

单词 Brzezinski
释义 Brzezinski
And many experts, including Zbigniew Brzezinski and General Petraeus have called for local political accommodation, perhaps even with reconcilable elements of the Taliban.
包括布热津斯基以及彼得雷乌斯将军在内的许多专家,都呼吁当地各政治派别之间实现妥协,甚至与塔利班当中的温和派合作。 ebigear

And no Democrat of any age can match Brzezinski's grasp of the national interest and its sometimes difficult relationship to the values of liberal society.
至于说对国家利益以及国家利益与自由社会价值观之间时而出现的矛盾的把握,没有任何时代的民主党人能像布热津斯基那样掌握得如此娴熟。 oktranslation.net

FRED BERGSTENDirector of the Peterson Institute for International Economics first suggested the idea of G2. Brzezinski believed that China is second only to the United States.
美国学者伯格斯滕首先提出中美G2的想法,布热津斯基也认为,中国在国际上排名第二,仅次于美国。 putclub

A map of“ Greater China” in Zbigniew Brzezinski's1997 book The Grand Chessboard makes this point vividly.
兹比格钮·布热津斯基在其1997年的著作《大棋局》中生动描绘了“大中华区”的地图。 yeeyan

Ankara is also deepening its ties with Iran, which Zbigniew Brzezinski has explained that the U.
安卡拉也应该支持深化与伊朗的关系,这布热津斯基解释说,美国政府。 blog.sina.com.cn

It means only five people, including the gentleman himself were of the view, or less than4% of the participants shared Brzezinski's perception.
也就是说,140个人中不到4%的人与布热津斯基对中国的判断持相同的看法。 kouyi

Its signatories included Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft, who headed the National Security Council in Mr Carter's and George Bush senior's White House;
签名者包括 Zbigniew、布热津斯基以及曾在卡特和老布什政府中领导过国家安全委员会的斯考克罗夫特; ecocn

Mika Brzezinski: Ah, yes.
米卡·布热津斯基:哦,是的。 yeeyan

Mika Brzezinski: Oh, my God.
米卡·布热津斯基:哦,天啊。 yeeyan

Mika Brzezinski: Right.
米卡·布热津斯基:是的。 yeeyan

Mika Brzezinski: Yes, that is, I mean, prophetic, absolutely prophetic.
米卡·布热津斯基:天啊,这是先知,绝对的先知。 yeeyan

Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former national security adviser, worries that America is seen in the Middle East as “ acting increasingly on behalf of Israel”.
前国家安全兹比格纽•布热津斯基 Zbigniew Brzezinski担心,在中东美国被视为“日益代表以色利而行事”。 ecocn




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