词汇 | 痛心疾首 |
释义 | 痛心疾首 辨形“疾”,不能写作“急”。 辨析参见“深恶痛绝”。。 辨形“疾”,不能写作“急”。 辨析见“深恶痛绝”。 俄文испытывать больпрочувствовать 德文von Reue gequǎlt bittere Reue über etwas empfinden 晋历公即位后,因边界纠纷,两国君王在令狐订立盟约。但秦桓公回国后,立刻背叛盟约,偷偷去和楚国结盟。同时强令晋国和秦国一起进攻秦国边界的小国白狄,晋国答应后,秦国又派人偷偷告诉白狄说:“晋国要攻打你们。”白狄和楚国都看穿了秦国的用心,痛恨秦国背信弃义,于是将秦国的所作所为告诉了晋国。晋国于是联合诸侯之兵迎战秦国,同时派吕相去和秦国绝交,说:“各国诸侯如今都知道秦国惟利是图,不守信用,所以都痛心疾首,都要和晋国亲近友好。现在我们陈兵以待,如果秦国和我们盟誓,则可退诸侯之兵,否则,我们各诸侯国将共同对付秦国。” 一个月以后,两军交战,秦国大败。 反义词 Egypt won praise in Europe and the United States for privatizing the economy, but Egyptians were disgusted by the corruption that came with the transformation. As far as preparedness is concerned, the main reason is that we continue to be focused on past disasters, rather than on building tsunami-resilient communities around the globe. This was no allusion to hated financial speculators. Even now, Andrew Lansley, the health secretary, is at pains to portray his plans as evolutionary rather than revolutionary. No doubt Nixon's distraught appearance, conveying an impression of both grief and evasion, did not offer the picture of a Chief Executive dominating crisis. The choice is awesome and potentially eternal. It is in the hands of the present generation: a decision we cannot or celebrated through all the generation that follow. Then, once the trade lanes reopened with the coming of peace, even those who profited from the war were stung by the tide of imports that swept into American ports and sharply lowered prices. |
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