词汇 | 痛定思痛 |
释义 | 痛定思痛 法文penser avec angoisse aux souffrances passées 俄文страшно раскаиватьсяс горечью вспоминать 德文sich einen erlittenen Schmerz in Erinnerung rufen aus Unglück bittere Lehre ziehen 不久,元军强迫文天祥跟随贾余庆一起前往元朝的京城大都。文天祥本欲以死明志,但想到国恨家仇,就忍辱负重跟随贾余庆一同前往。船到京口今江苏镇江时,文天祥趁人不备,乘上一条小船逃走,碾转来到了真州今江苏仪征。他把敌人的军情虚实告诉了真州守将苗再成,又写信给淮东;淮西两位边帅,约他们联合行动,驱逐元军。不料,驻守扬州的淮东边帅李庭芝以为文天祥已投降元军,这回是来代敌人骗取扬州城的,就下令逮捕他。文天祥百口莫辩,只得出城,从此改名换姓,死里逃生,一路渡海南下,来到福州。 逃亡路上,文天祥写下了许多爱国诗篇,后来汇集成《指南录》。他在《指南录后序》中叹道:“生与死是像昼夜转移一样平淡的事。死了也就算了,但是艰难险恶的处境反复错杂出现,不是人世间所能忍受得了的事情。痛苦的事情过了之后,再回想起当世的痛苦,这种痛又是多么深刻啊!” 反义词 Painful though that was, Dr Grove now thinks this episode actually benefited the firm in two ways. Recalling the painful experience, I still have two girls to chat with. How mounted from costly and great fire, draw a lesson well further building the heat preservation material fire control work is imminent. The crises of individuals, like the crises of nations, are not realized until they are over. We need to cry foul, require change, and start leading the charge ourselves. By contrast, for a decade after its reunification boom turned sour in the mid-1990s, Germany took bitter medicine, holding wages down and boosting productivity. Just like pan family, under the impact of the financial crisis, many enterprises the bitter experience of the town: not change not restructuring, only has been eliminated. In the museum, there are a textile workers in smashing the year reflected the textile machine before the bitter experience of the sculpture, visitors have stopped, filled with emotion. The explosion of financial crisis in ASEAN countries, gives them a lesson from a bitter experience in attracting foreign investment. As the French digest the turmoil of recent weeks, and businesses count the cost what lessons might be drawn about the nature of protest and reform in France? |
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