词汇 | 画蛇添足 |
释义 | 画蛇添足 辨形“添”,不能写作“填”。 辨析画蛇添足和“弄巧成拙”;都可表示“自以为做得好;结果坏了事”的意思。但画蛇添足偏重在“做多余的事”;“弄巧成拙”偏重在“想做得好些;巧妙些”。 辨形“添”,不能写作“填”。 辨析画蛇添足和“弄巧成拙”;都可表示“自以为做得好;结果坏了事”的意思。但画蛇添足偏重在“做多余的事”;“弄巧成拙”偏重在“想做得好些;巧妙些”。 法文amplification inutilec'est la cinquième roue d'un carrosse 俄文перестарáться 德文Holz in den Wald tragen 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 Don't put any more decorations on the Christmas cake, that would be gilding the lily. However, as these general theory of the social sciences should be for all those who enter the academic basics, explain too much can not help but suspect there are superfluous. Don't paint the lily. But if policymakers fear they have added legs to the snake, they will lift these measures as quickly as they imposed them. But the media regardless of usage, regardless of part of speech, casually put“ to force” implanted title, inevitably a kind of rote, superfluous feeling. For such a beautiful girl to use make-up would be to gild the lily. To comment upon this would be to paint the lily. The court should focus on the tasks it already faces, and avoid making the best the enemy of the good. The Southern American state has a quite superfluous law in place which states that it’s illegal to be blindfolded while driving a vehicle . Female groups and snacks relations, has been writers repeatedly intoned times, there is no gild the lily. Born beautiful girl use cosmetics are often superfluous. In many other countries, they do not specify amount for bribery and corruption, zero tolerance is common choice, if we heighten starting point, undoubtedly, it seems to be gild the lily. In“ Innovation and its Discontents”, a book published in 2004, Adam Jaffe and Josh Lerner argue that some reforms have even made things worse. The announcement of redundancies seemed to provoke little enthusiasm among investors. Bank of America's share price barely budged after Mr Moynihan's presentation. While the suite as a whole has been streamlined and improved, the optional add-on pack seems to have been gathering dust on a shelf somewhere. Only if you do the extra and harmful thing to it, the harmony between you and nature will be hurt. Comment upon this would be to paint the lily. The spontaneous rise of Silicon Roundabout might have persuaded the government to leave well alone. |
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