词汇 | 畏首畏尾 |
释义 | 畏首畏尾 辨形“畏”,不能写作“为”。 辨析畏首畏尾和“瞻前顾后”;都有“顾虑重重”的意思。但畏首畏尾重在胆小怕事;“瞻前顾后”重在犹豫不定;并可用来形容考虑周密;办事谨慎。 辨形“畏”,不能写作“为”。 辨析畏首畏尾和“瞻前顾后”;都有“顾虑重重”的意思。但畏首畏尾重在胆小怕事;“瞻前顾后”重在犹豫不定;并可用来形容考虑周密;办事谨慎。 歇后语前怕狼,后怕虎 俄文бояться всех и всявсего бояться 德文übervorsichtig zu viel Bedenken haben 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 No one has ever accused CNN commentator Jack Cafferty of being a shrinking violet. But legality, maintenance narrow benefit, to never to return facing the difficult policy-making fraught with uncertainty day. But our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions—that time has surely passed. The first is a more determined effort to help those trapped in“ negative equity” to restructure the mortgages on their homes—an area where the Obama administration has been notably timid. Attacks on it may cow officials into acting less boldly than they otherwise would; And don't forget Citizens United Not Timid, best known by its acronym, a Hillary- bashing group that got media attention during the last campaign. You’ll shy away from doing great things, from going on new adventures, from creating something new and putting it out in the world, because of self- doubt and fear. Former England defender Gary Neville claims fear is crippling the national team's chances. I talked to Ariza about that in the locker room later, and he complained that he's getting shorted by that stat crews who don't give him credit for all the steals he has earned. We can fuss and fret and shuttle and shelter, but in the end, what we do may not matter as much as we think. We should boldly give them work and promote them and not be overcautious. Crucially for those who believe in a happy ending to this crisis, voters seem made of sterner stuff than politicians feared, and can also see the need for structural reforms. Some think it is soft and corrupt. In India and Brazil it is no longer retrograde to argue that state-controlled banks should help counteract the economic cycle. Its efforts to cure deflation over the past15 years have too often been timid. “ Workers should not hold back from trying to improve their office environment, ” Mr Sallabank said. Compared with other countries it is only middlingly good see chart and the RBI may be nervous of using too much ammunition. |
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