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词汇 Brussels sprouts
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the small edible cabbage-like buds growing along a stalk of the brussels sprout plantBrussels sprouts 汤菜,抱子甘蓝
用作名词These veggies are cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and broccoli.这些蔬菜是花椰菜,卷心菜,球芽甘蓝和花茎甘蓝。 Dark green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, brussels sprouts and romaine lettuce are high in folic acid which several studies have show to prevent and even reverse memory loss.
花椰菜、菠菜、甘蓝和莴苣等深绿色蔬菜中含有大量叶酸,这是经研究证明防止健忘甚至提高记忆力的重要元素。 hjenglish

It is strawberries, lychees and grapes that have the highest polyphenol contents, but vegetables are not far behind, particularly artichokes, parsley and brussels sprouts.
草莓、荔枝、葡萄中多酚类物质含量最高,而蔬菜中的含量也并不低多少,尤其像朝鲜蓟、荷兰芹及抱子甘蓝等。 dxy

The flavor of carrots, squash, and some herbs will also suffer, while crucifers such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage may turn limp and yellow more quickly.
胡萝卜、南瓜等也会变苦;而十字花科类,如西兰花,花椰菜和大白菜则会更容易变软变黄。 yeeyan

The yellow eggs of the large white butterfly are laid in clumps on the undersides of cabbage leaves above and brussels sprouts.
大白蝶黄色的卵成簇地产在卷心菜叶上和球芽甘蓝阴暗面。 yeeyan

They belong to the cabbage or cole family. Other members include cabbage, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and kohlrabi.
西兰花和菜花属于卷心菜或者油菜科,其他的还包括卷心菜、羽衣甘蓝、芽甘蓝、球茎甘蓝。 hjenglish

Also included in the green group of vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage, which are, like cauliflower, cruciferous vegetables and contain powerful carcinogen blockers.
椰菜、抱子甘蓝和卷心菜也属于绿色组蔬菜,像菜花那样,都是十字花科蔬菜并且含有强有效的致癌物质阻断剂。 yeeyan

Best food sources: Citrus fruits and juices, strawberries, red and green peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, kale, and collard greens.
最佳的食物来源:柑橘属的水果和果汁、草莓、红和绿的辣椒、甘蓝菜、花椰菜、菠菜、羽衣甘蓝和绿甘蓝。 yeeyan

If Brussels sprouts make you gag, you don’t stop eating veggies altogether.
如果抱子甘蓝让你觉得恶心,你也不可能完全不吃蔬菜呀。 putclub

Next dish: roasted brussels sprouts with bacon, browned on the stove in a cast-iron skillet and then roasted in the oven.
下一盘:咸猪肉烤芽甘蓝,铸铁煎锅中烹至褐色然后在炉中烘烤。 yeeyan

Or recommending that people eat Brussels sprouts.
或者建议人们吃球芽甘蓝。 dxy

Other foods that will boost broccoli's benefits if they are paired together include radishes, cabbage, arugula, watercress, and Brussels sprouts.
其它与花椰菜搭配能够增强花椰菜的防癌功效的菜包括:萝卜、卷心菜、芝麻菜、西洋菜和芽甘蓝。 yeeyan

Other great choices are veggies from the cruciferous family, which include cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
其他不错的选择就是十字花科类的蔬菜,其中包括花椰菜和芽甘蓝。 yeeyan

Others that divide well“ Do you like Brussels sprouts?” will not do so meaningfully.
其它问题分类很有效“你喜欢球芽甘蓝么?” 但不是那么有意义。 yeeyan

Safe alternatives: cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
安全的替代品:甘蓝,花椰菜和球芽甘蓝。 yeeyan

Start with complex carbohydrates that are high in fibre, such as whole grain breads and cereals, dried beans and peas, Brussels sprouts, oranges, and prunes.
首先吃一些富含纤维的碳水化合物,例如全麦面包、谷类食物、干豆和豌豆、抱子甘蓝、橙子以及西梅。 wangluofanyi

The card, with a picture of Brussels sprouts on the front, is made from potato starch paper and printed with food coloring.

Well this is a brussels sprouts comment.

When it does lift off the greenhouse will contain the seeds of Brassica, a hardy plant related to Brussels sprouts and cabbage.
届时,“月球绿洲”将携带一种生命力极强的芸苔属植物种上岸月球,芽甘蓝和卷心菜就属于这种植物。 leteach

You know, your mother always told you to eat brussels sprouts because it was good for you.

Brussels sprouts— and other vegetables of the Brassica family, including cabbage— release hydrogen sulfide as they cook, particularly when boiled for too long.
芽甘蓝——以及芸苔科的其他蔬菜,包括卷心菜——烹饪时会释放硫化氢气体,特别是加热时间过长的时候。 yeeyan




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