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Bru·no 英ˈbruːnəʊ美ˈbrunoAHDbr›“nō 高COCA¹¹²⁰⁰BNC¹¹⁷⁹⁷ 基本英英例句例句 布鲁诺男名
Noun: German pope from 1049 to 1054 whose papacy was the beginning of papal reforms in the 11th century 1002-1054Roman Catholic Church a French cleric born in Germany who founded the Carthusian order in 1084 1032-1101Italian philosopher who used Copernican principles to develop a pantheistic monistic philosophy; condemned for heresy by the Inquisition and burned at the stake 1548-1600 名词100% They copped Bruno with the evidence right on him.由于证据确凿,他们逮捕了布鲁诺。 I will call my friend Bruno Conti for advice.我会询问我的朋友布鲁诺孔蒂的建议。 Domestic spending in the first three months grew“in the range of30-35%” from a year earlier, said Bruno Lannes, a partner at Bain& Co. in Shanghai. 贝恩公司 Bain& Co.上海合伙人布鲁诺•兰尼斯 Bruno Lannes表示,今年前三个月中国国内的奢侈品消费同比增幅“介于30%至35%之间”。 forbeschina Henry Dimbleby, co-founder of the Leon chain, worked in chef Bruno Loubet's kitchens at the beginning of his career. 亨利·丁布尔比是里昂连锁店的合伙人,开始的时候,他在大厨布鲁诺·路比特的厨房里工作。 yeeyan The uncommon sense of Copernicus, Galileo and Giordano Bruno, who was burned to death. 拥有非同一般认识的哥白尼,伽利略,还有被烧死的布鲁诺。 yeeyan “ Before you request a paternity test, spend a few minutes looking at your child's eye color, ” Bruno Laeng and colleagues at the University of Tromso in Norway said in the study. 挪威特罗姆瑟大学的学者布鲁诺·朗及他的同事在研究报告中建议,“男人要求做亲子鉴定之前,可以先看看孩子眼睛的颜色。” cri “ No idea,” Bruno said. “不知道”布鲁诺回答。 yeeyan “ Our phones are ringing off the hook, ” says Bob Bruno, from John Henry Roofing in Boston. “ We can't even get to all the stuff that's calling.” 我们的电话总是响个不停“,来自波士顿亨利约翰屋顶清洁公司的鲍勃布鲁诺说道”我们甚至无法完成所有的工作。 yeeyan Another developer, Bruno asked for a high precision timer to be included in release5.0. 另一位开发者 Bruno希望能够在5.0版本中包含高精度的计时器。 infoq For holding firm to this idea of plural worlds, Giordano Bruno spent7 years in a dungeon; then, on17 February1600, he was led to a public square in Rome and burned at the stake. 为了坚持自己的多地球理论,布鲁诺在地牢里呆了七年;之后,在1600年2月,他被烧死在罗马的一个公共广场上。 yeeyan Humans may have been damaging coral reefs for centuries, said John Bruno, a marine ecologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who was not involved in the study. 未参与到研究中的,北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校海洋生物学家约翰·布鲁诺说,数百年来,人类可能一直在破坏珊瑚礁。 yeeyan I dragged myself upstairs to sit with Bruno. 我扶着自己上楼,在布鲁诺身边坐下。 yeeyan I told Bruno about it, but he misunderstood. 我把这个告诉了布鲁诺,但他误解了我的意思。 yeeyan If it happens to be Bruno, I let him in without a word and then jog back to bed, the roar of the invisible crowd ringing in my ears. 如果来人是布鲁诺,我会无声地让他进来后自己慢走回床上,而在我的耳中就会响起那些隐形的人们群情激动的欢呼声。 yeeyan Jonah Bruno, a spokesman for the Kings County District Attorney's office confirmed“ the case was dismissed”. 国王郡地方检察院发言人约拿·布鲁诺证实“这个案件被驳回”。 yeeyan Last month the company moved out of its30- person office above a pizzeria in San Mateo, Calif., and into an office building in nearby San Bruno. 上个月,Youtube把它那间30人的办公室从加州圣马特奥市的一家披萨饼店的楼上搬到了靠近圣布鲁诺的一幢写字楼里面。 yeeyan The belt, which extends from a few hundred to about2000 kilometers above Earth, “ constitutes the most abundant source of antiprotons in Earth's vicinity,” Bruno says. “这条带在地球以上几百公里到大约2000公里处延伸着,构成了地球附近最为丰富的反质子储存库,”布鲁诺说。 yeeyan The uncommon sense of Copernicus, Galileo and Giordano Bruno, who burned to death. 而这一违背“常识”的学说来自哥白尼,伽利略和被烧死的布鲁诺。 yeeyan This should be a settled dressing room and first impressions suggest Ancelotti, an excellent man- manager, and his assistant, Bruno Demichelis, of the celebrated Milan Lab should keep spirits high. 这一切有助于安定更衣室,并使这位优秀的主教练,以及他的助手布鲁诺-德米凯利斯保持持续的信心。 yeeyan Bruno and I were friends when we were boys. 当我们还是小毛头的时候,我和布鲁诺就是好朋友了。 yeeyan Bruno looked me in the eye. 布鲁诺盯着我看。 yeeyan Bruno Mascitelli and Emiliano Zucchi floated precisely that theory in the Journal of Contemporary European Studies in August2007. 布鲁诺·马斯特里 Bruno Mascitelli和埃米利亚诺·祖奇Emiliano Zucchi2007年8月在《当代欧洲研究杂志》上散布的正是这一理论。 yeeyan |