

单词 白雪皑皑
释义 白雪皑皑 bái xuě ái ái 一般成语
an expanse of white snow繁体白雪皚皚近义银妆素裹 Orbuch给我们举了个例子,每个星期日的晚上,一对夫妇都会去白雪皑皑的院子里打雪仗,堆雪人。
For instance, every Sunday night, one couple, Orbuch said, would go out in their snow-filled backyard and have a snowball fight or build a snowman. yeeyan

The snowy main peak towers above all the others.《新英汉大辞典》

From the polar bears of arctic Svalbard to the sea turtles of the Mediterranean, from the wild bison of Poland to the snow-covered glaciers of the Caucasus. yeeyan

That's easy! Any place with a lot of snow and beautiful buildings. And, of course, I must be with the man of my dreams. blog.sina.com.cn

Rajasthan is the largest state in India— a land of extremes—encompassing steamy forests, dry plains, and the snowy Himalaya. yeeyan

The coffin was got out of its rough box and down on the snowy platform. yeeyan

Peru and Bolivia are the tarns and fells of the Alto Plano, snowy peaks and the fifth day of a miners' picket that had closed the highway. yeeyan

Next year’s date is not yet fixed. It will probably be in the deep snows of mid- February, the better part of a year before the nation finally chooses a president. ecocn

For example, in the snowy wilderness, or in the vast beach, the environment arising from the strong reflected light, so exposure should be taken than in the general environment to reduce a file or so. chinaw3

We then follow the climbers' tracks, which trace the same elegant shape of the snowy ridge. yeeyan

Japan's Mount Fuji, covered with snow, stands amidst the clouds. thehlc.cn

On a snowy Spanish hillside in Aragon, a griffon vulture vies with a raven for a scrap of food. blog.sina.com.cn

A quiet, brooding sense of menace settles in right at the beginning, which finds Mr. Clooney, his silver hair complemented by a snowy beard, rusticating in the snowy Swedish countryside. yeeyan

Because I like to travel, traveled all over the world to see the snow-capped Mount Fuji, I like to bring me happy memories, bring all the colors, the hope can happiness with me. letou

The contrast between the soft, gentle, snowy slopes and the sharp, jagged black peaks makes me feel both seduced and afraid, which is surely how a mountain climber must feel. yeeyan

They had lived an astonishing72 days on the snow-covered mountaintop after the crash. The story of their survival inspired the1993 film Alive. yeeyan

The accident, which killed the pilot and Ollestad's father and gravely injured his father's girlfriend, left Norman facing an icy high- altitude death. yeeyan

They had lived an astonishing72 days on the snow-covered mountaintop after the crash. joyen

No tracks but my own are stitched into the dusting of fresh snow, white as birch bark, that fell during the night. ebigear

Below is the brown smog of Kabul; beyond, snowy mountains. ecocn

No awe-inspiring canyons, no snow-covered peaks or rain forests or raging mountain streams. hxen

By that time he is in the white frozen wilderness that was the obsessive object of his quest. ecocn

The snow had fallen thick over everything; in the pale starlight the line of bluffs across the wide, white meadows south of the town made soft, smoke- colored curves against the clear sky. yeeyan

Beyond Schirmeck the woods were snowy, the trees powdered white and the ground white too. yeeyan

And so, he took her by the hand and slowly helped her up the snowy hill as he brushed aside his own tears with the back of his old and withered hand. yeeyan




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