't think anything of it until I went downstairs and found my dog chewing on my used tampon applicators. bbs.ecust.edu.cn

I have in mind some doubts which really puzzle me.《新英汉大辞典》

The matter/ antimatter question has been bugging physicists for decades. Now, perhaps, it will be answered. yeeyan

It adds a turn of screw to think of Indian soldiers who often did the same, but under British officers. hotdic

It reacted to and was influenced by those stimuli on a subcellular and even atomic level, in ways that left Human molecular psychologists shaking their heads and talking to themselves. hicoo

It means the76-year-old grandfather has seen his baby granddaughter for the first time following the incredible recovery, which has baffled eye specialists. hjenglish

The question took me by surprise and I was bewitched, bothered and bewildered. hotdic

It is a puzzle to many people as well as to myself, for, although I had displayed a curious interest in my toes at an early age, I had never attempted before this to use either of my feet in any way. blog.sina.com.cn

These contradictory conclusions are both puzzling and intriguing. ecocn

His method of asking his students a series of questions to lead them to their own answer to a question they are pondering has become known as the Socratic Method. joyen

He thought at first that her religious devotion must be her form of rebellion against his parental authority, just as he had rebelled against his own parents. yeeyan




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